What is Pseudo-polynomial complexity? - time-complexity

Yes, I've seen this answer - What is pseudopolynomial time? How does it differ from polynomial time? - but I still don't understand.
Why does the representation in bits make a difference only sometimes?
For this program for example
function isPrime(n):
for i from 2 to n - 1:
if (n mod i) = 0, return false
return true
it says the complexity is not polynomial, because n requires log n bits to write out so the complexity is O(2^(4*log n)) but if i use that on every other problem then it could also be pseudopolynomial, right? (unless im getting it all wrong here). What makes this program so special to be measured in the amount of bits required to write out n?

You have linked to other questions where this is explained fairly well for someone who understands the concept, so here comes a very brief version.
for i from 2 to n - 1:
can be rewritten as
i = 2
while(i < n - 1):
if (n mod i) == 0:
return false
i = i + 1
Very often, we assume that the operations i < n - 1, i = i + 1 and n mod i are O(1). But this is not necessarily true. It is usually true for small values. And on a 32 bit machine, a "small value" is in the order of a billion.
Number that requires more than 32 bits to be represented will take more time to perform operations on than a number that fits in 32 bit. And it will take even more if it required more than 64 bit.
In practice, this rarely matters.
A very simple way to visualize this is to imagine that you get the task to implement the common mathematical operations where the operands are represented as strings. Here is a simple python function that takes two strings representing binary numbers and returns the sum as a string. It was quickly hacked together and assumes both strings has the same length. It may contain bugs and can most likely be refined. But it demonstrate the point. This function adds two numbers, but it will take longer time for longer numbers.
def binadd(a, b):
carry = '0'
result = list('0'*(len(a)+1))
for i in range(len(a)-1,-1, -1):
xor = '1' if (a[i] == '1') != (b[i] == '1') else '0'
val = '1' if (xor == '1') != (carry == '1') else '0'
carry = '1' if (carry == '1' and xor == '1') or (a[i] == '1' and b[i] == '1') else '0'
result[i] = val
return ''.join(result)
What makes this program so special to be measured in the amount of bits required to write out n?
There's nothing special about this particular program. At least not theoretical. In practice it is special in the sense that determining if a VERY big number is a prime is a common problem. Or to be more accurate, it would have been a much more common problem if there existed a very fast algorithm to do it. If it did, it would basically break encryption as we know it today.


What is the time complexity (Big-O) of this while loop (Pseudocode)?

This is written in pseudocode.
We have an Array A of length n(n>=2)
int i = 1;
while (i < n) {
if (A[i] == 0) {
terminates the while-loop;
doubles i
I am new to this whole subject and coding, so I am having a hard time grasping it and need an "Explain like im 5".
I know the code doesnt make a lot of sense but it is just an exercise, I have to determine best case and worst case.
So in the Best case Big O would be O(1) if the value in [1] is 0.
For the worst-case scenario I thought the time complexity of this loop would be O(log(n)) as i doubles.
Is that correct?
Thanks in advance!
For Big O notation you take the worse case scenario. For the case where A[i] never evaluates to zero then your loop is like this:
int i = 1;
while(i < n) {
i *= 2;
i is doubled on each iteration, ie exponential growth.
Given an example of n=16
the values of i would be:
wouldn't get to 16
4 iterations
and 2^4 = 16
to work out the power, you would take log to base 2 of n, ie log(16) = 4
So the worst case would be log(n)
So the complexity would be stated as O(log(n))

Given no modulus or if even/odd function, how would one check for an odd or even number?

