EF Core include related ids but not related entities - sql

Before I go creating my own SQL scripts by hand for this, I have a scenario where I want to get the ids of a foreign key, but not the entirety of the foreign entities, using EF Core.
Right now, I'm getting the ids manually by looping through the related entities and extracting the ids one at a time, like so:
List<int> ClientIds = new List<int>();
for (var i = 0; i < Clients.length; i++){
To my understanding, this will either cause data returns much larger than needed (my entity + every related entity) or a completely separate query to be run for each related entity I access, which obviously I don't want to do if I can avoid it.
Is there a straightforward way to accomplish this in EF Core, or do I need to head over the SQL side and handle it myself?
public class UserViewModel {
public UserViewModel(UserModel userModel){
ClientIds = new List<int>();
for (var i = 0; i < UserModel.Clients.length; i++){
//...all the other class asignments
public IEnumerable<int> ClientIds {get;set;}
//...all the other irrelevant properties
Basically, I need my front-end to know which Client to ask for later.

It looks like you are trying to query this from within the parent entity. I.e.
public class Parent
public virtual ICollection<Client> Clients { get; set; }
public void SomeMethod()
// ...
List<int> ClientIds = new List<int>();
for (var i = 0; i < Clients.length; i++)
// ...
This is not ideal because unless your Clients were eager loaded when the Parent was loaded, this would trigger a lazy load to load all of the Clients data when all you want is the IDs. Still, it's not terrible as it would only result in one DB call to load the clients.
If they are already loaded, there is a more succinct way to get the IDs:
List<int> ClientIds = Clients.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
Otherwise, if you have business logic involving the Parent and Clients where-by you want to be more selective about when and how the data is loaded, it is better to leave the entity definition to just represent the data state and basic rules/logic about the data, and move selective business logic outside of the entity into a business logic container that scopes the DbContext and queries against the entities to fetch what it needs.
For instance, if the calling code went and did this:
var parent = _context.Parents.Single(x => x.ParentId == parentId);
parent.SomeMethod(); // which resulted in checking the Client IDs...
The simplest way to avoid the extra DB call is to ensure the related entities are eager loaded.
var parent = _context.Parents
.Include(x => x.Clients)
.Single(x => x.ParentId == parentId);
parent.SomeMethod(); // which resulted in checking the Client IDs...
The problem with this approach is that it will still load all details about all of the Clients, and you end up in a situation where you end up defaulting to eager loading everything all of the time because the code might call something like that SomeMethod() which expects to find related entity details. This is the use-case for leveraging lazy loading, but that does have the performance overheads of the ad-hoc DB hits and ensuring that the entity's DbContext is always available to perform the read if necessary.
Instead, if you move the logic out of the entity and into the caller or another container that can take the relevant details, so that this caller projects down the data it will need from the entities in an efficient query:
var parentDetails = _context.Parents
.Where(x => x.ParentId == parentId)
.Select(x => new
// other details from parent or related entities...
ClientIds = x.Clients.Select(c => c.Id).ToList()
// Do logic that SomeMethod() would have done here, or pass these
// loaded details to a method / service to do the work rather than
// embedding it in the Entity.
This doesn't load a Parent entity, but rather executes a query to load just the details about the parent and related entities that we need. In this example it is projected into an anonymous type to hold the information we can later consume, but if you are querying the data to send to a view then you can project it directly into a view model or DTO class to serialize and send.


