Megamorphic virtual call - trying to optimize it - optimization

we know that there are some techniques that make virtual calls not so expensive in JVM like Inline Cache or Polymorphic Inline Cache.
Let's consider the following situation:
Base is an interface.
public void f(Base[] b) {
for(int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
I see from my profiler that calling virtual (interface) method m is relatively expensive.
f is on the hot path and it was compiled to machine code (C2) but I see that call to m is a real virtual call. It means that it was not optimised by JVM.
The question is, how to deal with a such situation? Obviously, I cannot make the method m not virtual here because it requires a serious redesign.
Can I do anything or I have to accept it? I was thinking how to "force" or "convince" a JVM to
use polymorphic inline cache here - the number of different types in b` is quite low - between 4-5 types.
to unroll this loop - length of b is also relatively small. After an unroll it is possible that Inline Cache will be helpful here.
Thanks in advance for any advices.

HotSpot JVM can inline up to two different targets of a virtual call, for more receivers there will be a call via vtable/itable [1].
To force inlining of more receivers, you may try to devirtualize the call manually, e.g.
if (b.getClass() == X.class) {
((X) b).m();
} else if (b.getClass() == Y.class) {
((Y) b).m();
} ...
During execution of profiled code (in the interpreter or C1), JVM collects receiver type statistics per call site. This statistics is then used in the optimizing compiler (C2). There is just one call site in your example, so the statistics will be aggregated throughout the entire execution.
However, for example, if b[0] always has just two receivers X or Y, and b[1] always has another two receivers Z or W, JIT compiler may benefit from splitting the code into multiple call sites, i.e. manual unrolling:
int len = b.length;
if (len > 0) b[0].m();
if (len > 1) b[1].m();
if (len > 2) b[2].m();
This will split the type profile, so that b[0].m() and b[1].m() can be optimized individually.
These are low level tricks relying on the particular JVM implementation. In general, I would not recommend them for production code, since these optimizations are fragile, but they definitely make the source code harder to read. After all, megamorphic calls are not that bad [2].


Where does the KeY verification tool shine?

