Can't access VM Instance through SSH - ssh

I was connected to the VM instance through SSH and by mistake I ran the following command:
"chmod -R 755 /usr"
And then I started getting the following message:
"/usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set"
I have read different solutions for it:
Setting a startup-script to change root password and connect through
gcloud beta compute ssh servername
However, I can't stop my instance because I have a local SSD assigned to it, so I don't think the startup-script will work and connecting through ssh asks me for a password:
user#compute.3353656325014536575's password:
But I have never set a password for the user I am using.
Is there any solution so I can connect again to the server and fix the mistake?
I have a user which I created manually for an FTP, however this one doesn't have sudo permissions, is there a way to know the sudo password?
Thanks in advance.

From the issue at hand the command chimed-R 755 will give everybody root permission
Try this first before reading other steps down.
Ssh into your instance. To change password
Just type
Sudo passwd
Type new password
And confirm new password.
If that doesn't work,
Follow the steps below
"/usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set"
This means the sudo root permission has been over written, which creates restriction of using sudo and it leads you into problems like all the root access you lost. The following steps should help resolve the issue
create a backup or snapshot of your instance
Create a totally new instance and detach your local ssd from the last instance attach, it back to the newly created instance.
Login to new instance and create a new folder in the root, and start operation as root.
check the attached drive in new instance : “mount”…… “fdisk -l | grep Disk”.
Create new folder in root directory :
“mkdir /newfolder”
Now mount the vol : “sudo mount /dev/xvdf1 /newfolder/”
After mount if you check the permission you will see that the newfolder permission got changed after mounting because of the effected volume:


Raspberry - can't clone from bitbucket using SSH

Didn't thought I will be stuck here.
Got .ssh key on my win machine: [my user]/.ssh/mybitbucket
Able to clone from with it
Need to clone project to RaspberryPi
Copy-pasted mybitbucket and to ~/.ssh on Raspberry
Then git clone[username]/my_utils.git
and got this:
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Any help?
Also added to authorized_keys, but can't connect to Raspberry from Xshell with SSH key for reason unknown to me. Just choosing my key from options, click OK, the connection window blinks and nothing happens
Just for an experiment I generated a new key on Raspberry and added it to bitbucket - that worked. Though how to add existing keys?
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts
Also added to authorized_keys, but can't connect to Raspberry
I am 98% sure both problems are the result of one misconfiguration: files in /home/pi/.ssh belong to user root. To fix:
sudo chown -R pi /home/pi/.ssh
chmod -R u=rw,go= /home/pi/.ssh
After that copy relevant parts of [my user]/.ssh/config to /home/pi/.ssh/config.

Private key to connect to the machine via SSH must be owned by the user running Vagrant

I am trying to follow this vagrant tutorial. I get error after my first two command. I wrote these two command from command line
$ vagrant init hashicorp/precise64
$ vagrant up
After I ran vagrant up command I get this message.
The private key to connect to the machine via SSH must be owned
by the user running Vagrant. This is a strict requirement from
SSH itself. Please fix the following key to be owned by the user
running Vagrant:
And then if I run any command I get the same error. Even if I run vagrant ssh I get the same error message. Please help me to fix the problem.
I am on linux mint and using virutal box as well.
Exactly as the error message tells you:
The private key to connect to the machine via SSH must be owned
by the user running Vagrant.
Therefore check permissions of file using
stat /media/bcc/Other/Linux/vagrant3/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
check what user you are running using
and then modify owner of the file:
chown `whoami` /media/bcc/Other/Linux/vagrant3/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
Note that this might not be possible if your /media/bbc/ is some non-linux filesystem that does not support linux permissions. In that case you should choose more suitable location for you private key.
Jakuje has the correct answer - if the file system you are working on supports changing the owner.
If you are trying to mount the vagrant box off of NTFS, it is not possible to change the owner of the key file.
If you want to mount the file on NTFS and you are running a local instance you can try the following which worked for me:
Vagrant Halt
[remove the vagrant box]
[Add the following line to Vagrantfile]
[** you may need to remove and clone your project again]
Vagrant Provision
This solution may not be suitable for a live instance - it uses the default insecure ssh key. If you require more security you might be able to find a more palatable soultion here
If you put vagrant data on NTFS you can use this trick to bypass the keyfile ownership/permissions check.
Copy your key file to $HOME/.ssh/ or where-ever on a suitable filesystem where you can set it to the correct ownership and permissions. Then simply create a symlink (!) to it inside the NTFS directory (where you have set $VAGRANT_HOME, for example) like this:
ln -sr $HOME/.ssh/your_key_file your_key_file