Updating complex type with ef code first

I have a complex type called account, which contains a list of licenses.
Licenses in turn contains a list of domains (a domain is a simple id + url string).
In my repository I have this code
public void SaveLicense(int accountId, License item)
Account account = GetById(accountId);
if (account == null)
if (item.Id == 0)
ActiveContext.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified;
When I try to save an updated License (with modified domains) what happens is that strings belonging straight to the license get updated just fine.
However no domains get updated.
I should mention that what I have done is allow the user to add and remove domains in the user interface. Any new domains get id=0 and any deleted domains are simply not in the list.
so what I want is
Any domains that are in the list and database and NOT changed - nothing happens
Any domains that are in the list and database, but changed in the list - database gets updated
Any domains with id=0 should be inserted (added) into database
Any domains NOT in the list but that are in the database should be removed
I have played a bit with it with no success but I have a sneaky suspicion that I am doing something wrong in the bigger picture so I would love tips on if I am misunderstanding something design-wise or simply just missed something.
Unfortunately updating object graphs - entities with other related entities - is a rather difficult task and there is no very sophisticated support from Entity Framework to make it easy.
The problem is that setting the state of an entity to Modified (or generally to any other state) only influences the entity that you pass into DbContext.Entry and only its scalar properties. It has no effect on its navigation properties and related entities.
You must handle this object graph update manually by loading the entity that is currently stored in the database including the related entities and by merging all changes you have done in the UI into that original graph. Your else case could then look like this:
var licenseInDb = ActiveContext.Licenses.Include(l => l.Domains)
.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Id == item.Id)
if (licenseInDb != null)
// Update the license (only its scalar properties)
// Delete domains from DB that have been deleted in UI
foreach (var domainInDb in licenseInDb.Domains.ToList())
if (!item.Domains.Any(d => d.Id == domainInDb.Id))
foreach (var domain in item.Domains)
var domainInDb = licenseInDb.Domains
.SingleOrDefault(d => d.Id == domain.Id);
if (domainInDb != null)
// Update existing domains
// Insert new domains
You can also try out this project called "GraphDiff" which intends to do this work in a generic way for arbitrary detached object graphs.
The alternative is to track all changes in some custom fields in the UI layer and then evaluate the tracked state changes when the data get posted back to set the appropriate entity states. Because you are in a web application it basically means that you have to track changes in the browser (most likely requiring some Javascript) while the user changes values, adds new items or deletes items. In my opinion this solution is even more difficult to implement.
This should be enough to do what you are looking to do. Let me know if you have more questions about the code.
public void SaveLicense(License item)
if (account == null)
else if (item.Id > 0)
var currentItem = context.Licenses
.Single(t => t.Id == item.Id);
context.Entry(currentItem ).CurrentValues.SetValues(item);

Relation many-to-one retrieved from custom cache

It's more like theoretical question.
I have one table to hold dictionary items, and the next one for hold Users data.
User table contains a lot reference collumns of type many to one indicated on dictionary item table. It's looks like:
public class User
public int Id;
public Dictionary Status;
public Dictionary Type;
public Dictionary OrganizationUnit;
I want retrieve all dictionary on startup of aplication, and then when i retrieved user and invoke reference property to dictionary the dictionary object should be taken from cache.
I know i can use a 2nd level cache in this scenario, but i'm interested about other solution. Is there any?
It's posible to make my custom type and said that: use my custom cache to retrieved value of dictionary??
Across multiple session the second level cache is the best answer, the only other solutions to populate objects from a cache without using second level cache i can think of would be to use an onLoad interceptor (and simply leave your dictionaries unmapped) or do it manually somewhere in your application.
But why don't you want to use the seocondlevel cache? If your views on caching is very different from the storages there are providers for in hibernate it is possible for you to implement your own provider?
Why not store it in the session? Just pull the record set one time and push it into session and retrieve it each time you want it. I do something similar for other stuff and I believe my method should work for you. In my code I have a session manager that I call directly from any piece of code needs the session values. I choose this method since I can query the results and I can manipulate the storage and retrieval methods. When relying on NHibernate to do the Caching for me, I don't have the granularity of control to cause specific record sets to only be available to specific sessions. I also find that NHibernate is not as efficient as using the session directly. When profiling the CPU and memory usage I find that this method is faster and uses a little less memory. If you want to do it on a site level instead of session, look into HttpContext.Current.Cache.
The following example works perfectly for storing and retrieving record sets:
// Set the session
SessionManager.User = (Some code to pull the user record with relationships. Set the fetch mode to eager for each relationship else you will just have broken references.)
// Get the session
User myUser = SessionManager.User;
public static class SessionManager
public static User User
get { return GetSession("MySessionUser") as User; }
set { SetSession("MySessionUser", value); }
private static object GetSession(string key)
// Fix Null reference error
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current == null || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session == null)
return null;
return System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[key];
private static void SetSession(string key, object valueIn)
// Fix null reference error
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[key] == null)
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.Add(key, valueIn);
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = valueIn;

given a list of objects using C# push them to ravendb without knowing which ones already exist