What are some code examples demonstrating KeY’s strength?
With so many Formal Method tools available, I was wondering where KeY is better than its competition, and how? Some readable code examples would be quite helpful for comparison and understanding.
Searching through the KeY website, I found code examples from the book — is there a suitable code example in there somewhere?
Furthermore, I found a paper about the bug that KeY found in Java 8’s mergeCollapse in TimSort. What is a minimal code from TimSort that demonstrates KeY’s strength? I do not understand, however, why model checking supposedly cannot find the bug — a bit array with 64 elements should not be too large to handle. Are other deductive verification tools just as capable of finding the bug?
Is there an established verification competition with suitable code examples?
This is a very hard question, which is why it hasn't yet been answered after having already been asked more than one year ago (and although we from the KeY community are well aware of it...).
The Power of Interaction
First, I'd like to point out that KeY is basically the only tool out there allowing for interactive proofs of Java programs. Although many proofs work automatically and we have quite powerful automatic strategies at hand, sometimes interaction is required to understand why a proof fails (too weak or even wrong specifications, wrong code or "just" a prover incapacity) and to add suitable corrections or strengthenings.
Feedback from Proof Inspection
Especially in the case of a prover incapacity (specification and program are OK, but the problem is too hard for the prover to succeed automatically), interaction is a powerful feature. Many program provers (like OpenJML, Dafny, Frama-C etc.) rely on SMT solvers in the backend which they feed with many more or less small verification conditions. The verification status for these conditions is then reported back to the user, basically as pass or fail -- or timeout. When an assertion failed, a user can change the program or refine the specifications, but cannot inspect the state of the proof to deduct information about why something went wrong; this style is sometimes called "auto-active" as opposed to interactive. While this can be quite convenient in many cases (especially when proofs pass, since the SMT solvers can be really quick in proving something), it can be hard to mine SMT solver output for information. Not even the SMT solvers themselves know why something went wrong (although they can produce a counterexample), as they just are fed a set of formulas for which they attempt to find a contradiction.
TimSort: A Complicated Algorithmic Problem
For the TimSort proof which you mentioned, we had to use a lot of interaction to make them pass. Take, for instance, the mergeHi method of the sorting algorithm which has been proven by one of the most experienced KeY power users known to me. In this proof of 460K proof nodes, 3K user interactions were necessary, consisting of quite a lot of simple ones like the hiding of distracting formulas, but also of 478 quantifier instantiations and about 300 cuts (on-line lemma introduction). The code of that method features many difficult Java features like nested loops with labeled breaks, integer overflows, bit arithmetic and so on; especially, there are a lot of potential exceptions and other reasons for branching in the proof tree (which is why in addition, also five manual state merging rule applications have been used in the proof). The workflow for proving this method basically was to give the strategies a try for some time, check the proof state afterward, prune back the proof and introduce a helpful lemma to reduce the overall proof work and to start again; occasionally, quantifiers were instantiated manually if the strategies failed to find the right instantiation directly by themselves, and proof tree branches were merged to tackle state explosion. I would just claim here that proving this code is (at least currently) not possible with auto-active tools, where you cannot guide the prover in that way, and also cannot obtain the right feedback for knowing how to guide it.
Strength of KeY
Concluding, I'd say that KeY's strong in proving hard algorithmic problems (like sorting etc.) where you have complicated quantified invariants and integer arithmetic with overflows, and where you need to find quantifier instantiations and small lemmas on the fly by inspecting and interacting with the proof state. The KeY approach of semi-interactive verification also excels in general for cases where SMT solvers time out, such that a user cannot tell whether something is wrong or an additional lemma is required.
KeY can of course also proof "simple" problems, however there you need to take care that your program does not contain an unsupported Java feature like floating point numbers or multithreading; also, library methods can be quite a problem if they're not yet specified in JML (but this problem applies to other approaches as well).
Ongoing Developments
As a side remark, I also would like to point out that KeY is now more and more being transformed to a platform for static analysis of different kinds of program properties (not only functional correctness of Java programs). On the one hand, we have developed tools such as the Symbolic Execution Debugger which can be used also by non-experts to examine the behavior of a sequential Java program. On the other hand, we are currently busy in refactoring the architecture of the system for making it possible to add frontends for languages different than Java (in our internal project "KeY-RED"); furthermore, there are ongoing efforts to modernize the Java frontend such that also newer language features like Lambdas and so on are supported. We are also looking into relational properties like compiler correctness. And while we already support the integration of third-party SMT solvers, our integrated logic core will still be there to support understanding proof situations and manual interactions for cases where SMT and automation fails.
TimSort Code Example
Since you asked for a code example... I cannot right know think of "the" code example showing KeY's strength, but maybe for giving you a flavor of the complexity of mergeHi in the TimSort algorithm, here a shortened excerpt with some comments (the full method has about 100 lines of code):
private void mergeHi(int base1, int len1, int base2, int len2) {
// ...
T[] tmp = ensureCapacity(len2); // Method call by contract
System.arraycopy(a, base2, tmp, 0, len2); // Manually specified library method
// ...
a[dest--] = a[cursor1--]; // potential overflow, NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
if (--len1 == 0) {
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, a, dest - (len2 - 1), len2);
return; // Proof branching
if (len2 == 1) {
// ...
return; // Proof branching
// ...
outer: // Loop labels...
while (true) {
// ...
do { // Nested loop
if ([cursor2], a[cursor1]) < 0) {
// ...
if (--len1 == 0)
break outer; // Labeled break
} else {
// ...
if (--len2 == 1)
break outer; // Labeled break
} while ((count1 | count2) < minGallop); // Bit arithmetic
do { // 2nd nested loop
// That's one complex statement below...
count1 = len1 - gallopRight(tmp[cursor2], a, base1, len1, len1 - 1, c);
if (count1 != 0) {
// ...
if (len1 == 0)
break outer;
// ...
if (--len2 == 1)
break outer;
count2 = len2 - gallopLeft(a[cursor1], tmp, 0, len2, len2 - 1, c);
if (count2 != 0) {
// ...
if (len2 <= 1)
break outer;
a[dest--] = a[cursor1--];
if (--len1 == 0)
break outer;
// ...
} while (count1 >= MIN_GALLOP | count2 >= MIN_GALLOP);
// ...
} // End of "outer" loop
this.minGallop = minGallop < 1 ? 1 : minGallop; // Write back to field
if (len2 == 1) {
// ...
} else if (len2 == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Comparison method violates its general contract!");
} else {
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, a, dest - (len2 - 1), len2);
Verification Competition
VerifyThis is an established competition for logic-based verification tools which will have its 7th iteration in 2019. The concrete challenges for past events can be downloaded from the "archive" section of the website I linked. Two KeY teams participated there in 2017. The overall winner that year was Why3. An interesting observation is that there was one problem, Pair Insertion Sort, which came as a simplified and as an optimized Java version, for which no team succeeded in verifying the real-world optimized version on site. However, a KeY team finished that proof in the weeks after the event. I think that highlights my point: KeY proofs of difficult algorithmic problems take their time and require expertise, but they're likely to succeed due to the combined power of strategies and interaction.

