Ionic 6 app keeps building in production mode - vue.js

I am trying to build my app in development mode and am running this script:
ionic capacitor run ios
But every time it says building in production mode? Am I missing something? Shouldn't it only build production if I use the --prod flag?

I found that I need to use:
ionic capacitor run ios -- --mode development
vue-cli-service build produces a production-ready bundle in the dist/ directory, with minification for JS/CSS/HTML and auto vendor chunk splitting for better caching. The chunk manifest is inlined into the HTML.

Check your angular.json configuration file and ensure that configurations is set for dev environments.


Nuxt 3 : Difference nuxt start / nuxt preview?

Is there a difference between nuxt start + nuxt preview?
And is it correct to start a server with an ssr nuxt app in production mode with:
npm run build (nuxt build)
npm run start (nuxt start) ?
For me, the docs are a little bit confusing,
"The preview command starts a server to preview your Nuxt application after running the build command."
There are mainly 4 things:
nuxt dev, purely for development purposes
nuxt build for SSR or nuxt generate for SSG
nuxt preview to get a preview locally of what would the final bundle look like
nuxt start what should be running on the actual production server
At the end, Nuxt's team made this simple for us by detecting the platform you're pushing your code too. But at the end, you could have nuxt ship or nuxt yoloooo doing the exact same thing, it all depends of your own preferences.
Most of the defaults are adapting or overriding some possible mistakes by analyzing what are your project's settings and reacting accordingly.
Depending on where you deploy your app, you can get various behaviors as explained in the doc:
If you want to deploy your app on Heroku (SSR), your nuxt start command will look something like this
"scripts": {
"build": "nuxt build",
"start": "node .output/server/index.mjs"
as shown here:
If you're publishing your code to some SSG platform, it will usually use a "lighter Nginx/Apache server" for free and do basically the same as serve for your static assets (with nuxt start).
The only thing NOT to do is to ship a nuxt dev on production.

vue-cli-service build heavier than vue ui build

I build my VueJS app with vue-cli-service build --mode production, and my chunk-vendors.js weighs 3.2M.
So I decided to investigate why it's so heavy, using vue ui.
Then, I simply click on Build, and I see that chunk-vendors.js is now 1.0M !
Why is there a such difference between these two build?
Here the screenshots:
Thank you for you help!
vue ui's build command is this:
vue-cli-service build --mode production --target app --no-module --dashboard
Notice the --no-module flag, which turns off modern browser builds, which is enabled by default as of Vue CLI 5.0.0. Therefore, the command you're using (i.e., without --no-module) creates a modern build, which includes transpiled code and polyfilled bundles for legacy browsers in addition to slimmer code for modern browsers that don't require the polyfills. On the other hand, vue ui only builds the latter.

How to have auto-reloading i18n while using Nuxt

Please tell me how can I use i18n in Nuxt.js with lang files? I want to edit my lang file on the server after build, but there is no change. Do I have to re-do npm run build every time? Nightmare!
I'm using
I want #/lang/en.json to watch and automatically change after repeated yarn start
yarn dev during development. It will reload you app to take the i18n changes into account.
yarn build or yarn generate are used for production builds.

How do i stop expo from running in the web

I recently started react-native, after installing all dependencies i tried starting my project but when it starts i don"t seem to find the QR code scanner for me to scan with my device anywhere, instead it starts in the browser, it says
web Starting Webpack on port 19006 in development mode.
Expo Webpack █████████████████████████ building (40%) 194/196 modules 2 active
i 「wds」: Project is running at
i 「wds」: webpack output is served from /
i 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\expo-cli\node_modules#expo\webpack-config\web-default
i 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /
. I want expo to run on my device not the browser.
Deleting all the metro packages from project_root/node_modules.
Run npm install in project_root.
Now run expo start again and it should work.
This seems to help in most cases
In your app.json you can set wich platforms you want, like this
"platforms": [
The problem is :
When you use react-native-web, Metro uses webpack to pack your code to be
available for web.
Something is wrong with the installation (a bug maybe) so metro
cannot pack for running the code on a simulator or on a device.
The simptom is you cannot see the QR Code when npm start wright ?
The Solution : Customize webpack
This procedure creates the file webpack.config.js on the roor directory of your project.
Running the expo customize:web will create webpack.config.js
This action solves the problem. You will see the QR again and
will be able to run your app in a device, simulator and web.
I had this problem after installing some packages, and i did npm install and it worked

Vue.js app deployment

I have Vue app, created with vue-cli. This is semi-developed application. I want show to customer what we have now. So, I want to deploy what we have.
If I run script npm run build can I continue project development after building? What best practices for deploying not finished app?
P. S. I'm new in vue. I know, that my question can be stupid. Anyway, do not place minuses, please.
You need to buy a vps hosting and install node.js. That's all, you can deploy your app. Also you can make a simple back-end on node+express and put there your 'dist' folder after npm run build and this will be your demo app.
Yes. npm run build will build and package your app into the dist folder. Everything under your src folder will remain as it is. You can continue working on your app normally and build it as often as you want. There aren't really best practices for this. I would just make sure it doesn't touch production data until it's actually ready.