Can i get complete configuration.json file of azure-devops-migration-tools for migrating board,pipeline,repo etc - azure-devops-migration-tools

Can i get complete configuration.json file of azure-devops-migration-tools for migrating board,pipeline,repo etc
I am struggling to understand and prepare the config file can someone help me with a example or complete file.

You can output a config with all the trimings using:
migration.exe init --options Full


AWS Gluescript missing a Parquet file

AWS Gluescript written in pyspark usually works great, creates Parquet files, but occasionally I am missing a Parquet file. How can I ensure / mitigate missing data?
pertinent code is:
FinalDF.write.partitionBy("Year", "Month").mode('append').parquet(TARGET)
I can see the S3 folder with lots of parquet files and can find series with naming convention of
part-<sequential number> - <guid>
which makes it obvious that 1 parquet file is missing
so there is
part-00001 through part-00032 ***except *** part-00013 is missing
I can also see log file in cloudwatch which states :
WARN [Executor task launch worker for task 587] output.FileOutputCommitter ( No Output found for attempt_2022 ....
Downloaded source files and they process fine / cannot reproduce issue.
Any ideas on how to avoid / troubleshoot further? Many thanks.
Googled and searched existing posts and searched AWS docs with no luck. Tried to reproduce in dev environment - Cannot reproduce problem. Double checked backup/ DR folder. Has same data, same file is missing there.

sql-lint without configuration file

How can I run sql-lint without configuration file?
If I do not have configuration file when running sql-lint, I get:
FAIL: following sql-lint errors found:
Can't open file /home/tavni/.config/sql-lint/config.json. Does it exist?
Author here. That message does not stop the checks from running it's just a recommendation that you should create a config file because you'll have a better experience.
Some recent work has been done to make this more obvious and is going to be in the next release. Hope that helps!

Blazemeter (JMeter test) zip file upload fail

I get Non HTTP response message: /home/jmeter/ (No such file or directory) when uploading zip file in BlazeMeter.
But logs state that file is stored as expected INFO o.a.j.s.FileServer: Stored: /home/jmeter/
I added test file along with jmx file when creating test as instructed here. Also, have gone through BlazeMeter blogs and tutorials, nothing helped.
This test works perfectly fine executed locally or in Team Service, but I need it in BlazeMeter.
Blazemeter platform automatically extracts any zip file that is being uploaded, and thats the reason your test is unable to find the required file.
As a workaround, you can upload the file in a different format, and change the upload path to match the new file format.
For example: Change the zip format to gzip, and change the upload path in your script to be /home/jmeter/my_file-to-upload.gz instead of /home/jmeter/
If there are other questions we can help with, feel free to contact us at
Blazemeter Support Team

Unable to open a saved Gephi project file

Recently I worked on a project done in the network visualization and analysis software Gephi, and I saved it with the ".gephi" extension. However, when I try to reopen the file, it gives the following error message:-
"The project file couldn't be opened. Please check the file has .gephi extension.
XMLStreamException - ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]
Message: Premature end of file."
I'm a beginner in Gephi and only an amateur programmer. I do not understand this error message, and thus have no ideas on how to resolve it. I tried updating Gephi to the latest version. I also tried to open the file from within Gephi. Neither of those steps have resolved the problem. Can anyone help me out with this, please?
The error message "premature end of file" means that the xml file was not complete. I suppose that the whole file is empty or just the xml part of the file. so maybe the file got corrupted while saving.
Can you try to open the file with notepad or a hexeditor to verify that it has some content?
There must be some bug on the gephi files writing or reading process.
In order to identify the problem it would help if you can post a gephi log file when each error happens.
You can find the log file on gephi user directory (check
For example in Windows 7 the path is C:\Users\Your_User\AppData\Roaming.gephi\dev\var\log\messages.log
Also, if you can share the files, it will be easier to fix.
This could be related to an open bug where Java6 is used to save the gephi file and then Java7 is used to load the file, say on a different machine.
The jdk used by Gephi can be specified in /etc/gephi.conf or alternatively it can be specified as a parameter --jdkhome when launching Gephi.
The problem is with java and javac:
If you created your gephi file with open java-6-openjdk (for example) and then you sitch your java to java-7-openjdk, then this problem surges.
I fix my gephi returning to the same java and javac executables in Linux by:
(In terminal)
sudo update-alternatives --config java
and then
(In terminal)
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
Hope this can help!

CGI script create file with wrong permissions

I'm using standard routers2.cgi to display MRTG graphs using .rrd data files in a linux server.
This routers.cgi file reads rrd data files and create MRTG graphs to display them from a web url.
This system is working fine. Only problem is the .png graphs creates with 600 permissions. But it needs 644 permission to display from the web page. So I had to change the permissions manually. How can I fix this, any suggestions?
graphs located at:
apache2 config:
cgi bin: <path>/
doc root: <path>/
Well finally I have fixed it.
It got fix by adding following code in top of the script. In my case a have added it just below the ##CONFIG#START# comment line in the routers2.cgi