I have recently sat a computing exam in university in which we were never taught beforehand about the modulus function or any other check for odd/even function and we have no access to external documentation except our previous lecture notes. Is it possible to do this without these and how?
Bitwise AND (&)
Extract the last bit of the number using the bitwise AND operator. If the last bit is 1, then it's odd, else it's even. This is the simplest and most efficient way of testing it. Examples in some languages:
C / C++ / C#
bool is_even(int value) {
return (value & 1) == 0;
public static boolean is_even(int value) {
return (value & 1) == 0;
def is_even(value):
return (value & 1) == 0
I assume this is only for integer numbers as the concept of odd/even eludes me for floating point values.
For these integer numbers, the check of the Least Significant Bit (LSB) as proposed by Rotem is the most straightforward method, but there are many other ways to accomplish that.
For example, you could use the integer division operation as a test. This is one of the most basic operation which is implemented in virtually every platform. The result of an integer division is always another integer. For example:
>> x = int64( 13 ) ;
>> x / 2
ans =
Here I cast the value 13 as a int64 to make sure MATLAB treats the number as an integer instead of double data type.
Also here the result is actually rounded towards infinity to the next integral value. This is MATLAB specific implementation, other platform might round down but it does not matter for us as the only behavior we look for is the rounding, whichever way it goes. The rounding allow us to define the following behavior:
If a number is even: Dividing it by 2 will produce an exact result, such that if we multiply this result by 2, we obtain the original number.
If a number is odd: Dividing it by 2 will result in a rounded result, such that multiplying it by 2 will yield a different number than the original input.
Now you have the logic worked out, the code is pretty straightforward:
%% sample input
x = int64(42) ;
y = int64(43) ;
%% define the checking function
% uses only multiplication and division operator, no high level function
is_even = #(x) int64(x) == (int64(x)/2)*2 ;
And obvisouly, this will yield:
>> is_even(x)
ans =
>> is_even(y)
ans =
I found out from a fellow student how to solve this simplistically with maths instead of functions.
Using (-1)^n :
If n is odd then the outcome is -1
If n is even then the outcome is 1
This is some pretty out-of-the-box thinking, but it would be the only way to solve this without previous knowledge of complex functions including mod.

Optimization of "static" loops

I'm writing a compiled language for fun, and I've recently gotten on a kick for making my optimizing compiler very robust. I've figured out several ways to optimize some things, for instance, 2 + 2 is always 4, so we can do that math at compile time, if(false){ ... } can be removed entirely, etc, but now I've gotten to loops. After some research, I think that what I'm trying to do isn't exactly loop unrolling, but it is still an optimization technique. Let me explain.
Take the following code.
String s = "";
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
s += "x";
As a human, I can sit here and tell you that this is 100% of the time going to be equivalent to
So, in other words, this loop can be "compiled out" entirely. It's not loop unrolling, but what I'm calling "fully static", that is, there are no inputs that would change the behavior of the segment. My idea is that anything that is fully static can be resolved to a single value, anything that relies on input or makes conditional output of course can't be optimized further. So, from the machine's point of view, what do I need to consider? What makes a loop "fully static?"
I've come up with three types of loops that I need to figure out how to categorize. Loops that will always end up with the same machine state after every run, regardless of inputs, loops that WILL NEVER complete, and loops that I can't figure out one way or the other. In the case that I can't figure it out (it conditionally changes how many times it will run based on dynamic inputs), I'm not worried about optimizing. Loops that are infinite will be a compile error/warning unless specifically suppressed by the programmer, and loops that are the same every time should just skip directly to putting the machine in the proper state, without looping.
The main case of course to optimize is the static loop iterations, when all the function calls inside are also static. Determining if a loop has dynamic components is easy enough, and if it's not dynamic, I guess it has to be static. The thing I can't figure out is how to detect if it's going to be infinite or not. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I know this is a subset of the halting problem, but I feel it's solvable; the halting problem is a problem due to the fact that for some subsets of programs, you just can't tell it may run forever, it may not, but I don't want to consider those cases, I just want to consider the cases where it WILL halt, or it WILL NOT halt, but first I have to distinguish between the three states.
This looks like a kind of a symbolic solver that can be defined for several classes, but not generally.
Let's restrict the requirements a bit: no number overflow, just for loops (while can be sometimes transformed to full for loop, except when using continue etc.), no breaks, no modifications of the control variable inside the for loop.
for (var i = S; E(i); i = U(i)) ...
where E(i) and U(i) are expressions that can be symbolically manipulated. There are several classes that are relatively easy:
U(i) = i + CONSTANT : n-th cycle the value of i is S + n * CONSTANT
U(i) = i * CONSTANT : n-th cycle the value of i is S * CONSTANT^n
U(i) = i / CONSTANT : n-th cycle the value of i is S * CONSTANT^-n
U(i) = (i + CONSTANT) % M : n-th cycle the value of i is (S + n * CONSTANT) % M
and some other quite easy combinations (and some very difficult ones)
Determining whether the loop terminates is searching for n where E(i(n)) is false.
This can be done by some symbolic manipulation for a lot of cases, but there is a lot of work involved in making the solver.
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++),
i(n) = 0 + n * 1 = n, E(i(n)) => not(n < 5) =>
n >= 5 => stops for n = 5
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i--),
i(n) = 0 + n * -1 = -n, E(i(n)) => not(-n < 5) => -n >= 5 =>
n < -5 - since n is a non-negative whole number this is never true - never stops
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i = (i + 1) % 3),
E(i(n)) => not(n % 3 < 5) => n % 3 >= 5 => this is never true => never stops
for(int i = 10; i + 10 < 500; i = i + 2 * i) =>
for(int i = 10; i < 480; i = 3 * i),
i(n) = 10 * 3^n,
E(i(n)) => not(10 * 3^n < 480) => 10 * 3^n >= 480 => 3^n >= 48 => n >= log3(48) => n >= 3.5... =>
since n is whole => it will stop for n = 4
for other cases it would be good if they can get transformed to the ones you can already solve...
Many tricks for symbolic manipulation come from Lisp era, and are not too difficult. Although the ones described (or variants) are the most common types practice, there are many more difficult and/or impossible to solve scenarios.

