Intellij, Thymeleaf, recognise instanceof during code inspection - intellij-idea

I was wondering if it was possible to have Intellij code inspection recognise "instanceof" and mark it as correct.
The code i provided in the picture works, I just want to stop Intellij from drawing the red line
Picture of the code

You can ignore and supress inspections for Intellij from the Settings menu.
Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), select Editor | Inspections.
Or you can supress/disable inspections by selecting the statement and pressing Alt + Enter and then pressing Disable inspection (if this is provided) . You can read the official documentation from Intellij.
You can find the full list of Java inspections for Intellij here.


How do I change "new Line" in IntelliJ IDEA when auto format code

Every time when I want to reformat my code in IntelliJ IDEA it starts a new line when the text reaches this white line. But I don't want it there I want it further right. How do I change it?
Change your margin width
My version: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.1 (Ultimate Edition).
IntelliJ is just doing what you asked it to,
what the prefs specify.
In Mac PyCharm, click CMD-, (comma) prefs
-> Editor -> Code Style -> Hard wrap at: N columns
Either adjust N to your favorite value,
or untick the "wrap on typing" checkbox.
Other JetBrains products will
offer similar dialogs.

Removing three highlighted dots in Rider JetBrains

I'm using the latest version of Rider by JetBrains for my C# projects. I like very much the color scheme of IntelliJ Idea and their shortcuts but my C# code in Rider gets highlighted by 3 dots when the IDE finds a quickfix. I want to change 3 dots rider's highlighting to the highlighting of IntelliJ Idea, or just remove the 3 dots. Do you know guys how can I achieve this ?
rider highlight
intellij highlight
These three dots does not come from a color schema, they are indicating some potential troubles in your code. Namely, it is "Replace built-in type reference with a CLR type name or keyword".
Disable this inspection in "Preferences | Editor | Inspection Settings | Inspection Severity | C#" as shown to get rid of the unwanted warning.
Settings screenshot
If you want to get rid of other warnings, hover your mouse of "..." and you will see the inspection name. Now, press Shift+Shift and type the inspection name. Click on the appeared option to open this inspection setting.

IntelliJ Idea + Dart classes - how do I view documentation comments for a particular class

In VSCode you can hover over a dart class name and it will give you the documentation comments. How do you achieve this in IntelliJ?
I'm using the community edition.
I have tried the cmd + mouse hover but it doesn't give me the comments
it was an option that isn't automatically selected
Automatically show quick documentation #
In the Settings/Preferences dialog (⌃⌥S), go to Editor | General.
In the Other area, select the Show quick documentation on mouse move checkbox and specify the delay in milliseconds after which the
popup should appear.

how to disable word highlighting in Intellij idea?

some words are automatically highlighted in intellij how can I disable them,words which have been highlighted are in use,and it only gets highlighted when they are in use by some other piece of code.How can i disable this?
in the pic there are some words which are highlighted
Activating automatic highlighting of usages
Open the Settings dialog box (File | Settings for Windows and Linux or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences for macOS), and click General under the Editor node.
On the General page that opens, select the Highlight usages of element at caret check box in the Highlight on Caret Movement area.
Or you can select highlighted text and press Ctrl+Shift+F7(Windows or Linux).

How to disable auto show hints in JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm) on mouse over

How to disable auto show hints in IntelliJ IDEA on mouse over?
This hint could be very big if you call existing method with incorrect parameters. It's very uncomfortable.
There are the same behaviour in PyCharm:
and WebStorm:
Those popups (or tooltips) has been my worst annoyance in the editor for a while. There is how I fixed it:
On the editor, at the bottom-right of the window, there is a head icon. Click it and uncheck the box "Import popup".
You can have a look at this guide (with images) to help you finding the checkbox:
I hope that can help you
TOTALLY: Open Settings (or Pereferences, if you are OS X user) dialog, choose Editor | Inspections. On the Mange tab (right pane of the dialog) select Copy. Then click the language node. Here you can find the setion that is probably responsible for your tooltips and disable it. Or disable the whole language node, if you like. This way you have all the IDE features working and no tooltips at all. You can return back to Project Default inspections profile when you need it.
PARTIALLY: Try to disable the respected intention action. Press Alt+Enter when you see the tooltip, select the action from the list and press the right arrow key. In the context menu, select "Disable".
From JetBrains Forum.
You probably need to uncheck the Inlay Hints.
For Windows 10 & PyCharm Community 2020.3.3 :
File > Settings > Editor > Inlay Hints
Uncheck Show hints for: