Syslog-ng to Syslog-ng over TLS - destination not writing to disk - ssl

Trying to configure a syslog-ng server to send all of the logs that it receives, to another syslog-ng server over TLS. Both running RHEL 7. Everything seems to be working from an encryption and cert perspective. Not seeing any error messages in the logs, an openssl s_client test connection works successfully, I can see the packets coming in over the port that I'm using for TLS, but nothing is being written to disk on the second syslog-ng server. Here's the summary of the config on the syslog server that I'm trying to send the logs to:
source s_encrypted_syslog {
syslog(ip( port(1470) transport("tls")
#changing to trusted once issue is fixed
destination d_syslog_facility_f {
file("/mnt/syslog/$LOGHOST/log/$R_YEAR-$R_MONTH-$R_DAY/$HOST_FROM/$HOST/$FACILITY.log" dir-owner ("syslogng") dir-group("syslogng") owner("syslogng") group("syslogng"));
log setting:
log { source (s_encrypted_syslog); destination (d_syslog_facility_f); };
syslog-ng is currently running as root to rule out permission issues. selinux is currently set to permissive. Tried increasing the verbosity on syslog-ng logs and turned on debugging, but not seeing anything jumping out at me as far as errors or issues go. Also the odd thing is, I have very similar config on the first syslog-ng server and it's receiving and storing logs just fine.
Also, I should note that there could be some small typo's in the config above as I'm not able to copy and paste it. Syslog-ng allows me to start up the service with no errors with the config that I have loaded currently. It's simply not writing the data that it's receiving to the destination that I have specified.

It happens quite often that the packet filter prevents a connection to the syslog port, or in your case port 1470. In that case the server starts up successfully, you might even be able to connect using openssl s_client on the same host, but the client will not be able to establish a connection to the server.
Please check that you can actually connect to the server from the client computer (e.g. via openssl s_client, or at least with something like netcat or telnet).
If the connection works, another issue might be that the client is not routing messages to this encrypted destination. syslog-ng only performs the SSL handshake as messages are being sent. No messages would result in the connection being open but not really exchanging packets on the TCP level.
Couple of troubleshooting tips:
You can check if there is a connection between the client and the server with "netstat -antp | grep syslog-ng" on the server or the client. You should see connections in the ESTABLISHED state on both sides of the connection (with local/remote addresses switched of course).
Check that your packet filter lets port 1470 connections through. You are most likely using iptables, try reviewing your ruleset and see if port 1470 on TCP is allowed to pass in the INPUT chain. You could try adding a "LOG" rule right before the default rule to see if the packets are dropped at that level. If you already have LOG rules, you might check the kernel logs of the server to see if that LOG rule produced any messages.
You can also confirm if there's traffic with tcpdump on the server (e.g. tcpdump -pen port 1470). If you write the traffic dump to a file (e.g. the -w argument to tcpdump, along with -s 0 to avoid truncation), then this dump file can be analyzed with wireshark to see if the negotiation takes place. You should at the very least see a "Client Hello" and a "Server Hello" packet which are not encrypted at the beginning of the handshake.


filezilla can't connect to vsftpd with TLS, but does work with unencrypted connection

I set up my server on centos7
From client side(not localhost), I can connect and transfer files to server with unencrypted connection but can't connect with TLS
It's my vsftpd.conf:
and filezilla's errorcode:
Connection attempt failed with "ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out".
425 Failed to establish connection.
How do I solve this problem?
This kind of error typically happens when a data connection cannot be created to transfer files or directory listings. Such data connections are done using dynamic ports, where in case of PASV the port to use is announced by the server within the response to the PASV command.
Firewalls often employ helpers to scan the traffic and look for such responses announcing which port the client should use - and then temporarily allowing such access. In case of plain FTP without encryption the firewall can see the response and determine the port to open - then it works. But, in case of FTPS the control connection is encrypted and therefore the firewall only sees encrypted communication and cannot determine the port to open - then it fails.

Aerospike: How to find from any aerospike server which clients are accessing it?

We had multiple clients configured to talk to this cluster of aerospike nodes. Now that we have removed the configuration from all the clients we are aware of, there are still some read/write requests coming to this cluster, as shown in the AMC.
I looked at the log file generated in /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log, but could not get any information.
The netstat command as mentioned in the answer by #kporter shows the number of connections, with statuses ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT, CLOSE_WAIT etc. But, that does not mean those connections are currently being used for get/set operations. How do I get the IPs from which aerospike operations are currently being done?
Update 2 (Solved)
As mentioned in the comments to #kporter's answer, a tcpdump command on the culprit client showed packets still being sent to the aerospike cluster which was no more referenced in the config file. This was happening while even AMC of that cluster did not show any more read/write TPS.
I later found that this stopped after doing a restart of the nginx service on the client. Please note that the config file in the client now references a new aerospike cluster and packets sent to that cluster did not stop after the nginx restart. This is weird but it worked.
Clients connect to Aerospike over port 3000:
The following command, when run on the server nodes, will show the addresses of hosts connecting to the server over port 3000.
netstat --tcp --numeric-ports | grep 3000

