I am using firebase cloud messaging library for sending push notification on web, I dont want to show the displays a consent dialog to let users grant your app permission to receive notifications in the browser, instead i have my own function which will do the same with my custom css,Can anyone know how to bypass the messaging.requestPermission() so that it it will take permisson granted and proceed further accordingly?
I would very much like to enable users of my app to backup some of app data on their own Dropbox. I would like to direct users to login to their Dropbox account with their email and password and then the app would generate and store a file there without users having do anything on their own.
Is this possible?
I wouldn't want users to have to go to Dropbox App Console and then Create App and then fill in all the options and then copy the access token and paste in my app manually. That would repel a lot them.
I haven't seen anything in the docs suggesting that programmatic access to an account without an app created in the Console and generated access token is possible? Did I miss something?
Yes, this is possible. You as the developer would register the app once, and implement the Dropbox OAuth app authorization flow in your app to allow your end-users to then connect your app to their accounts.
You may want to check out the following guides:
I am currently using the firebase phone authenticator for my react native app but every time I try to signin with my phone, I get this error:
[Error: [auth/too-many-requests] We have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual activity. Try again later.]
Anyone know how to disable this? I'm currently using the Blaze plan. Pay as you go. And the users only sent like 3-5 SMS messages. I'm very confused why this is happening.
Do the following:
Go to Firebase Console -> Auth -> User Table
Locate the testing user
Delete that user.
Redo the Test.
I solved this by simply disabling and enabling the user account.
Go to Firebase Console -> Auth -> User Table
Locate the user
Disable and enable the user
View more options
I'm using firebase as my OTP, whenever I log-in thru my app it always send OTP....can I create a code that can check if the number is already signed in on the console so it won't send OTP again??
Firebase automatically persists and restores the user's credentials when the app is restarted, so you should not have to send an OTP each time.
Check on how to detect the user's authentication state for your platform the first snippet in the documentation for Android, iOS, and Web
From all the great tutorials I looked for of how to add an auth module for a react app in amplify. The only type of module I see is a complete feature of sign in + sign up.
What I'm trying to achieve is:
Set up a custom Cognito user pool and add users to the pool manually.
Add custom sign-in/login UI + code to a react amplify app.
Disable anyone but me to add new users to the Cognito user pool manually.
The website I'm working on is an internal website and I don't want anyone to be able to sign up via AppSync or the react client.
Please help :)
This won't be very difficult - you simply don't implement the front-end functionality to add a new user. Then, in your Cognito user pool config, there is an option User sign ups allowed? which you would set to Only administrators can create users.
Edit: Also, consider using the hosted UI, it may save you some front-end work.
I'm creating a Dropbox application which uses a webhook to get the file's updates.
When a user uses my app, I receive notification on my webhook URL. Perfect.
But if the user no longer wants to use my app, and removes the Dropbox link from my site... How can I remove my app from the Dropbox user's account to not receive calls anymore on my webhook URL?
The user can unlink an app from their account via the "Apps linked" section of their account security page:
This will stop webhook notifications for that user from being sent to the app.
There isn't a way for the app to do this programmatically though. The Dropbox API only provides a way to revoke access tokens, but not a way to completely unlink the app from the account. We'll consider this a feature request for that though.