Given 1000 documents with a complex data structure. for e.g. a Car class that has three properties, Make and Model and one Id property.
What is the most efficient way in C# to push these documents to raven db (preferably in a batch) without having to query the raven collection individually to find which to update and which to insert. At the moment I have to going like so. Which is totally inefficient.
note : _session is a wrapper on the IDocumentSession where Commit calls SaveChanges and Add calls Store.
private void PublishSalesToRaven(IEnumerable<Sale> sales)
var page = 0;
const int total = 30;
var paged = sales.Skip(page*total).Take(total);
if (!paged.Any()) return;
foreach (var sale in paged)
var current = sale;
var existing = _session.Query<Sale>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == current.Id);
if (existing != null)
existing = current;
} while (true);
Your session code doesn't seem to track with the RavenDB api (we don't have Add or Commit).
Here is how you do this in RavenDB
private void PublishSalesToRaven(IEnumerable<Sale> sales)
Your code sample doesn't work at all. The main problem is that you cannot just switch out the references and expect RavenDB to recognize that:
if (existing != null)
existing = current;
Instead you have to update each property one-by-one:
existing.Model = current.Model;
existing.Make = current.Model;
This is the way you can facilitate change-tracking in RavenDB and many other frameworks (e.g. NHibernate). If you want to avoid writing this uinteresting piece of code I recommend to use AutoMapper:
existing = Mapper.Map<Sale>(current, existing);
Another problem with your code is that you use Session.Query where you should use Session.Load. Remember: If you query for a document by its id, you will always want to use Load!
The main difference is that one uses the local cache and the other not (the same applies to the equivalent NHibernate methods).
Ok, so now I can answer your question:
If I understand you correctly you want to save a bunch of Sale-instances to your database while they should either be added if they didn't exist or updated if they existed. Right?
One way is to correct your sample code with the hints above and let it work. However that will issue one unnecessary request (Session.Load(existingId)) for each iteration. You can easily avoid that if you setup an index that selects all the Ids of all documents inside your Sales-collection. Before you then loop through your items you can load all the existing Ids.
However, I would like to know what you actually want to do. What is your domain/use-case?
This is what works for me right now. Note: The InjectFrom method comes from Omu.ValueInjecter (nuget package)
private void PublishSalesToRaven(IEnumerable<Sale> sales)
var ids = sales.Select(i => i.Id);
var existingSales = _ravenSession.Load<Sale>(ids);
existingSales.ForEach(s => s.InjectFrom(sales.Single(i => i.Id == s.Id)));
var existingIds = existingSales.Select(i => i.Id);
var nonExistingSales = sales.Where(i => !existingIds.Any(x => x == i.Id));
nonExistingSales.ForEach(i => _ravenSession.Store(i));

With NHibernate, how can I create an INHibernateProxy?