Make interpreter execute faster

I've created an interprter for a simple language. It is AST based (to be more exact, an irregular heterogeneous AST) with visitors executing and evaluating nodes. However I've noticed that it is extremely slow compared to "real" interpreters. For testing I've ran this code:
i = 3
j = 3
has = false
while i < 10000
j = 3
has = false
while j <= i / 2
if i % j == 0 then
has = true
j = j+2
if has == false then
puts i
i = i+2
In both ruby and my interpreter (just finding primes primitively). Ruby finished under 0.63 second, and my interpreter was over 15 seconds.
I develop the interpreter in C++ and in Visual Studio, so I've used the profiler to see what takes the most time: the evaluation methods.
50% of the execution time was to call the abstract evaluation method, which then casts the passed expression and calls the proper eval method. Something like this:
Value * eval (Exp * exp)
switch (exp->type)
eval ((AdditionExp*) exp);
I could put the eval methods into the Exp nodes themselves, but I want to keep the nodes clean (Terence Parr saied something about reusability in his book).
Also at evaluation I always reconstruct the Value object, which stores the result of the evaluated expression. Actually Value is abstract, and it has derived value classes for different types (That's why I work with pointers, to avoid object slicing at returning). I think this could be another reason of slowness.
How could I make my interpreter as optimized as possible? Should I create bytecodes out of the AST and then interpret bytecodes instead? (As far as I know, they could be much faster)
Here is the source if it helps understanding my problem: src
Note: I haven't done any error handling yet, so an illegal statement or an error will simply freeze the program. (Also sorry for the stupid "error messages" :))
The syntax is pretty simple, the currently executed file is in OTZ1core/testfiles/test.txt (which is the prime finder).
I appreciate any help I can get, I'm really beginner at compilers and interpreters.
One possibility for a speed-up would be to use a function table instead of the switch with dynamic retyping. Your call to the typed-eval is going through at least one, and possibly several, levels of indirection. If you distinguish the typed functions instead by name and give them identical signatures, then pointers to the various functions can be packed into an array and indexed by the type member.
value (*evaltab[])(Exp *) = { // the order of functions must match
Exp_Add, // the order type values
Then the whole switch becomes:
1 indirection, 1 function call. Fast.

Is inline PTX more efficient than C/C++ code?

