Make data and methods reusable in Vue js - vue.js

Let say i have a script like this in vue
export default {
name: "BaseCardAnnotationOption",
data() {
return {
includeAnnotations1: false,
embedIntoImage: null,
burnIntoImage: null,
burnReduction1: false,
maintainColor1: false,
annotationOption1: null
methods: {
deselectDisabled() {
return this.includeAnnotations1 === false
? ((this.annotationOption1 = null), (this.maintainColor1 = false))
: ((this.annotationOption1 = 0), (this.maintainColor1 = false));
And i am using the data variable and methods in like 4 or 5 other places . Is there a way i could put all these in a new file and just call these from a component when required . Thanks

You could use mixins to define some options and reuse them across your components, create a file called someMixins.js with following content :
export default const someMixins={
data() {
return {
includeAnnotations1: false,
embedIntoImage: null,
burnIntoImage: null,
burnReduction1: false,
maintainColor1: false,
annotationOption1: null
methods: {
deselectDisabled() {
return this.includeAnnotations1 === false
? ((this.annotationOption1 = null), (this.maintainColor1 = false))
: ((this.annotationOption1 = 0), (this.maintainColor1 = false));
then import it inside the component and use as follows :
import someMixins from 'path/to/someMixins.js'
export default {
name: "BaseCardAnnotationOption",

Just an addition to Boussadjra Brahim response, if you`re using Vue 3, you can import your functions inside a "script setup" all over your code.
Inside a file like '../module.js' or something else you prefer:
export function deselectDisabled() {
// Here you will need to modify and adapt your function to use callbacks.
Then you can just import it and use it like:
<script setup>
import { deselectDisabled } from './module.js
// Now you can use your function all over your vue file.
It is new a "syntactic sugar" vue 3 is implementing and it is REALLY helpful for big projects. You can see more about this here:


Vue.js 3 Pinia store is only partially reactive. Why?

I'm using Pinia as Store for my Vue 3 application. The problem is that the store reacts on some changes, but ignores others.
The store looks like that:
state: () => {
return {
roles: [],
currentRole: 'Administrator',
elements: []
getters: {
getElementsForCurrentRole: (state) => {
let role = state.roles.find((role) => role.label == state.currentRole);
if (role) {
return role.permissions.elements;
In the template file, I communicate with the store like this:
<template #item="{element}">
<n-card :title="formatElementName(" size="small" header-style="{titleFontSizeSmall: 8px}" hoverable>
<n-switch v-model:value="" size="small" />
<script setup>
import { NCard, NSwitch } from 'naive-ui';
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import { usePermissionsStore } from '#/stores/permissions';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
const props = defineProps({
selectedRole: {
type: String
const permissionsStore = usePermissionsStore();
const { getElementsForCurrentRole, roles } = storeToRefs(permissionsStore);
const onDragEnd = () => {;
const formatElementName = (element) => {
let title = element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + element.slice(1);
title = title.replace('-', ' ');
title = title.split(' ');
if (title[1]) {
title = title[0] + ' ' + title[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + title[1].slice(1);
if (typeof title == 'object') {
return title[0];
return title;
My problem is the v-model="getElementsForCurrentRole". When making changes, for example changing the value for the switch, the store is reactive and the changes are made successfully. But: If I try to change the Array order by dragging, the store does not update the order. I'm confused, because the store reacts on other value changes, but not on the order change.
What can be the issue here? Do I something wrong?
-Edit- I see the following warning on drag: Write operation failed: computed value is readonly
As workaround I work with the drag event and write the new index directly to the store variable. But...its just a workaround. I would really appreciate a cleaner solution.
Here is the workaround code:
onDrag = (event) => {
if (event && event.type == 'end') {
// Is Drag Event. Save the new order manually directly in the store
let current = permissionsStore.roles.find((role) => role.value == permissionsStore.currentRole);
var element = current.permissions.elements[event.oldIndex];
current.permissions.elements.splice(event.oldIndex, 1);
current.permissions.elements.splice(event.newIndex, 0, element);
You should put reactive value on v-model.
getElementsForCurrentRole is from getters, so it is treated as computed value.
Similar to toRefs() but specifically designed for Pinia stores so
methods and non reactive properties are completely ignored.
I think this should work for you.
// template
// script
const { getElementsForCurrentRole, roles } = storeToRefs(permissionsStore);
const elementsForCurrentRole = ref(getElementsForCurrentRole.value);