Cannot ssh into server except with google dev console ssh

I cannot ssh from my computer into the server hosted on Google Cloud.
I tried the normal ssh-keygen with and uploading the public key, which worked last time, but this time it didn't. The issue started after I changed the password for the account. After that I could no longer ssh or sftp into the account, although I wasn't disconnected until I disconnected.
I then tried the gcloud ssh user#instance and it ran fine and told me it just hasn't propagated yet.
I added AllowUsers user to the server's ssh config file and I restarted ssh on the server, but still the same result
Here's the error:
Permission denied (publickey).
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
I've been working with Google tech support and this issue is still unresolvable. A file called authorized_keys permissions keep getting changed on boot to another user, who I also cannot log in as.
So I change it to:
thisUser:www-data 755
but on boot it changes it to:
otherUser:otherUser 600
There are a couple of things in order to fix this. You can take advantage of the metadata feature in GCE and add a startup script that would automatically change the permissions.
From the developers console, go to your Instance > Metadata and add a pair of Key/value
key : startup-script
value: chmod 755 /home/your_user/.ssh/authorized_keys OR chmod 755 ~/.ssh
after rebooting you should check the Serial Ouput option further down that page and see if it ran on startup. it should show you something along these lines :
startup script found in metadata.
startupscript: Running startup script /var/run/google.startup.script
Further information can be found HERE
Hope that helps!
I solved this by deleting the existing ssh key under Custom metadata in the VM settings. I then could login on ssh

how to login to ec2 machine?