I have noticed that PTX code allows for some instructions with complex semantics, such as bit field extract (bfe), find most-significant non-sign bit (bfind), and population count (popc).
Is it more efficient to use them explicitly rather than write code with their intended semantics in C/C++?
For example: "population count", or popc, means counting the one bits. So should I write:
__device__ int popc(int a) {
int d = 0;
while (a != 0) {
if (a & 0x1) d++;
a = a >> 1;
return d;
for that functionality, or should I, rather, use:
__device__ int popc(int a) {
int d;
asm("popc.u32 %1 %2;":"=r"(d): "r"(a));
return d;
? Will the inline PTX be more efficient? Should we write inline PTX to to get peak performance?
also - does GPU have some extra magic instruction corresponding to PTX instructions?
The compiler may identify what you're doing and use a fancy instruction to do it, or it may not. The only way to know in the general case is to look at the output of the compilation in ptx assembly, by using -ptx flag added to nvcc. If the compiler generates it for you, there is no need to hand-code the inline assembly yourself (or use an instrinsic).
Also, whether or not it makes a performance difference in the general case depends on whether or not the code path is used in a significant way, and on other factors such as the current performance limiters of your kernel (e.g. compute-bound or memory-bound).
A few more points in addition to #RobertCrovella's answer:
Even if you do use PTX for something - that should happen rarely. Limit it to small functions of no more than a few PTX lines - which you can then re-use for multiple purposes as you see fit, with most of your coding being in C/C++.
An example of this principle are the intrinsics #njuffa mentiond, in (that's not an official copy of the file I think). Please read it through to see which intrinsics are available to you. That doesn't mean you should use them all, of course.
For your specific example - you do want the PTX over the first version; it certainly won't do any harm. But, again, it is also an example of how you do not need to actually write PTX, since popc has a corresponding __popc intrinsic (again, as #njuffa has noted).
You might also want to have a look at the source code of some CUDA-based libraries to see what kind of PTX snippets they've chosen to use.

Is it possible to compare two Objective-C blocks by content?

float pi = 3.14;
float (^piSquare)(void) = ^(void){ return pi * pi; };
float (^piSquare2)(void) = ^(void){ return pi * pi; };
[piSquare isEqualTo: piSquare2]; // -> want it to behave like -isEqualToString...
To expand on Laurent's answer.
A Block is a combination of implementation and data. For two blocks to be equal, they would need to have both the exact same implementation and have captured the exact same data. Comparison, thus, requires comparing both the implementation and the data.
One might think comparing the implementation would be easy. It actually isn't because of the way the compiler's optimizer works.
While comparing simple data is fairly straightforward, blocks can capture objects-- including C++ objects (which might actually work someday)-- and comparison may or may not need to take that into account. A naive implementation would simply do a byte level comparison of the captured contents. However, one might also desire to test equality of objects using the object level comparators.
Then there is the issue of __block variables. A block, itself, doesn't actually have any metadata related to __block captured variables as it doesn't need it to fulfill the requirements of said variables. Thus, comparison couldn't compare __block values without significantly changing compiler codegen.
All of this is to say that, no, it isn't currently possible to compare blocks and to outline some of the reasons why. If you feel that this would be useful, file a bug via and provide a use case.
Putting aside issues of compiler implementation and language design, what you're asking for is provably undecidable (unless you only care about detecting 100% identical programs). Deciding if two programs compute the same function is equivalent to solving the halting problem. This is a classic consequence of Rice's Theorem: Any "interesting" property of Turing machines is undecidable, where "interesting" just means that it's true for some machines and false for others.
Just for fun, here's the proof. Assume we can create a function to decide if two blocks are equivalent, called EQ(b1, b2). Now we'll use that function to solve the halting problem. We create a new function HALT(M, I) that tells us if Turing machine M will halt on input I like so:
return EQ(
^(int) {return 0;},
^(int) {M(I); return 0;}
If M(I) halts then the blocks are equivalent, so HALT(M,I) returns YES. If M(I) doesn't halt then the blocks are not equivalent, so HALT(M,I) returns NO. Note that we don't have to execute the blocks -- our hypothetical EQ function can compute their equivalence just by looking at them.
We have now solved the halting problem, which we know is not possible. Therefore, EQ cannot exist.
I don't think this is possible. Blocks can be roughly seen as advanced functions (with access to global or local variables). The same way you cannot compare functions' content, you cannot compare blocks' content.
All you can do is to compare their low-level implementation, but I doubt that the compiler will guarantee that two blocks with the same content share their implementation.