Handle paste event in vue2-editor

I'm using this text editor that is based on Quilljs
I want to handle the paste event so it pastes only the plain text without any format but seems in the documentation that paste is not a supported event by default.
Is there any way to add the paste event?
I've already tried using v-on:paste in the Editor and adding the Quill custom module Clipboard but haven't had any success.
As I didn't find a way of doing it with the library I did it with the DOM
onPaste() {
const x = document.getElementById("removePasteFormat");
x.addEventListener("paste", (e) => {
let text = e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
// access the clipboard using the api
if (document.queryCommandSupported("insertText")) {
document.execCommand("insertText", false, text);
} else {
document.execCommand("paste", false, text);
Added the id to the div containing the text editors like this:
<div id="removePasteFormat"> *<<Here goes the text editor component>>* </div>
And register the method on mounted()
mounted() {
I think it would be good to make a plugin.
I made it simple.
import Delta from 'quill/node_modules/quill-delta';
import Clipboard from 'quill/modules/clipboard';
import { Quill } from 'vue2-editor';
export class CustomClipboardPlugin extends Clipboard {
public quill!: Quill;
public options: any = {};
constructor(quill: Quill) {
super(quill, {
matchers: [],
this.quill = quill;
this.quill.root.addEventListener('paste', this.onPaste.bind(this), true);
onPaste(event: ClipboardEvent) {
const range = this.quill.getSelection(true);
if (range === null) return;
let _textHtml;
if (event.clipboardData?.getData('text/html')) {
_textHtml = event.clipboardData?.getData('text/html');
} else if (event.clipboardData?.getData('text/plain')) {
_textHtml = `<p>${event.clipboardData?.getData('text/plain')}</p>`;
if (_textHtml) {
const pastedDelta = this.quill.clipboard.convert(_textHtml);
const delta = new Delta()
this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
this.quill.setSelection(delta.length() - range.length, 0, Quill.sources.SILENT);
vue file
// script
import CustomClipboardPlugin fro 'src/utils/vue2Plugin/clipboard.ts';
data() {
return {
customModulesForEditor: [{ alias: 'clipboard', module: CustomClipboardPlugin }],
I was wondering the same and came up with the following solution.
1 - Use the :editorOptions option referenced here
2 - Fill with the module.clipboard module with the option described here
3 - You can then handle the paste with your personal function (applied after quill's matcher). I've written mine following this answer on github
data() {
return {
editorSettings: {
modules: {
clipboard: {
matchers: [[Node.ELEMENT_NODE, this.customQuillClipboardMatcher]]
methods: {
customQuillClipboardMatcher(node, delta) {
delta.ops = => {
return {
insert: op.insert
return delta

Vue: Watch array data variable doesnt work

i'm trying to watch an array declarated in data method (the 'validated' variable). I already have a watcher to an input (legal_name) and it works correctly but the array watcher doesnt give any response. Any idea?
export default {
data() {
return {
legal_name : '',
validated: [],
errors: []
watch: {
validated() {
legal_name(value) {
this.legal_name = value;
this.checkLength(value, 3);
methods: {
checkLength(value, lengthRequired) {
if(value.length < lengthRequired) {
this.errors[name] = `Debes ingresar al menos ${lengthRequired} caracteres`;
this.validated[name] = false;
return false;
this.errors[name] = '';
this.validated[name] = true;
return true;
eventName() {
name =;
You need to call Vue.set() for arrays, and NOT use indexing such as
foo[3]= 'bar'
Vue DOES recognize some operations, such as splice and push, however.
Read more about it here: and here:
So for your code, and using the Vue handy helper method $set:
this.validated.$set(name, true);
Javascript does not offer a hook (overload) for the array index operator ([]), so Vue has no way of intercepting it. This is a limitation of Javascript, not Vue. Here's more on that: How would you overload the [] operator in javascript

How to pass an array values from one function to another function in vuejs?

I am trying to get the array values from
"validateBeforeSubmit" function to "saveForm" function. But I am
getting values of "undefined" in "arrlength". Please help me to solve.
This my code in vue.js
export default {
name: '',
data() {
return {}
ready: function() {
methods: {
validateBeforeSubmit() {
var fieldsVal = new Array();
var firstName = document.getElementById('firstName').value
var lastName = document.getElementById('lastName').value
var designation = document.getElementById('designation').value
if (firstName != "" && lastName != "" && designation != "") {
return fieldsVal;
} else {
fieldsVal.length = 0;
return fieldsVal;
return fieldsVal;
saveForm() {
var fieldsValArray = this.validateBeforeSubmit();
var arrLength = fieldsValArray.length;
I can see multiple issues in your code:
1) Don't apply jQuery-like approach for getting input values. Use v-model instead. This will simplify your code
<input v-model="form.firstName" type="text"/>
export default {
data: {
form: {
firstName: '',
methods: {
validateBeforeSubmit() {
// take `firstName` directly from `data` not need for `getElementById`
const firstName = this.form.firstName;
2) Remove validateBeforeSubmit and saveForm from ready. Ready hook is obsolete in vue#2. And also it makes no sense. It's better to call it on form #submit.
3) It's better to create array using [] syntax instead of new Array()
Why never use new Array in Javascript
4) Always provide name for your component for easier debug
export default {
name: 'ValidationForm',
5) I don't know where was an issue but it works. Check this link below. I have updated your code. Try to submit form and check the console:

Vue - default values of nested properties

How can I set a default value of a nested property of a Object prop?
Apparently, Vue parse default value of nested properties only if the first level Object prop is undefined.
Vue.component('example', {
props: {
options: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {
nested: {
type: Object,
default: function(){
return 'default value'
Apparently, Vue parse default value of nested properties only if the
fist level Object prop is not undefined.
Yes and it makes sense because if you don't have outer object, you won't be able to have inner or nested properties.
So I think it's even more readable just set as default {} an emtpy object for the first level object and you should make your own defensive validations against undefined or null, like the bellow example:
export default {
props: {
option: {
type: Object,
default: () => {},
required: false
computed: {
optionReceived: function () {
const defaultNestedValue = 'Some default value'
const option = this.option.nested || defaultNestedValue;
return option;
I think it is always better to make your data structure easy to use and as flat as possible. Because nested props in Vue is never a good choice.
Assume the options you mentioned in your Vue component have a lot of properties inside.
props: {
options: {
bookAttributes: {
colorAttributes: { coverColor: 'red', ribbonColor: 'green' },
sizeAttributes: { coverSize: 10, ribbonSize: 2 },
you could make them flat like this for better comprehension.
props: {
coverSize: 10,
coverColor: 'red',
ribbonColor: 'green,
ribbonSize: 2 ...
And then you and your colleagues could happily use your component like this:
Good luck and wish you well.