I was given some login information for an EC2 machine, basically an plus a username and password.
How do I access the machine? I tried sshing:
but I get a Permission denied, please try again. when I enter the password. Is sshing the right way to access the EC2 machine? (Google hits I found suggested that you could ssh into the machine, but they also used keypairs.) Or is it more likely that the problem is that I was given invalid login credentials?
If you are new to AWS and need to access a brand new EC2 instance via ssh, keep in mind that you also need to allow incoming traffic on port 22.
Assuming that the EC2 instance was created accepting all the default wizard suggestions, access to the machine will be guarded by the default security group, which basically prohibits all inbound traffic. Thus:
Go to the AWS console
Choose Security Groups on the left navigation pane
Choose default from the main pane (it may be the only item in the list)
In the bottom pane, choose Inbound, then Create a new rule: SSH
Click Add rule and then Apply Rule Changes
Next, assuming that you are in possession of the private key, do the following:
$ chmod 600 path/to/mykey.pem
$ ssh -i path/to/mykey.pem
My EC2 instance was created from a Ubuntu 32-bit 12.04 image, whose configuration does not allow ssh access to root, and asks you to log in as ubuntu instead:
$ ssh -i path/to/mykey.pem
Our Amazon AMI says to "Please login as the ec2-user user rather than root user.", so it looks like each image may have a different login user, e.g.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem
In short, try root and it will tell you what user you should login as.
[Edit] I'm supposing that you don't have AWS management console credentials for the account, but if you do, then you can navigate to the EC2->Instances panel of AWS Management Console, right click on the machine name and select "Connect..." A list of the available options for logging in will be displayed. You will (or should) need a key to access an instance via ssh. You should have been given this or else it may need to be generated.
If it's a Windows instance, you may need to use Remote Desktop Connection to connect using the IP or host name, and then you'll also need a Windows account login and password.
The process of connecting to an AWS EC2 Linux instance via SSH is covered step-by-step (including the points mentioned below) in this video.
To correct this particular issue with SSH-ing to your EC2 instance:
The ssh command you ran is not in the correct format. It should be:
ssh -i /path/my-key-pair.pem
Note, you need access to the private key (.pem) file to use in the command above. AWS prompts you to download this file when you first launch your instance. You will need to run the following command to ensure that only your root user has read-access to it:
chmod 400 /path/to/yourKeyFile.pem
Depending on your Linux distribution, the user you need to specify when you run ssh may be one of the following:
For Amazon Linux, the user name is ec2-user.
For RHEL, the user name is ec2-user or root.
For Ubuntu, the user name is ubuntu or root.
For Centos, the user name is centos.
For Fedora, the user name is ec2-user.
For SUSE, the user name is ec2-user or root.
Otherwise, if ec2-user and root don't work, check with your AMI provider.
You need to enable an inbound SSH firewall. This can be done under the Security Groups section of AWS. Full details for this piece can be found here.
For this you need to be have a private key it's like keyname.pem.
Open the terminal using ctrl+alt+t.
change the file permission as a 400 or 600 using command chmod 400 keyname.pem or chmod 600 keyname.pem
Open the port 22 in security group.
fire the command on terminal ssh -i keyname.pem
Indeed EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) does not allow password authentication to their instances (linux machines) by default.
The only allowed authentication method is with an SSH key that is created when you create the instance. During creation they allow you to download the SSH key just once, so if you loose it, then you have to regenerate it.
This SSH key is only for the primary user - usually named
"ec2-user" (Amazon Linux, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux)
"root" (Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux)
"ubuntu" (Ubuntu Linux distribution)
"fedora" (Fedora Linux distribution)
or similar (depending on distribution)
See connection instructions:
If you want to add a new user the recommended way is to generate and add a new SSH key for the new user, but not specify a password (which would be useless anyway since password authentication is not enabled by default).
Managing additional users:
After all if you want to enable password authentication, which lowers down the security and is not recommended, but still you might need to do that for your own specific reasons, then just edit
For example:
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
find the line that says:
PasswordAuthentication no
and change it to
PasswordAuthentication yes
Then restart the instance
sudo reboot
After restarting, you are free to create additional users with password authentication.
sudo useradd newuser
sudo passwd newuser
Add the new user to the sudoers list:
sudo usermod -a -G sudo newuser
Make sure user home folder exists and is owned by the user
sudo mkdir /home/newuser
sudo chown newuser:newuser /home/newuser
New you are ready to try and login with newuser via ssh.
Authentication with ssh keys will continue to work in parallel with password authentication.

Can connect to EC2 as ubuntu user but not as the user i created

I created a new ebs backed EC2-instance and the necessary key-pair. Now I am able to connect to the instance as ubuntu user. Once i did that I created another user and added it to the sudoers list but I am unable to connect to the instance as the new user I created.
I get the following error. I am using the same key to connect with the new user i created. Can somebody help me. Am I missing something here?
Permission denied (publickey)"
Okay I think i figured it out.
The first technique is to login by password. The idea is to login as the ubuntu user or root user and go to /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and turn the PasswordAuthentication to yes and run
/etc/init.d/ssh reload
If you try to connect now you ec2 allows you to log with the password of the user that was created. Though this is not really secure.
Second is you create a key-pair and copy the file and move it to the /home/new-user/.ssh/authorized_keys file and change permissions to 600 and assign to the appropriate user(new-user in this case).
I found this to be amazingly useful
SSH is very picky about the directory and file permissions. Make sure that:
The directory /home/username/.ssh has permission "700" and is owned by the user (not root!)
The /home/username/ssh/authorized_keys has permission "600" and is owned by the user
Copy your public key into the authorized_keys file.
sudo chown -R username:username /home/username/.ssh
sudo chmod 0700 /home/username/.ssh
sudo chmod 0600 /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys
You can do all that as a root user. There is no need to allow temporarily in /etc/ssh/ssh_config to passwords.
Sid, I did what you mentioned but I still got the same error
The first technique is to login by password. ...
It took a reboot to get it to work. (Just in case anyone else wants this insecure method to work) The public key method is a major pain to make it work with remote desktop apps