What are you favorite low level code optimization tricks? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I know that you should only optimize things when it is deemed necessary. But, if it is deemed necessary, what are your favorite low level (as opposed to algorithmic level) optimization tricks.
For example: loop unrolling.
gcc -O2
Compilers do a lot better job of it than you can.
Picking a power of two for filters, circular buffers, etc.
So very, very convenient.
Why, bit twiddling hacks, of course!
One of the most useful in scientific code is to replace pow(x,4) with x*x*x*x. Pow is almost always more expensive than multiplication. This is followed by
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
z += x/y;
double denom = 1/y;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
z += x*denom;
But my favorite low level optimization is to figure out which calculations can be removed from a loop. Its always faster to do the calculation once rather than N times. Depending on your compiler, some of these may be automatically done for you.
Inspect the compiler's output, then try to coerce it to do something faster.
I wouldn't necessarily call it a low level optimization, but I have saved orders of magnitude more cycles through judicious application of caching than I have through all my applications of low level tricks combined. Many of these methods are applications specific.
Having an LRU cache of database queries (or any other IPC based request).
Remembering the last failed database query and returning a failure if re-requested within a certain time frame.
Remembering your location in a large data structure to ensure that if the next request is for the same node, the search is free.
Caching calculation results to prevent duplicate work. In addition to more complex scenarios, this is often found in if or for statements.
CPUs and compilers are constantly changing. Whatever low level code trick that made sense 3 CPU chips ago with a different compiler may actually be slower on the current architecture and there may be a good chance that this trick may confuse whoever is maintaining this code in the future.
++i can be faster than i++, because it avoids creating a temporary.
Whether this still holds for modern C/C++/Java/C# compilers, I don't know. It might well be different for user-defined types with overloaded operators, whereas in the case of simple integers it probably doesn't matter.
But I've come to like the syntax... it reads like "increment i" which is a sensible order.
Using template metaprogramming to calculate things at compile time instead of at run-time.
Years ago with a not-so-smart compilier, I got great mileage from function inlining, walking pointers instead of indexing arrays, and iterating down to zero instead of up to a maximum.
When in doubt, a little knowledge of assembly will let you look at what the compiler is producing and attack the inefficient parts (in your source language, using structures friendlier to your compiler.)
precalculating values.
For instance, instead of sin(a) or cos(a), if your application doesn't necessarily need angles to be very precise, maybe you represent angles in 1/256 of a circle, and create arrays of floats sine[] and cosine[] precalculating the sin and cos of those angles.
And, if you need a vector at some angle of a given length frequently, you might precalculate all those sines and cosines already multiplied by that length.
Or, to put it more generally, trade memory for speed.
Or, even more generally, "All programming is an exercise in caching" -- Terje Mathisen
Some things are less obvious. For instance traversing a two dimensional array, you might do something like
for (x=0;x<maxx;x++)
for (y=0;y<maxy;y++)
You might find the processor cache likes it better if you do:
for (y=0;y<maxy;y++)
for (x=0;x<maxx;x++)
or vice versa.
Don't do loop unrolling. Don't do Duff's device. Make your loops as small as possible, anything else inhibits x86 performance and gcc optimizer performance.
Getting rid of branches can be useful, though - so getting rid of loops completely is good, and those branchless math tricks really do work. Beyond that, try never to go out of the L2 cache - this means a lot of precalculation/caching should also be avoided if it wastes cache space.
And, especially for x86, try to keep the number of variables in use at any one time down. It's hard to tell what compilers will do with that kind of thing, but usually having less loop iteration variables/array indexes will end up with better asm output.
Of course, this is for desktop CPUs; a slow CPU with fast memory access can precalculate a lot more, but in these days that might be an embedded system with little total memory anyway…
I've found that changing from a pointer to indexed access may make a difference; the compiler has different instruction forms and register usages to choose from. Vice versa, too. This is extremely low-level and compiler dependent, though, and only good when you need that last few percent.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
*p++ = ...; // some complicated expression