Support SSL and non-SSL on the same port

I'm working on adding SSL support into our existing application and have started to think about backwards compatibility.
The one special case that makes this different than other posts I've read is the server may not necessarily be updated with SSL code. So I'll have an SSL client connecting to a server that knows nothing about SSL.
For the sake of this discussion, the application sends keystrokes one at a time to the server, and for each keystroke a new socket is created. So I need to figure out a way to make this work on the existing port number and not use timeouts to determine if the server supports SSL or not.
Any suggestions on a graceful way to handle this?
(I'm using Winsock and OpenSSL)
Usually applications accept plain connections and direct SSL connections on different ports, e.g. smtp port 25 and smtps port 465, http port 80 and https port 443 etc. Other ways are to use the same port and then have a specific command from the client to upgrade to SSL, e.g. like STARTTLS with smtp or AUTH TLS with ftp.
If these common ways are not an option for you and the client sends the first packet in your protocol anyway (like with http, but not with smtp or ftp) you might do an recv(..MSG_PEEK) after the initial accept to see, what kind of data the client sends without removing the data from the socket buffer yet. If the peeked data look like your plain application protocol you continue there, if they look like a client hello from SSL (see you do an SSL upgrade.

netstat says 443 is open, but I cannot connect to it with telnet .. why?

I've built a self hosted wcf server, using wsHttpBinding. I'm running Win 2003 server R2 SP2.
If I configure it to listen on http://localhost:443/MyService, everything works fine. I can connect to http://localhost:443/MyService with Internet Explorer, and I get the standard "Bad Request" message
Now, if I try to switch to HTTPS, I'm witnessing a strange phenomenon.
Here's what I've done :
I've changed my wcf config file from http://localhost to https://localhost and from Security=None to Security=Transport (as explained in numerous wcf tutorials)
I've registered my HTTP port like this :
httpcfg delete ssl -i
httpcfg set ssl -i -h ea2e450ef9d4...
Note that the certificate I've used is a "real certificate" (i.e. issued by a trusted CA, namely Comodo). The server responds to ping on the NS mentioned in the certificate.
Now, the following will timeout :
Microsoft Telnet> open localhost 443
Here's the output from netstat (The Pid '4' is the 'System' process):
netstat -nao
Proto Local Adress Remote Adress State Pid
TCP Listening 4
And here's a screenshot from TCPView captured when I issued the open command in telnet :
alt text
I'm a bit puzzled. To me, if netstat says the server is listening on 443, the telnet connection to 443 shouldn't timeout, and I should have at least a blank prompt, expecting me to type some encrypted stuff :)
So far I've tried to :
Redo all the steps from scratch following exactly the MSDN tutorial
Used port 10443 instead of 443
Disable the firewall
Use a self signed certificate
I don't know what to try next .. any ideas?
The telnet client is not going to know to send a properly constructed request to initiate an https handshake, so I imagine the ssl secured server is just waiting for more data.
The telnet client is certainly not going to know what to do with the response from a ssl secured server (it's certainly not going to prompt you for data to send along). Communication can only happen once the https handshake has completed.
You need to use a client that knows how to do a handshake. The openssl binary can do this out of the box.
Telnet cannot be used to comunicate with encrited webs.
Checkout this microsfot note. It says "NOTE: This example assumes that the Web server is configured to use the default HTTP port (TCP 80). If the Web server is listening on a different port, substitute that port number in the first line of the example. Also, this example does not work properly over an HTTPS/SSL connection (TCP 443, by default), because the telnet client cannot negotiate the necessary encryption commands to establish the SSL session. Although an initial connection is possible over the HTTPS/SSL port, no data is returned when you issue a GET request."
Update: Checkout this other note HOW TO: Determine If SSL Connectivity Is Not Working on the Web Server or on an Intermediate Device
As FerrariB said, telnet does not perform the negotiations necessary to open an SSL connection. Telnet knows nothing about certificates, nor encryption. Thus, you are guaranteed to not be able to communicate with HTTPS port 443 via telnet. You will have to find another way to do whatever you are trying to do.
Check out the Wikipedia page on TLS for example, where it says directly:
If any one of the above steps fails, the TLS handshake
fails, and the connection is not created.
This is precisely what you are seeing by trying to use telnet to communicate with an SSL endpoint.
in command prompt: netstat -nao |find "443"
the last columns show a number:
pic no.1
Now open task manager.find result number in 1st section in pid column (if pid wasn't enabled, choose it from view tab) program name show the program which uses the port.
disable the program that uses the port /in my case I stopped it from services

Setting up passive FTP (IIS6) on Windows Server 2003

I am having trouble setting up passive FTP on IIS 6. I used this instruction:
When I tried to upload a file through the FTP, I got the error:
425 Can't open data connection. : /index.html
The interesting thing is that from the server, I can see the index.html file is already created but the file size is set to 0.
I am using the FireFTP client. I opened the FTP passive ports for 1024-1048.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Have you set the passive port range and opened the ports on the server and any intermediate firewall? (allowing connections on those ports from client to server)
Have you allowed the ports/application in your local firewall? (allowing connections outwards)
In the FTP client log does it say PASV at some point?
The command to create the file is sent on the port 21 connection, the additional port is the one for data. So creating a 0kb file just shows that it is not working.
Few things to check-
Make sure the client is making PASV connections. Check the ftp client logs to see if is sending PASV command before retrieving any data.
FTP passive ports are NOT 1024-1048, the server randomly picks any ports above 1024, as far as i know.