Fast FFT Bit Reversal, Can I Count Down Backwards Bit Reversed?

I'm using FFT's for audio processing, and I've come up with some potentially very fast ways of doing the bit reversal needed which might be of use to others, but because of the size of my FFT's (8192), I'm trying to reduce memory usage / cache flushing do to size of lookup tables or code, and increase performance. I've seen lots of clever bit reversal routines; they all allow you can feed them with any arbitrary value and get a bit reversed output, but FFT's don't need that flexibility since they go in a predictable sequence. First let me state what I have tried and/or figured out since it may be the fastest to date and you can see the problem, then I'll ask the question.
1) I've written a program to generate straight through, unlooped x86 source code that can be pasted into my FFT code, which reads an audio sample, multiplies it by a window value (that's a lookup table itself) and then just places the resulting value in it's proper bit reversed sorted position by absolute values within the x86 addressing modes like: movlps [edi+1876],xmm0. This is the absolute fastest way to do this for smaller FFT sizes. The problem is when I write straight through code to handle 8192 values, the code grows beyond the L1 instruction cache size and performance drops way down. Of course in contrast, a 32K bit reversal lookup table mixed with a 32K window table, plus other stuff, is also too big to fit the L1 data cache, and performance drops way down, but that's the way I'm currently doing it.
2) I've found patterns in the bit reversal sequence that can be exploited to reduce lookup table size, for example using 4 bit numbers (0..15) as an example, the bit reversal sequence looks like: 0,8,4,12,2,10,6,14|1,5,9,13,3,11,7,15. First thing that can be seen is that the last 8 numbers are the same as the first 8 +1, so I can chop my LUT half. If I look at the difference between the numbers there is more redundancy, so if I start with a zero in a register and want to add values to it to get the next bit reversed number they would be: +0,+8,-4,+8,-10,+8,-4,+8 and the same for the second half. As can be seen, I could have a lookup table of just 0 and -10 because the +8's and -4's always show up in a predictable way. The code would be unrolled to handle 4 values per loop: one would be a lookup table read, and the other 3 would be straight code for +8, -4, +8, before looping around again. Then a second loop could handle the 1,5,9,13,3,11,7,15 sequence. This is great, because I can now chop down my lookup table by another factor of 4. This scales up the same way for an 8192 size FFT. I can now get by with a 4K size LUT instead of 32K. I can exploit the same pattern and double the size of my code and chop down the LUT by another half yet again, however far I want to go. But in order to eliminate the LUT altogether, I'm back to the prohibitive code size.
For large FFT sizes, I believe that this #2 solution is the absolute fastest to date, since a relatively small percentage of lookup table reads need to be done, and every algorithm I currently find on the web requires too many serial/dependency calculations which can't be vectorized.
The question is, is there an algorithm that can increment numbers so the MSB acts like the LSB, and so on? In other words (in binary): 0000, 1000, 0100, 1100, 0010, etc… I've tried to think up some way, and so far, short of a bunch of nested loops, I can't seem to find a way for a fast and simple algorithm that is a mirror image of simply adding 1 to the LSB of a number. Yet it seems like there should be a way.
One other approach to consider: take a well known bit reversal algorithm - typically a few masks, shifts, and ORs - then implement this with SSE, so you get e.g. 8 x 16 bit bit reversals for the price of one. For 16 bits you need 5*log2(N) = 20 instructions, so the aggregate throughput would be 2.5 instructions per bit reversal.
This is the most trivial and straightforward solution (in C):
void BitReversedIncrement(unsigned *var, int bit)
unsigned c, one = 1u << bit;
do {
c = *var & one;
(*var) ^= one;
one >>= 1;
} while (one && c);
The main problem with is the conditional branches, which are often costly on modern CPUs. You have one conditional branch per bit.
You can do reversed increments by working on several bits at a time, e.g. 3 if ints are 32-bit:
void BitReversedIncrement2(unsigned *var, int bit)
unsigned r = *var, t = 0;
while (bit >= 2 && !t)
unsigned tt = (r >> (bit - 2)) & 7;
t = (07351624 >> (tt * 3)) & 7;
r ^= ((tt ^ t) << (bit - 2));
bit -= 3;
if (bit >= 0 && !t)
t = r & ((1 << (bit + 1)) - 1);
r ^= t;
t <<= 2 - bit;
t = (07351624 >> (t * 3)) & 7;
t >>= 2 - bit;
r |= t;
*var = r;
This is better, you only have 1 conditional branch per 3 bits.
If your CPU supports 64-bit ints, you can work on 4 bits at a time:
void BitReversedIncrement3(unsigned *var, int bit)
unsigned r = *var, t = 0;
while (bit >= 3 && !t)
unsigned tt = (r >> (bit - 3)) & 0xF;
t = (0xF7B3D591E6A2C48ULL >> (tt * 4)) & 0xF;
r ^= ((tt ^ t) << (bit - 3));
bit -= 4;
if (bit >= 0 && !t)
t = r & ((1 << (bit + 1)) - 1);
r ^= t;
t <<= 3 - bit;
t = (0xF7B3D591E6A2C48ULL >> (t * 4)) & 0xF;
t >>= 3 - bit;
r |= t;
*var = r;
Which is even better. And the only look-up table (07351624 or 0xF7B3D591E6A2C48) is tiny and likely encoded as an immediate instruction operand.
You can further improve the code if the bit position for the reversed "1" is a known constant. Just unroll the while loop into nested ifs, substitute the reversed one bit position constant.
For larger FFTs, paying attention to cache blocking (minimizing total uncovered cache miss cycles) can have a far larger effect on performance than optimization of the cycle count taken by indexing bit reversal. Make sure not to de-optimize a bigger effect by a larger cycle count while optimizing the smaller effect. For small FFTs, where everything fits in cache, LUTs can be a good solution as long as you pay attention to any load-use hazards by making sure things are or can be pipelined appropriately.