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
p[i] = ...; // some complicated expression
Optimizing cache locality - for example when multiplying two matrices that don't fit into cache.
Allocating with new on a pre-allocated buffer using C++'s placement new.
Counting down a loop. It's cheaper to compare against 0 than N:
for (i = N; --i >= 0; ) ...
Shifting and masking by powers of two is cheaper than division and remainder, / and %
#define WORD_LOG 5
#define SIZE (1 << WORD_LOG)
#define MASK (SIZE - 1)
uint32_t bits[K]
void set_bit(unsigned i)
bits[i >> WORD_LOG] |= (1 << (i & MASK))
(i >> WORD_LOG) == (i / SIZE) and
(i & MASK) == (i % SIZE)
because SIZE is 32 or 2^5.
Jon Bentley's Writing Efficient Programs is a great source of low- and high-level techniques -- if you can find a copy.
Eliminating branches (if/elses) by using boolean math:
if(x == 0)
x = 5;
// becomes:
x += (x == 0) * 5;
// if '5' was a base 2 number, let's say 4:
x += (x == 0) << 2;
// divide by 2 if flag is set
sum >>= (blendMode == BLEND);
This REALLY speeds things out especially when those ifs are in a loop or somewhere that is being called a lot.
The one from Assembler:
xor ax, ax
instead of:
mov ax, 0
Classical optimization for program size and performance.
In SQL, if you only need to know whether any data exists or not, don't bother with COUNT(*):
SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE some_primary_key = some_value
If your WHERE clause is likely return multiple rows, add a LIMIT 1 too.
(Remember that databases can't see what your code's doing with their results, so they can't optimise these things away on their own!)
Recycling the frame-pointer all of a sudden
Pascal calling-convention
Rewrite stack-frame tail call optimizarion (although it sometimes messes with the above)
Using vfork() instead of fork() before exec()
And one I am still looking for, an excuse to use: data driven code-generation at runtime
Liberal use of __restrict to eliminate load-hit-store stalls.
Rolling up loops.
Seriously, the last time I needed to do anything like this was in a function that took 80% of the runtime, so it was worth trying to micro-optimize if I could get a noticeable performance increase.
The first thing I did was to roll up the loop. This gave me a very significant speed increase. I believe this was a matter of cache locality.
The next thing I did was add a layer of indirection, and put some more logic into the loop, which allowed me to only loop through the things I needed. This wasn't as much of a speed increase, but it was worth doing.
If you're going to micro-optimize, you need to have a reasonable idea of two things: the architecture you're actually using (which is vastly different from the systems I grew up with, at least for micro-optimization purposes), and what the compiler will do for you.
A lot of the traditional micro-optimizations trade space for time. Nowadays, using more space increases the chances of a cache miss, and there goes your performance. Moreover, a lot of them are now done by modern compilers, and typically better than you're likely to do them.
Currently, you should (a) profile to see if you need to micro-optimize, and then (b) try to trade computation for space, in the hope of keeping as much as possible in cache. Finally, run some tests, so you know if you've improved things or screwed them up. Modern compilers and chips are far too complex for you to keep a good mental model, and the only way you'll know if some optimization works or not is to test.
In addition to Joshua's comment about code generation (a big win), and other good suggestions, ...
I'm not sure if you would call it "low-level", but (and this is downvote-bait) 1) stay away from using any more levels of abstraction than absolutely necessary, and 2) stay away from event-driven notification-style programming, if possible.
If a computer executing a program is like a car running a race, a method call is like a detour. That's not necessarily bad except there's a strong temptation to nest those things, because once you're written a method call, you tend to forget what that call could cost you.
If your're relying on events and notifications, it's because you have multiple data structures that need to be kept in agreement. This is costly, and should only be done if you can't avoid it.
In my experience, the biggest performance killers are too much data structure and too much abstraction.
I was amazed at the speedup I got by replacing a for loop adding numbers together in structs:
const unsigned long SIZE = 100000000;
typedef struct {
int a;
int b;
int result;
} addition;
addition *sum;
void start() {
unsigned int byte_count = SIZE * sizeof(addition);
sum = malloc(byte_count);
unsigned int i = 0;
if (i < SIZE) {
do {
sum[i].a = i;
sum[i].b = i;
} while (i < SIZE);
void test_func() {
unsigned int i = 0;
if (i < SIZE) { // this is about 30% faster than the more obvious for loop, even with O3
do {
addition *s1 = &sum[i];
s1->result = s1->b + s1->a;
} while ( i<SIZE );
void finish() {
Why doesn't gcc optimise for loops into this? Or is there something I missed? Some cache effect?