Is there a way to get Kotlin function's owner via reflection - kotlin

Suppose we have the following functions:
class MyClass {
fun myFunction() {}
companion object {
fun myStaticFunction() {}
fun myTopLevelFunction() {}
When I am debugging thru the following:
val functions = listOf(
functions.forEach {
val names = ( {
method -> println(
Intellij can correctly show me in "Evaluate Expression" this information
owner (MyClass, MyClass.Companion etc.
whether this is a top level function
But I cannot find a way to do it via reflection. For instance, I cannot figure out how to read function's owner. What am I missing? TIA.
In Intellij I can see functions' owners like this
myFunction -> MyClass
myStaticFunction -> MyClass.Companion
myTopLevelFunction -> MyFileNameKt

I believe KFunction does not provide us with such capability. If you are not afraid of using publicly available utils from kotlin.jvm.internal package then you can check if KFunction is a CallableReference and then use its owner property:
functions.forEach {
if (it is CallableReference) {


How to dynamically chose a transform function based on current observable in project reactor?

Hello dear reactive programmers, I started to learn project reactor but I still struggle to figure out what operator to use when. I figured out, that if I want to have reusable parts to define a reactor flow, I can use the transform operator. What I would like to achieve is to use a certain implementation of such a flow function based on the current observables context. For a Mono flow, I came up with this, but I am very unsure, if it is a good solution:
So here is a part of the flow
class CloudeventOverDelegatorRoute(
val fromHttpToDelegatorRoute: FromHttpToDelegatorRoute,
val delegatorProvider: DelegatorProvider,
val fromDelegatorToHttpRoute: FromDelegatorToHttpRoute
): MessageRoute<HttpBaseMessage, HttpResponseMessage> {
override fun isHandlerFor(context: RouteContext): Boolean {
return fromHttpToDelegatorRoute.isHandlerFor(context)
&& fromDelegatorToHttpRoute.isHandlerFor(context)
override fun buildPipeline(input: Mono<RoutableMessage<HttpBaseMessage>>): Mono<RoutableMessage<HttpResponseMessage>> {
var dynamicallyDeterminedDelegator: Delegator? = null
return input.transform {
}.handle<RoutableMessage<InternalMessage>> { t, u ->
dynamicallyDeterminedDelegator = delegatorProvider.provideDelegatorFor(t.routeContext)
}.transform {
}.transform { fromDelegatorToHttpRoute.buildPipeline(it) }
Here is the dynamic selection logic
interface DelegatorProvider {
fun provideDelegatorFor(context: RouteContext): Delegator
class FirstMatchDelegatorProvider(
private val delegators: List<Delegator>
): DelegatorProvider {
override fun provideDelegatorFor(context: RouteContext): Delegator {
return delegators.firstOrNull {
}?: throw IllegalStateException("No Delegator route available for context: $context")
And this is the delegator providing an essential sub-part of the whole flow
interface Delegator {
fun isHandlerFor(context: RouteContext): Boolean
fun sendDelegated(input: Mono<RoutableMessage<InternalMessage>>): Mono<RoutableMessage<InternalStatusMessage>>
What do you think? How would you solve it?
this approach is problematic because it relies on shared state (the dynamicallyDeterminedDelegator variable). If multiple subscribers subscribe to the returned Mono, they could overwrite each other delegator. Maybe that (multiple subscriptions) can't happen in your application, but this is a very bad habit to get into in any case.
looks like you can derive a delegator out of a RoutableMessage<InternalMessage> , and that you don't really need to retain that delegator.
the easiest way to resolve and apply the delegator to the routableMessage in one go is simply to use flatMap. see the (pseudo) java code below:
.flatMap(routableMessage -> {
val delegator = delegatorProvider.provideDelegatorFor(routableMessage.routeContext);
return delegator.sendDelegated(routableMessage);

How to inject dependency using koin in top level function

I have top-level function like
fun sendNotification(context:Context, data:Data) {
...//a lot of code here
That function creates notifications, sometimes notification can contain image, so I have to download it. I`m using Glide which is wrapped over interface ImageManager, so I have to inject it. I use Koin for DI and the problem is that I cannot write
val imageManager: ImageManager by inject()
somewhere in my code, because there is no something that implements KoinComponent interface.
The most obvious solution is to pass already injected somewhere else imageManager as parameter of function but I dont want to do it, because in most cases I dont need imageManager: it depends on type of Data parameter.
Easiest way is to create KoinComponent object as wrapper and then to get variable from it:
val imageManager = object:KoinComponent {val im: ImageManager by inject()}.im
Btw its better to wrap it by some function, for example I use
inline fun <reified T> getKoinInstance(): T {
return object : KoinComponent {
val value: T by inject()
So if I need instance I just write
val imageManager:ImageManager = getKoinInstance()
val imageManager = getKoinInstance<ImageManager>()
I did it in this way
fun Route.general() {
val repo: OperationRepo by lazy { GlobalContext.get().koin.get() }

How can I assign a value to KMutableProperty parameter?