Weird Objective-C Mod Behavior for Negative Numbers

So I thought that negative numbers, when mod'ed should be put into positive space... I cant get this to happen in objective-c
I expect this:
-1 % 3 = 2
0 % 3 = 0
1 % 3 = 1
2 % 3 = 2
But get this
-1 % 3 = -1
0 % 3 = 0
1 % 3 = 1
2 % 3 = 2
Why is this and is there a workaround?
result = n % 3;
if( result < 0 ) result += 3;
Don't perform extra mod operations as suggested in the other answers. They are very expensive and unnecessary.
In C and Objective-C, the division and modulus operators perform truncation towards zero. a / b is floor(a / b) if a / b > 0, otherwise it is ceiling(a / b) if a / b < 0. It is always the case that a == (a / b) * b + (a % b), unless of course b is 0. As a consequence, positive % positive == positive, positive % negative == positive, negative % positive == negative, and negative % negative == negative (you can work out the logic for all 4 cases, although it's a little tricky).
If n has a limited range, then you can get the result you want simply by adding a known constant multiple of 3 that is greater that the absolute value of the minimum.
For example, if n is limited to -1000..2000, then you can use the expression:
result = (n+1002) % 3;
Make sure the maximum plus your constant will not overflow when summed.
We have a problem of language:
math-er-says: i take this number plus that number mod other-number
code-er-hears: I add two numbers and then devide the result by other-number
code-er-says: what about negative numbers?
math-er-says: WHAT? fields mod other-number don't have a concept of negative numbers?
code-er-says: field what? ...
the math person in this conversations is talking about doing math in a circular number line. If you subtract off the bottom you wrap around to the top.
the code person is talking about an operator that calculates remainder.
In this case you want the mathematician's mod operator and have the remainder function at your disposal. you can convert the remainder operator into the mathematician's mod operator by checking to see if you fell of the bottom each time you do subtraction.
If this will be the behavior, and you know that it will be, then for m % n = r, just use r = n + r. If you're unsure of what will happen here, use then r = r % n.
Edit: To sum up, use r = ( n + ( m % n ) ) % n
I would have expected a positive number, as well, but I found this, from ISO/IEC 14882:2003 : Programming languages -- C++, 5.6.4 (found in the Wikipedia article on the modulus operation):
The binary % operator yields the remainder from the division of the first expression by the second. .... If both operands are nonnegative then the remainder is nonnegative; if not, the sign of the remainder is implementation-defined
JavaScript does this, too. I've been caught by it a couple times. Think of it as a reflection around zero rather than a continuation.
Why: because that is the way the mod operator is specified in the C-standard (Remember that Objective-C is an extension of C). It confuses most people I know (like me) because it is surprising and you have to remember it.
As to a workaround: I would use uncleo's.
UncleO's answer is probably more robust, but if you want to do it on a single line, and you're certain the negative value will not be more negative than a single iteration of the mod (for example if you're only ever subtracting at most the mod value at any time) you can simplify it to a single expression:
int result = (n + 3) % 3;
Since you're doing the mod anyway, adding 3 to the initial value has no effect unless n is negative (but not less than -3) in which case it causes result to be the expected positive modulus.
There are two choices for the remainder, and the sign depends on the language. ANSI C chooses the sign of the dividend. I would suspect this is why you see Objective-C doing so also. See the wikipedia entry as well.
Not only java script, almost all the languages shows the wrong answer'
what coneybeare said is correct, when we have mode'd we have to get remainder
Remainder is nothing but which remains after division and it should be a positive integer....
If you check the number line you can understand that
I also face the same issue in VB and and it made me to forcefully add extra check like
if the result is a negative we have to add the divisor to the result
Instead of a%b
Use: a-b*floor((float)a/(float)b)
You're expecting remainder and are using modulo. In math they are the same thing, in C they are different. GNU-C has Rem() and Mod(), objective-c only has mod() so you will have to use the code above to simulate rem function (which is the same as mod in the math world, but not in the programming world [for most languages at least])
Also note you could define an easy to use macro for this.
#define rem(a,b) ((int)(a-b*floor((float)a/(float)b)))
Then you could just use rem(-1,3) in your code and it should work fine.