Removing three highlighted dots in Rider JetBrains - intellij-idea

I'm using the latest version of Rider by JetBrains for my C# projects. I like very much the color scheme of IntelliJ Idea and their shortcuts but my C# code in Rider gets highlighted by 3 dots when the IDE finds a quickfix. I want to change 3 dots rider's highlighting to the highlighting of IntelliJ Idea, or just remove the 3 dots. Do you know guys how can I achieve this ?
rider highlight
intellij highlight

These three dots does not come from a color schema, they are indicating some potential troubles in your code. Namely, it is "Replace built-in type reference with a CLR type name or keyword".
Disable this inspection in "Preferences | Editor | Inspection Settings | Inspection Severity | C#" as shown to get rid of the unwanted warning.
Settings screenshot
If you want to get rid of other warnings, hover your mouse of "..." and you will see the inspection name. Now, press Shift+Shift and type the inspection name. Click on the appeared option to open this inspection setting.


Intellij, Thymeleaf, recognise instanceof during code inspection

I was wondering if it was possible to have Intellij code inspection recognise "instanceof" and mark it as correct.
The code i provided in the picture works, I just want to stop Intellij from drawing the red line
Picture of the code
You can ignore and supress inspections for Intellij from the Settings menu.
Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), select Editor | Inspections.
Or you can supress/disable inspections by selecting the statement and pressing Alt + Enter and then pressing Disable inspection (if this is provided) . You can read the official documentation from Intellij.
You can find the full list of Java inspections for Intellij here.

Remove automated closing bracket comments in IntelliJ IDEA

I'm seeing following happen when working in intelliJ IDEA with Dart based project
All comments there i.e // AppBar are auto generated, I assume for easier tracking of what closing brackets belong where. Weird bit is that I can't even highlight them, nor delete them and when I copy code they are not copied over.
Is there a way to disable this feature in the ide?
The checkbox is in Settings (Preferences) | Editor | General | Appearance, toggle 'Show closing labels in Dart source code'.
And in the vs code editor, change this setting to false
"dart.closingLabels": true
You can find this setting easily. Go setting and search(Ctrl+f) dart.closingLabels
Update 24.11.2019:
If you want to customize the closing label color, you can do this. In vscode, open your settings.json file and set this setting
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"dart.closingLabels": "#FF5733"

Change background color of highlighted HTML elements

When I hover the mouse on a HTML tag in the tiny bar under the file tab, the background of the highlighted element is very bright, and the text becomes unreadable.
I couldn't find a way to customize this in the settings, can somebody help?
Here's what I mean:
It uses your caret row color (it just automatically makes it lighter so it's more visible) and not some separate style which you can disable/modify.
ATM there is no option to disable such behaviour. I mean -- IDEA-139930 ticket is fixed, but not available in 141.xx branch that PhpStorm is currently built on.
If it annoys you a lot then right now I may only suggest to disable that breadcrumbs bar altogether until PhpStorm will move to 142.xx or newer branch. For that: Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | General | Appearance | Show HTML breadcrumbs (you will have to close and reopen that file to see the changes).
You should post more info about specification: exact version of PhpStorm etc.
Try this:

Eclipse SQL Editor normal text color

I was able to change all the other SQL syntax coloring in Eclipse Preferences, but the normal (non-Sql-syntactic) text is still black and I couldn't find where to find the setting for that. Black text is kind of hard to read against an almost black background. Thank you!
If you are looking for the place to change the Text Editor color settings, go to Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors, select "Foreground color" in "Appearance color options", uncheck "System Default", click on the color and choose the color you want.
If you want to change the SQL Editor color settings, go to Preferences->Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->Syntax Coloring.
Edit: You need to change the "Others" item in SQL Editor's syntax coloring. It's working on my Mac, anyway. First uncheck "Default foreground color" and then choose the color you want.
Edit: For those not seeing the change, after selecting "Apply and Close", you must Restart your workspace to see the changes.
File -> Restart
Alexis Dufrenoy is absolutely right:
If you want to change the SQL Editor color settings, go to Preferences->Sata Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->Syntax Coloring.
Edit: You need to change the "Others" item in SQL Editor's syntax coloring. It's working on my Mac, anyway. First uncheck "Default foreground color" and then choose the color you want.
Just in Luna release I have to restart Eclipse every time after changing SQL syntax coloring (other editors work without restart).
Its strange, but with Windows 7 its the only way.
I was having trouble with the existing answers on Version: 2019-03 (4.11.0)
Change the color of the "Others" option here to change the black text
You may also find it useful to similarly change the other options like "Single Quoted String" (blue default) , "Type" (purple default)
Since 2019-03-14 there is standalone and very simple SQL editor plugin available at eclipse marketplace: - it's just for editing SQL files, syntax highlighting and contains an experimental SQL formatter. It has full customizable colour preferences and also good looking defaults for dark theme - see
It is open source, works out of the box, is small and has no dependencies.
So it could be a good alternative.
PS: I am the author of the mentioned plugin.

Rename using suggested var name with resharper

I'm Using resharper 6 nighty builds and I've a big medium project with multiple files that don't follow the code style conventions of my company.
I've configured resharper with my own convenctions and It suggest to me the right name for each variable (perfect!).
But I can't find any automagic way to make the current name to be replaced with the suggested name.
Are there any way to do it? If not ... did you know ane fearure of coderush Xpress to achieve it?
If you've configured ReSharper with your naming conventions, then it should show a warning (blue squiggly underline) under any identifiers that don't comply. If you put the text cursor on one of those misnamed identifiers, you should see a pyramid icon appear near the left margin. Then you can press Alt+Enter (or click the pyramid icon) to drop down a quick-fix menu. There should be an option in the menu to "Rename to '_myField'". Usually it's the first item in the list, so you can just press Enter again to do the rename.
If you want to do this on everything in a source file, you can use the ReSharper > Inspect > Next Issue in File command (or its keyboard shortcut -- F12 in the IDEA keymap) to move the cursor to the next warning in the file. Then, if it's another name warning, you can use Alt+Enter, Enter again to fix it.
Unfortunately, there isn't a way to automatically fix every instance of a warning at once (though it's been requested; please feel free to vote for RSRP-126551 in their issue tracker).