Firebase authentication keeps blocking users out - react-native

I am currently using the firebase phone authenticator for my react native app but every time I try to signin with my phone, I get this error:
[Error: [auth/too-many-requests] We have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual activity. Try again later.]
Anyone know how to disable this? I'm currently using the Blaze plan. Pay as you go. And the users only sent like 3-5 SMS messages. I'm very confused why this is happening.

Do the following:
Go to Firebase Console -> Auth -> User Table
Locate the testing user
Delete that user.
Redo the Test.

I solved this by simply disabling and enabling the user account.
Go to Firebase Console -> Auth -> User Table
Locate the user
Disable and enable the user
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How to print email verification URL from Firebase Auth in Emulator?

I am using the Firebase Emulator for local testing. I have a signupUser Firebase Function that uses Firebase Auth to sign up users (and does some extra work). Both of them use the Emulator, and the issue is, this way the email verification URL does not get printed neither to the console (in which I run the Emulator) nor to the Functions Log. As a result, I cannot verify my new test users and cannot log in. Is there any other way to verify these test users' email addresses or to manually print the verification URL?
Ok, I've found it. Using the Admin SDK we can generate a verification link, that we can then console log.
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
admin.auth().generateEmailVerificationLink(useremail, actionCodeSettings)
There is another way, more automated, so you don't need to add the admin sdk:
Here is the auth log output for a new user within the Emulator:
Then base on this documentation you can fetch the oobCodes (out of band
codes) with restAPI:
Also documentation described here

Email verification in Firebase Console

Is there a way for administrators to see and change the status of email verification from inside the Console? Everything I’ve found so far is based only on the client pushing a verification email from the backend and checking its status. It would be useful for the admin to get an overview of this too.
The email verification status is not shown in the Firebase console. It's not a bad idea, so I'd definitely file a feature request.
For individual users you can use the Firebase Admin SDK to read or change the emailVerified property.
To get the status of all users, you can use the auth:export command of the Firebase CLI.

Android.FirebaseUI-Android: We have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual activity

Android Studio 2.3.3
I use FirebaseUI-Android for auth by phone number. It's work fine.
I do many tests and after some days I get the next error:
we have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual activity
And now I can't auth and can't test my application.
So how I can turn off this? And as result to test again my application by FirebaseUI-Android?
I need to create many tests for auth of my application.
Follow this steps
Go to your
Firebase console -> Auth -> Users table
Locate the user you are testing.
Delete this user.
This solution works for me .

How does the Facebook SDK for React-Native maintain login informations?

I installed the FBSDK into my React-Native application.
The login works and I can get user data via the Graph API right after the login, but everything going on is a mystery to me.
How does it maintain the login information? Like, when I restart the app and would like to make a Graph API request or share things, without showing the login dialog again?
If I'm not mistaken react-native-fbsdk maintains the login information in a token via AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(). Its whereabouts are likely platform specific but don't quote me on that.
Assuming you've asked for enough permissions at login, all subsequent Graph API requests shouldn't trigger any additional popups. These can be make as follows:
// Create a graph request asking for user information with a callback to handle the response.
const infoRequest = new GraphRequest(
// Start the graph request.
new GraphRequestManager().addRequest(infoRequest).start();
Full example at:
If you after about sharing, you'll likely need extra permissions (publish_actions) that need to be explicitly granted beforehand. These can be asked at first login but may not gone through Facebook's approval process as that's against their best practices that ask to only ask for the permissions we need and to ask for them in context.
This is where Login Manager comes very handy as it lets you request additional permissions as users progress through the app, but this is at the cost of extra popups.

how to bypass the messaging.requestPermission() in firebase cloud messaging

I am using firebase cloud messaging library for sending push notification on web, I dont want to show the displays a consent dialog to let users grant your app permission to receive notifications in the browser, instead i have my own function which will do the same with my custom css,Can anyone know how to bypass the messaging.requestPermission() so that it it will take permisson granted and proceed further accordingly?