How can I use the ' - symbol in concat function in SQL - sql

I have values in the SQL statement as follows, for example
Important are the symbol: **'**. I also need to have this as string.
So I try to get it like this:
CONCAT('**'$.**',+ AttsData.[key], '**'**') AS XYZ
So as result I want to get a column which has values like
But it is not possible to concat the symbol **'** like '**'**'.
Do you have an idea how I can solve this problem.
Thank you in Advance.

I think you just need to escape the quotes (which you commonly do by doubling up) - also not sure why you have + as part of your concat, try:
CONCAT('**''$.**', AttsData.[key], '**''**')


split string with character

using SQL 2008; I have the following string:
EMCo: 1 WorkOrder: 12770 WOItem: 10
I am trying to get the WorkOrder #.
When the string did not have the WOItem on end of it, I was able to use the following statement to get WorkOrder #.
[WorkOrder] = LTRIM(RTRIM(RIGHT(HQMA.KeyString,CHARINDEX(':',REVERSE(HQMA.KeyString))-1)))
This statement moves and may have double digits for the Co#, and it does not always have WOItem #. Was hoping to find something that would split after the ":" and just take 2nd group.
Any suggestions?
The patindex suggestion above will work beautifully, now if you still want to use your current statement, substring will pull the same values, and replace will take out WOItem. Not very elegant, it works whether you have WOItem or not:
select substring(LTRIM(RTRIM(RIGHT(REPLACE(HQMA.KeyString,'WOItem:',''),
select substring(LTRIM(RTRIM(RIGHT(REPLACE(HQMA.KeyString,'WOItem:',''),
How about using patindex()? Assuming the work order always has five characters:
select substring(HQMA.KeyString,
patindex('%WorkOrder: %', HQMA.KeyString) + 11,
5) as WorkOrder

Select query that displays Joined words separately, not using a function

I require a select query that adds a space to the data based on the placement of the capital letters i.e. 'HelpMe' using this query would be displayed as 'Help Me' . Note i cannot use a stored function to do this the it must be done in the query itself. The Data is of variable length and query must be in SQL. Any Help will be appreciated.
You need to use user defined function for this until MS give us support for regular expressions. Solution would be something like:
SELECT col1, dbo.RegExReplace(col1, '([A-Z])',' \1') FROM Table
Aldo this would produce leading space that you can remove with TRIM.
Replace regular expresion function:
About dbo.RegexReplace you can read at:
TSQL Replace all non a-z/A-Z characters with an empty string
Assume if you are using Oracle RDBMS, you use the following,
'([A-Z.])', ' \1')
FROM dual
Managed to get this output: * SQLFIDDLE
But as you see it doesn't treat well on words such as CSI though.

Replacing an Unknown Value with SQL Replace

I'm probably missing something really obvious here, but this has been a bear to search for on Google (Maybe I don't have the right terminology).
I want to replace an unknown value with another value from a temp table. I know the length of the value so my thought was to use underscores as you would in a LIKE statement. The following DOES NOT work however:
SET Name =
Replace(Name, '__SomeString', TempTable.value + ' SomeString')
ON Name LIKE TempTable.Name
This is MS SQL 2000 FWIW.
EDIT: To try and clarify it looks like the underscore '_' wildcard that is used in a LIKE statement is taken literally inside of the replace function. Is there another way?
Any thoughts?
SET Name =
CASE WHEN (Name like '_SomeString')
THEN TempTable.value + SUBSTRING(Name,2,LEN(Name)-1)
ON MyTable.Name = TempTable.Name
WHERE MyTable.Name = 'TheNameToReplace' -- I don't know if it will be for a specific name hence the where...
This will then replace 'SomeString' in the Name field, with the value from TempTable.value
Is this what you were looking for or something else?
Perhaps you can use stuff instead of replace. You need to know the start position in the string where you want to replace the characters and you need to know the length of the expression that is to be replaced. If you don't know that perhaps you can use charindex or patindex to figure that out.
select stuff('A123', 1, 1, 'B ')
(No column name)
B 123
Would somethi8ng like this work?
UPDATE mytable
SET field1 = 'A' + SUBSTRING(field1,2,LEN(field1))
WHERE LEFT(field1) IN (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Apparently it is not possible to use wild cards in the REPLACE function. This is the closest match on SO that I could find: MySQL Search & Replace with WILDCARDS - Query While the link is for MySQL I believe it is true for MS SQL as well.
The other answers here are all creative solutions to the problem, but I ended up going the brute force route.

Can anyone help me write a sql query

The above string has some characters starting with & and ending with =
for example we have &name= and I just need this from the above string.
similarly I need &id=, &class=
I need the output under a single column.
Final Extract
&id=, &class=, &name=
can anyone help me out in writing a query for this.
You could try this :
select regexp_replace('jkdfhdjfhjh&name=ijkjkjkjkjkjk&id=kdjkjkjkjkjkjjjd&class=kdfjjfjdhfjhf', '\\w*?(&.*?=)\\w+((?=&)|$)', '\\1, ', 'g');
&name=, &id=, &class=,
Then it's up to you to remove the last ,.
The regexp_replace function is available in version 8.1 and after.
If you want the values along with each variable, I would implement this by splitting on "&" into an array and then taking a slice of the desired elements:
SELECT (string_to_array('jkdfhdjfhjh&name=ijkjkjkjkjkjk&id=kdjkjkjkjkjkjjjd&class=kdfjjfjdhfjhf','&'))[2:4];
Output in PostgreSQL 8.4 (array type):
The example string is very wide so here's the general form to show the array slicing more clearly:
SELECT ((string_to_array(input_field,'&'))[2:4];
NOTE: You must have the extra parentheses around the string_to_array() call in order for the array slicing to work--you'll get an error otherwise.

How to parse out quoted values from a column with sql

I have a field that has values like this...
I'd like to parse out the quoted values.
its going to be some sort of combination of substr and instr
its the doublequote i have issues finding its position.
i have tried things like select substr(field_value, instr(field_value,'"'),instr(field_value,'"',null,2)) from table where etc
apologies a noob question...
Here's something that should work (unable to test at the moment):
select substr(substr(field_value, instr(field_value,':')+1, CHAR_LENGTH(field_value)-1),
instr(substr(field_value, instr(field_value,':')+1, CHAR_LENGTH(field_value)-1),':')+1)
Edit: Putting my comment in the answer:
select substr(field_value, instr(field_value,'\"'),CHAR_LENGTH(field_value)-1)