Can't delete a Sanity project - sanity

I recently set up a new Sanity project via the CLI, but accidentally used the wrong file path. Now I'm unable to delete the project from within Sanity via Project > Settings > Delete Project. I keep getting a vague error "Could not delete project." Has anyone else run into this?

Of course, my problem ended up being a matter of org permissions. I was set to developer and not administrator — changing that fixed my issue.
If anyone from Sanity sees this, although it might seem obvious in hindsight, I'd maybe suggest updating the error message to be more descriptive.

simply go to this address and delate


Cannot update project using Subversion in Intellij

I am trying to update my project using svn (right click on the project name -> Subversion -> Update Directory). The next error appears: "No versioned directories to update were found".
Also, when I try to checkout the project, i get the following error
Can someone please help me with this?
The error is rather generic, it basically means svn client could not connect. Could be caused by misconfigured proxy server settings, errors in servers configuration file or firewall.
Check if it works in the command line in the first place. Also, check the IDE logs, the issue could be caused by something else

Expired time for acquiring lock pentaho

I'm using pentaho BI (spoon) and I have a problem with it.
At each action (open job/transformation or save for example) it show this window
now I can't open existing transformation. Does anyone know this issue?
I know this is an old post, but the problem is still current (version 8.2 CE), and I was unable to find any help (other than the workaround to delete the .lock files, but this only solves it for a few minutes, possibly even less).
I had exactly the same problem, it basically rendered Spoon useless. In my case, the culprit was the antivirus program. I noticed it only because I installed the AV after I used Spoon for some time. I just removed the AV (and installed another one) - no more problems.
It seems that your repository is having some issue in connecting.
Try checking the repo. connection and also check for the permission of accessing the repo.
I faced a similar issue and was able to resolve it by deleting the lock file under
(local-repository root)\.meta\metastore\.lock
Kettle - Spoon version
I was also facing a similar issue and was able to resolve it by deleting the lock.
Pentaho tool creates .pentaho directory in the home directory.
inside .pentaho delete .lock from
and also delete .lock file
restart your pentaho tool.
hope above solution works for you.
I faced a similar issue and was able to resolve it by deleting the lock file under C:\Users\myuser.pentaho\metastore

TeamCity project for deployment fails with Exit Code 1

I am adding a SQL script(StoredProc) for deployment using TeamCity Projects and the deployment fails and says(* Process exited with Code 1). It throws an Error in Deploying script to DB. But it was fine before.
Seems to me some issue with permissions, but I havent changed any.
Could anyone enlighten?
Thanks this issue is resolved, I was missing a build error( was creating an SP in the script that I was deploying, but which already existed in DB with same name).
The exit code error message isnt always very descriptive, but stumbled upon "already exists" keyword somewhere in between the build-log. Hence rectified .
Good idea to examine log carefully.

Build Fail : aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319

I have a build step that is part of my deployment configuration. My coworker told me it had worked once in a blue moon
I kept on getting this error consistently when I ran this build step:
Deleting dirPath (\aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319). [15:22:22]:
[VSMSDeploy] C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.\We
\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(3588, 5): Web deployment task failed.((3/28/2012 3:22:22 PM) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.)
Attempt to perform an unauthorized operation on file '4_0_30319'.
It seems that it is trying to delete the folder
aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319 , but has no permission to.
we run this build on a virtual machine.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
All help is greatly appreciated.
I had this issue deploying as site with msdeploy and teamcity. I resolved it by deleteing these folders from my website aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319
Yes you can delete this folder and the next deploy will work, but with the next windows update that runs the registration tool as part of it's install will add this folder back to all sites on IIS (with the incorrect permissions) - so your deployment will fail again. You can avoid this by
Giving the deploy user elevated privileges (not a great solution for
obvious reasons)
Add the folder structure to your SC so it gets
deployed instead of the deployment trying to delete it (not ideal, but easiest)
Stop automatic windows updates (not sensible)
You might be able to do
something like this
to ignore the folder in deployment (I've not tried this)
As MemeDeveloper mentions in their answer, one way to fix this is to simply ignore that directory. Indeed, this is the easiest fix and doesn't require adding anything to your source control repository or build output. Just add the following to your msdeploy.exe command:
I wasn’t using TeamCity but I think I also had this issue. I was trying to deploy to Discount ASP.NET using VS2010 WebDeploy. After reading what doglin and Dan posted, I found I could workaround this problem by checking the “Leave extra files on destination (do not delete)” box. That may not be an option for everyone but it worked for me.
I faced the same problem during WebDeploy in TeamCity. I end up elevating privileges for WebDeploy account under which I do WebDeploy task. So the account have enough power to delete those folder (local admin role).

Application Loader: "Cannot proceed with delivery: an existing transporter instance is currently uploading this package"

I have been unable to overcome this error in Application Loader. I've quit, restarted, tried different computers - it's like the server is hung up on an op that I never initiated and it won't time out. Has anyone seen it before and beaten it?
Basically, you need to clear out the transport tokens. This can happen if you were to close out of Xcode while in the middle of submitting an app to iTunes Connect.
The token files now appear in the
Library/Caches/ subfolder of the given user's home directory. Which, honestly, is a better place for them anyway.
Delete any .token files in this directory.
If you are unable to find the .token files, this is because they are hidden in Finder. To hide/show hidden files in Finder, use the following Terminal command (TRUE = UNHIDE, FALSE = HIDE):
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE;killall Finder
You need to clear out the transport tokens.
Open Terminal on your Mac, and paste:
rm /Users/<username>/Library/Caches/*.token
That should clear the stuck token. After this, try uploading the build again.
It might be because Xcode crashed as you were uploading your app. Either, all you need to do is delete the token files:
Open Terminal on your Mac, and paste:
rm ~/.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/*.token
That should clear it. If it still doesn't work (at this point you should try re-uploading your app), run that command on Terminal again, or manually go to...
...and delete all the .token files.
Hope that helps!
token was in here
Appreciated #WrightsCS 's answer It helps me to overcome Application Loader issue.
I would like to highlight one more thing here.
I proceed as per #WrightsCS answer and it resolved Application loader error:
Can not proceed with delivery: an existing transporter instance is currently uploading this package
But I found one more issue after removing all tokens from
I went to iTunesConnect and clicked on "My Apps", what I saw a message that "Can not connect... please contact Apple".
Here I don't know why it suddenly stops working!
I submitted the same build which was there on iTunesConnect for submission but it has shown as processing.
After submission of that build, iTunesConnect works fine! Also, I am able to see last uploaded build in a list for submission.
In my case (I am using OSX Catalina), I was not able to find the folder:
Under my user home directory (even when showing hidden files and folders)
but it seems my problem was a bit different and I just closed xCode completely (every xCode window opened) and reopened it again then I archived my project and uploaded it without any issues
maybe this could help someone else fix this issue
You need to clear out the upload tokens that are "stuck". To do this, open the tokens file found in /users//.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/. You should see one line of text at the top that refers to your current upload token. Simply delete this line and save the file. You should now be able to submit your app again.