In a method I would like to receive KMutableProperty as parameter and assign a value to it.
Another question is what is the correct way of passing a parameter into such a method.
Basically I would like to have something like that:
class MyBinder {
fun bind(property: KMutableProperty<Int>): Unit {
And then call it in another class
Kotlin 1.0 does not allow the this::intProperty syntax, but this is being worked currently and will be available soon as a part of the early access preview of 1.1 (issue, KEEP proposal).
With this in mind, I'd consider doing what you're describing in another way, for example making bind accept a lambda which sets the property:
class MyBinder {
fun bind(setProperty: (Int) -> Unit) {
myBinder.bind { intProperty = it }
Anyway, to answer your question about setting the value of KMutableProperty: to set the value of some property or, technically speaking, to invoke the property setter, you should know its arity, or the number of parameters that property (and its getter/setter) accepts. Properties declared in a file do not accept any parameters, member properties and extension properties require one parameter (the receiver instance), while member properties which are also extensions take two parameters. These kinds of properties are represented by the following subtypes of KMutableProperty respectively: KMutableProperty0, KMutableProperty1, KMutableProperty2 -- the number means the arity and their generic type parameters mean the types of receivers. Each of these property types has a set method with the corresponding parameters. Some examples:
fun setValue(property: KMutableProperty0<Int>, value: Int) {
fun setValue(property: KMutableProperty1<SomeType, Int>, instance: SomeType, value: Int) {
property.set(instance, value)
Note that there's no set (or get) method in the abstract KMutableProperty interface precisely because it's impossible to declare it, not knowing the number of required receiver parameters.
Additionally to Alexander's answer, you can try something like this:
import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty
class Binder {
val internalIntValue = 10
fun bind(self: Any, aProperty: KMutableProperty<Int>) {, internalIntValue)
class Foo {
var bar = 1
fun changeBar() {
Binder().bind(this, Foo::bar)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val foo = Foo()
assert(1 ==
assert(10 ==
A more robust/safe way to do the same thing:
fun <T> bind(self: T, aProperty: KMutableProperty1<T, Int>) {
aProperty.set(self, internalIntValue)
My thanks to Alexander. His answer gave me the previous idea.

Wrong "this" being used in nested closures

I'm trying to keep this minimal, but let me know if I'm being too minimal.
Suppose you have a class hierarchy like this, designed for generating HTML (inspired by the Kotlin tutorial; semi-pseudocode follows):
class Tag {
protected val children = arrayListOf<Tag>()
operator fun String.unaryPlus() = children.add(Text(this))
class TagWithChildren : Tag() {
fun head(init: Head.() -> Unit) = initializeTag(Head(), init)
fun script(init: Script.() -> Unit) = initializeTag(Script(), init)
fun <T : Tag> initializeTag(tag: T, init: T.() -> Unit): T {
return tag
class Head : TagWithChildren()
class Script : Tag()
class Text(val str: Text) : Tag()
Notice that Head has head and script methods while Script doesn't.
Now you can construct a template that looks like this:
head {
script {
Which works great! However, if the block passed to script tries to call methods that aren't available on Script, it can call the method on Head instead. For example,
head {
script {
script {
not only isn't a compile error, it's actually equivalent to
head {
script {
script {
which is super confusing, from a template author's perspective.
Is there any way to prevent method lookups from traveling up the scope like that? I only want it to look at the innermost scope.
UPDATE 11/24/2016:
Kotlin 1.1-M03 has introduced scope control, which I believe solves exactly this problem.
The current behavior is intentional. Code in a lambda has access to receivers of all enclosing scopes. It is possible that a future version of Kotlin will add a modifier that will restrict a lambda with receiver to calling methods on that receiver only and not the enclosing scopes, but in the current version there's no way to change that behavior.
As a workaround, I can have it fail at runtime if I change the classes to look like this:
open class Tag {
operator fun String.unaryPlus()
// pulled up from TagWithChildren, call protected method
fun head(init: Head.() -> Unit) = addChild(Head())
fun script(init: Script.() -> Unit) = addChild(Head())
// throws in Tag
open protected fun addChild(t: Tag) = throw IllegalArgumentException()
class TagWithChildren : Tag() {
// overridden to not throw in subclass
protected override fun addChild(t: Tag) = children.add(t)
This way, every Tag has the builder methods (solving the scoping problem), but actually calling them may result in a runtime failure.

Getting access to an instance in a wrapper function

In Kotlin I have this function to wrap a transaction:
fun wrapInTransaction(code: () -> Unit) {
How can I get access to realmInstance in the invoked code?
The easy solution here is to make code a function with receiver:
fun wrapInTransaction(code: Realm.() -> Unit) {
Inside a lambda which you pass as code you will be able to use this to reference the RealmInstance and to use its members directly as if inside a member function.
Calling realmInstance.code() is just calling code with passing realmInstance as a receiver to it.
The other answers correctly demonstrate how to pass the RealmInstance object to the lambda. In addition, you can make the whole function an extension function which makes the call site a bit prettier:
fun Realm.wrapInTransaction(code: Realm.() -> Unit) {
//this is implicit
The call site will look like this:
Realm.getInstance(this).wrapInTransaction {
Change the wrapInTransaction function to accept an extensions method on realmInstance like so:
fun wrapInTransaction(code:Realm.() -> Unit){
Then you can use it like:
wrapInTransaction {
println("realm instance is $this, instanceId: $instanceId")
Where for the sake of the example the Realm looks like:
class Realm {
val instanceId = 42
fun beginTransaction() {
fun commitTransaction() {
The above technique is possible thanks to Kotlin's Function Literals with Receiver that make it possible to set the this instance (receiver) within lambda function body. It makes it easy to build type safe builders that reassemble ones from Groovy or Ruby.
This answer provides more samples on the technique.