After lots of reading about serialization, I've decided to try to create DTOs. After more reading, I decided to use AutoMapper.
What I would like to do is transform the parent (easy enough) and transform the entity properties if they've been initialized, which I've done with ValueResolvers like below (I may try to make it generic once I get it fully working). This part works.
public class OrderItemResolver : ValueResolver<Order, OrderItem>
protected override OrderItem ResolveCore(Order source)
// could also use NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized(source.OrderItem)
if (source.OrderItem is NHibernate.Proxy.INHibernateProxy)
return null;
return source.OrderItem;
When I transform the DTO back to an entity, for the entities that weren't initialized, I want to create a proxy so that if the entity wants to access it, it can. However, I can't figure out how to create a proxy. I'm using Castle if that's relevant.
I've tried a bunch of things with no luck. The below code is a mess, mainly because I've been trying things at random without knowing what I should be doing. Anybody have any suggestions?
public class OrderItemDTOResolver : ValueResolver<OrderDTO, OrderItem>
protected override OrderItem ResolveCore(OrderDTO source)
if (source.OrderItem == null)
//OrderItem OrderItem = new ProxyGenerator().CreateClassProxy<OrderItem>(); // Castle.Core.Interceptor.
//OrderItem OrderItem = new ProxyGenerator().CreateClassProxy<OrderItem>();
//OrderItem.Id = source.OrderItemId;
//OrderItem OrderItem = new OrderItem();
//var proxy = new OrderItem() as INHibernateProxy;
//var proxy = OrderItem as INHibernateProxy;
//return (OrderItem)proxy.HibernateLazyInitializer
//ILazyInitializer proxy = new LazyInitializer("OrderItem", OrderItem, source.OrderItemId, null, null, null, null);
//return (OrderItem)proxy;
//return (OrderItem)proxy.HibernateLazyInitializer.GetImplementation();
//return OrderItem;
IProxyTargetAccessor proxy = new Castle.Core.Interceptor.
var initializer = new LazyInitializer("OrderItem", typeof(OrderItem), source.OrderItemId, null, null, null, null);
//var proxyFactory = new SerializableProxyFactory{Interfaces = Interfaces, TargetSource = initializer, ProxyTargetType = IsClassProxy};
//object proxyInstance = proxyFactory.GetProxy();
//return (INHibernateProxy) proxyInstance;
return null;
//OrderItem.Id = source.OrderItemId;
//return OrderItem;
return OrderItemDTO.Unmap(source.OrderItem);
Maybe I over complicated it. This seems to work. Anybody see any issues with it?
public class OrderItemDTOResolver : ValueResolver<OrderDTO, OrderItem>
protected override OrderItem ResolveCore(OrderDTO source)
if (source.OrderItem == null)
return NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.Session.GetISession().Load<OrderItem>(source.AgencyId);
return OrderItemDTO.Unmap(source.OrderItem);
This may be one of those cases where the answer is "don't", or at least "you probably shouldn't". If you're mapping DTOs into NHibernate mapped objects directly you're not really using the mapped objects as domain objects, just as a fancy way to push data in and out of the database. This of course may be all you're after but having done this myself in the past I've found that it's problematic trying to use the same DTO data format in both directions. If you're going cross-process you've turned the service into a (difficult to maintain) CRUD layer. If you're in the same process you're doing unnecessary data shuffling with DTOs.
Sending DTOs out is fine, but consider projecting the data into a format more closely aligned with what the client actually needs. What you get back is better expressed in specific DTOs that express only the data needed to perform the actual action (Command objects, essentially). With a few automatic properties they're trivial to construct. You can then have a business method that performs the necessary action with only the necessary information, and that in a format suited to the action being performed. My primary use of AutoMapper (which does rock) these days is to translate incoming DTOs into types that domain methods can consume.
Also, public setters on mapped objects are undesirable because they allow the object to be manipulated by any code without any validation. This means any modification to them can leave them in an invalid state.
If you don't really care about the above (and it's not always applicable) the way you load individual instances does leave you open do doing many individual database loads which is a potential performance issue.

Encapsulating common logic (domain driven design, best practices)

