"Starting Rasa server on http://localhost:5005" how do I change localhost to a particular VM's address and how to run the RASA model? - virtual-machine

I deployed my Rasa Bot on a VM, and ran it using rasa run. But when the server up and running it shows as "Starting Rasa server on http://localhost:5005". But I want my bot to work on the VM's address so that I can use it for the webhooks. Without using ngrok. Which files should I customize and how do I run my model?

You need to solve this with your VM configuration, not with Rasa config files. You probably need to bridge your VM and host networks.


Host Nuxt.js and Express.js On Ubuntu server via putty and run it all the time

I have done a project for BE and FE (Express.js and Nuxt.js), but when it build and run it via putty on ubuntu server, this is what I get
Is that a way to make it live using Putty?
And what happens if I close Putty, will Express and Nuxt still be running on the server?
This is not a conventional way of exposing something to the Internet since it's not publicly facing the Internet (the only way right now to have access to your apps is to know the IP of the server, username + password of the SSH account).
Also, you're running the server in dev mode here, not something optimized in terms of speed.
You will need to use yarn generate (or yarn build) then yarn start on Netlify, Vercel or any platform like that for your Frontend (free service usually if using SSG).
Here is a whole list of places and how to host there for the frontend: https://nuxtjs.org/deployments
As for your backend, you may host it on Heroku, Render.com, Railway or any place of your choice (with a Node.js available).
Even a bare metal SSD can be good for such but it will require more setup overall.

How can I host REST API created by Hyperledger Fabric Composer Rest Server on ubuntu 18.04

I am new to Hyperledger Fabric. Just created a new application by following a tutorial available at https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-build-a-blockchain-network-using-hyperledger-fabric-and-composer-e06644ff801d
Now I am running the application with http://localhost:8080/ on my local machine, but I need to deploy that application with a public URL/IP.
How can I do that in Ubuntu 18.04?
I am not much familiar with Apache and Ubuntu.
But I tried a way available to host the application I created in Apache from the tutorial available at: https://www.ostechnix.com/configure-apache-virtual-hosts-ubuntu-part-1/
But I am confused in between that how can I accomplish this task.
I need to host this application with a URL or either with an IP so other users on my network can access the API and use that.

Mattermost web-app connectivity from local(windows machine) to mattermost-server which install on AWS server

I am trying to connect Mattermost web-app from local(windows machine) to mattermost-server which install on AWS server.
So my question is...
Is it possible?
which files are used for API call in Mattermost web app?
Can you expand on your question? Are you attempting to run the Mattermost desktop app locally and connect to a Mattermost server that is running within AWS? If so, this is very possible - just make sure that your server is exposed to the internet, and put its URL into the desktop app.

Need to install Firefox browser on Hortonworks Sandbox virtual machine (HDP 2.4) running in Virtual Box 5.0.16

I am new to Hadoop and the Big Data world...
I have installed the Hortonworks Sandbox VM in Virtual Box. It's working great...
Can someone tell me how to install Firefox within the VM? I need it to use NIFI
Thanks a lot for any help!
Installing a browser on the VM and using it through VNC will typically be very slow. The best option is to set up an SSH Tunnel and do a local forward. If you use the PuTTy ssh client on windows then you can follow the following instructions on setting up the local forward which will allow you to use your browser on the host operating system to connect to the NIFI instance running in your VM.

Ubuntu on VirtualBox and Rails server

I have Windows 7. Installed VirtualBox and Ubuntu 11.04 as guest OS.
Networking is done by NAT.
Everything is fine: I have internet on Ubuntu.
I can access Windows from Ubuntu by its ip.
But i can't access Ubuntu by it's ip which is shown by ifconfig.
I run rails on Ubuntu.
How can I solve this problem: connect to Ubuntu/Rails server on ort 3000 from my Windows?
By default, VirtualBox's NAT allows the virtual machine to access the Internet ; but doesn't allow the physical machine to access the Virtual one.
The simplest solution would be to use another networking setting than NAT, for your Virtual Machine -- for instance, bridge should work fine (your VM would be visible on your network, though).
Another solution would be to use port forwarding ; about that, this article might help : Howto Access via ssh a Virtualbox Guest machine.
I used to struggle with configuring a similar setup until I found Vagrant. Vagrant makes it very simple to setup, connect to and work with a Linux virtual machine. After Vagrant is configured you can just type vagrant ssh to enter the virtual machine and your account has automatic sudo rights and everything works as expected - you don't even have to deal with logging into the vm. The initial setup for ssh does look to be a little more work under Windows though as you need to configure Putty before you can connect.
There is a simple configuration file in Vagrant that you use to specify which ports from the VM you want forwarded to your machine using a syntax like:
config.vm.forward_port("rails", 80, 3000)
config.vm.forward_port("tomcat", 8000, 8080)
and everything is taken care of. Details are here
If, for example, you are using Rails and you start vagrant with the command vagrant up in your Rails project directory than that directory is available on the VM. Since it is the same shared directory between machines, any changes you make in your Rails project directory on your machine using your regular editor is seen on the VM also. This makes testing in other environments very easy.
Instructions for setting Vagrant up with Windows are here and a RailsCast about it is here. Note that Vagrant has nothing to do directly with Rails - you can use it for setup of any virtual machine environment you need.
In short, you can't.
It is a local host not a public domain therefore not publicly accessible outside of your virtualbox environment.
Maybe someone has a clever hack for this but why would you want to do this in the first place?
Your solution is to either use firefox to browse to your localhost within your virtualbox linux session or develop on windows.
Personally I work the other way round I run Ubuntu 11.04 and I have virtualbox installations of xp, 2,000, me, vista and 7 so I can test in different environments. Inevitably I end up sharing my project folder from Ubuntu so that I can run the project in whatever OS I am testing for.