How to parse out quoted values from a column with sql - sql

I have a field that has values like this...
I'd like to parse out the quoted values.
its going to be some sort of combination of substr and instr
its the doublequote i have issues finding its position.
i have tried things like select substr(field_value, instr(field_value,'"'),instr(field_value,'"',null,2)) from table where etc
apologies a noob question...

Here's something that should work (unable to test at the moment):
select substr(substr(field_value, instr(field_value,':')+1, CHAR_LENGTH(field_value)-1),
instr(substr(field_value, instr(field_value,':')+1, CHAR_LENGTH(field_value)-1),':')+1)
Edit: Putting my comment in the answer:
select substr(field_value, instr(field_value,'\"'),CHAR_LENGTH(field_value)-1)


How can I use the ' - symbol in concat function in SQL

I have values in the SQL statement as follows, for example
Important are the symbol: **'**. I also need to have this as string.
So I try to get it like this:
CONCAT('**'$.**',+ AttsData.[key], '**'**') AS XYZ
So as result I want to get a column which has values like
But it is not possible to concat the symbol **'** like '**'**'.
Do you have an idea how I can solve this problem.
Thank you in Advance.
I think you just need to escape the quotes (which you commonly do by doubling up) - also not sure why you have + as part of your concat, try:
CONCAT('**''$.**', AttsData.[key], '**''**')

Similar to with regex in Postgresql

In Postgresql database I have a column called names where I have some names which need to be parsed using regex to clean up punctuation parts. I am able to get a clean name using regexp_replace as follows:
select regexp_replace(name,'\.COM|''[A-Z]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]+|\s(?=&)|(?<!\w\w)(?:\s+|-)(?!\w\w)','','g')
from tableA
However, I would like to compare with some strings that are also cleaned of punctuation. How can I use similar to with the formed regular expression?
select name
from tableA
where (lower(name) ~ '\.COM|''[A-Za-z]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]+|\s(?=&)|(?<!\w\w)(?:\s+|-)(?!\w\w)') as nameParsed similar to '(fg )%' and
(lower(name) ~ '\.COM|''[A-Za-z]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]+|\s(?=&)|(?<!\w\w)(?:\s+|-)(?!\w\w)') as nameParsed similar to '%( cargo| carrier| cartage )%'
With the previous query I am getting this error:
LINE 3: ...-zA-Z0-9 -]+|\s(?=&)|(?<!\w\w)(?:\s+|-)(?!\w\w)') as namePar...
I have tried in where clause like this and it seems to be working:
select name
from tableA
where (select lower(regexp_replace(name,'\.COM|''[A-Z]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]+|\s(?=&)|(?<!\w\w)(?:\s+|-)(?!\w\w)','','g'))) similar to '(fg )%'
Is this the best approach? The execution time went to 46 seconds :(
Thanks in advance
You're trying to get a column name in a WHERE clause (is a comparison, not a column). So, you can use as follows:
FROM "tableA"
WHERE (regexp_replace(name,'\.COM|''[A-Z]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]+|\s(?=&)|(?<!\w\w)(?:\s+|-)(?!\w\w)','','g') similar to '(fg )%'
OR regexp_replace(name,'\.COM|''[A-Z]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]+|\s(?=&)|(?<!\w\w)(?:\s+|-)(?!\w\w)','','g') similar to '%( cargo| carrier| cartage )%');
Alternatively, you can use ilike instead of similar to if you want to find a specific word.

SQL fetch results by concatenating words in column

I have column store_name (varchar). In that column I have entries like prime sport, best buy... with a space. But when user typed concatenated string like primesport without space I need to show result prime sport. how can I achieve this? Please help me
WHERE replace(store_name, ' ', '') LIKE '%'+#SEARCH+'%' OR STORE_NAME LIKE '%'+#SEARCH +'%'
Well, I don't have much idea, and even I am searching for it. But may be what I know works for you, You can achieve this by performing different type of string operations:
Mike can be Myke or Myce or Mikke or so on.
Cat an be Kat or katt or catt or so on.
For this you should write a function to generate number of possible strings and then form a SQL Query using all these, and query the database.
A similar kind of search in known as Soundex Search from Oracle and Soundex Search from Microsoft. Have a look of it. this may work.
And overall make use of functions like upper and lower.
Have you tried using replace()
You can replace the white space in the query then use like
SELECT * FROM table WHERE replace(store_name, ' ', '') LIKE '%primesport%'
It will work for entries like 'prime soft' querying with 'primesoft'
Or you can use regex.

Oracle sql queries

I am working on a small relational database for school and having trouble with a simple query. I am supposed to find all records in a table that have a field with the word 'OMG' somewhere in the text.
I have tried a few other and I can't figure it out. I am getting an invalid relational operator error.
my attempts:
select * from comments where contains('omg');
select * from comments where text contains('omg');
select * from comments where about('omg');
and several more variations of the above. As you can see I am brand spanking new to SQL.
text is the name of the field in the comments table.
Thanks for any help.
Assuming that the column name is text:
select * from comments where text like '%omg%';
The percentage % is a wild-card which means that any text can come before/after omg
Pay attention, if you don't want the results to contain words in which omg` is a substring - you might want to consider adding whitespaces:
select * from comments where text like '% omg %';
Of course that it doesn't cover cases like:
omg is at the end of the sentence (followed by a ".")
omg has "!" right afterwards
You may want to use the LIKE operator with wildcards (%):
SELECT * FROM comments WHERE text LIKE '%omg%';

Select according to string ending

In my DB, I store various version numbers, like the following :
I would like to sort them not according to last version element (the number behind the last . character. How do I write such SQL statement ?
I guess it's something like:
But what is the exact syntax?
The correct version is
i dont know which sql-software you are using, but you should have a look at substr and instr parameters. in you case you are passing 3 parameters to instr and 1 parameter in substr. but substr normally requires more. insert some blanks to get an overview of your statement, especially for the substr.... as LAST_VERSION. then you will see. wrong param count.