Updated: 09/02/2009 - Revised question, provided better examples, added bounty.
I'm building a PHP application using the data mapper pattern between the database and the entities (domain objects). My question is:
What is the best way to encapsulate a commonly performed task?
For example, one common task is retrieving one or more site entities from the site mapper, and their associated (home) page entities from the page mapper. At present, I would do that like this:
$siteMapper = new Site_Mapper();
$site = $siteMapper->findByid(1);
$pageMapper = new Page_Mapper();
Now that's a fairly trivial example, but it gets more complicated in reality, as each site also has an associated locale, and the page actually has multiple revisions (although for the purposes of this task I'd only be interested in the most recent one).
I'm going to need to do this (get the site and associated home page, locale etc.) in multiple places within my application, and I cant think of the best way/place to encapsulate this task, so that I don't have to repeat it all over the place. Ideally I'd like to end up with something like this:
$someObject = new SomeClass();
$site = $someObject->someMethod(1); // or
$sites = $someObject->someOtherMethod();
Where the resulting site entities already have their associated entities created and ready for use.
The same problem occurs when saving these objects back. Say I have a site entity and associated home page entity, and they've both been modified, I have to do something like this:
Again, trivial, but this example is simplified. Duplication of code still applies.
In my mind it makes sense to have some sort of central object that could take care of:
Retrieving a site (or sites) and all nessessary associated entities
Creating new site entities with new associated entities
Taking a site (or sites) and saving it and all associated entities (if they've changed)
So back to my question, what should this object be?
The existing mapper object?
Something based on the repository pattern?*
Something based on the unit of work patten?*
Something else?
* I don't fully understand either of these, as you can probably guess.
Is there a standard way to approach this problem, and could someone provide a short description of how they'd implement it? I'm not looking for anyone to provide a fully working implementation, just the theory.
Using the repository/service pattern, your Repository classes would provide a simple CRUD interface for each of your entities, then the Service classes would be an additional layer that performs additional logic like attaching entity dependencies. The rest of your app then only utilizes the Services. Your example might look like this:
$site = $siteService->getSiteById(1); // or
$sites = $siteService->getAllSites();
Then inside the SiteService class you would have something like this:
function getSiteById($id) {
$site = $siteRepository->getSiteById($id);
foreach ($pageRepository->getPagesBySiteId($site->id) as $page)
$site->pages[] = $page;
return $site;
I don't know PHP that well so please excuse if there is something wrong syntactically.
[Edit: this entry attempts to address the fact that it is oftentimes easier to write custom code to directly deal with a situation than it is to try to fit the problem into a pattern.]
Patterns are nice in concept, but they don't always "map". After years of high end PHP development, we have settled on a very direct way of handling such matters. Consider this:
File: Site.php
class Site
public static function Select($ID)
//Ensure current user has access to ID
//Lookup and return data
public static function Insert($aData)
//Validate $aData
//In the event of errors, raise a ValidationError($ErrorList)
//Do whatever it is you are doing
//Return new ID
public static function Update($ID, $aData)
//Validate $aData
//In the event of errors, raise a ValidationError($ErrorList)
//Update necessary fields
Then, in order to call it (from anywhere), just run:
$aData = Site::Select(123);
Site::Update(123, array('FirstName' => 'New First Name'));
$ID = Site::Insert(array(...))
One thing to keep in mind about OO programming and PHP... PHP does not keep "state" between requests, so creating an object instance just to have it immediately destroyed does not often make sense.
I'd probably start by extracting the common task to a helper method somewhere, then waiting to see what the design calls for. It feels like it's too early to tell.
What would you name this method ? The name usually hints at where the method belongs.
class Page {
public $id, $title, $url;
public function __construct($id=false) {
$this->id = $id;
public function save() {
// ...
class Site {
public $id = '';
public $pages = array();
function __construct($id) {
$this->id = $id;
foreach ($this->getPages() as $page_id) {
$this->pages[] = new Page($page_id);
private function getPages() {
// ...
public function addPage($url) {
$page = ($this->pages[] = new Page());
$page->url = $url;
return $page;
public function save() {
foreach ($this->pages as $page) {
// ..
$site = new Site($id);
$page = $site->addPage('/');
$page->title = 'Home';
Make your Site object an Aggregate Root to encapsulate the complex association and ensure consistency.
Then create a SiteRepository that has the responsibility of retrieving the Site aggregate and populating its children (including all Pages).
You will not need a separate PageRepository (assuming that you don't make Page a separate Aggregate Root), and your SiteRepository should have the responsibility of retrieving the Page objects as well (in your case by using your existing Mappers).
$siteRepository = new SiteRepository($myDbConfig);
$site = $siteRepository->findById(1); // will have Page children attached
And then the findById method would be responsible for also finding all Page children of the Site. This will have a similar structure to the answer CodeMonkey1 gave, however I believe you will benefit more by using the Aggregate and Repository patterns, rather than creating a specific Service for this task. Any other retrieval/querying/updating of the Site aggregate, including any of its child objects, would be done through the same SiteRepository.
Edit: Here's a short DDD Guide to help you with the terminology, although I'd really recommend reading Evans if you want the whole picture.