Chromium selenium webdriver disable zoom-in option - selenium

I am trying to find a way to disable zoom in option in selenium webdriver, I am using chromium and there is no command line switch for this in docs, browser is in kiosk mode with touchscreen and user are able to zoom-in with two fingers, how to prevent that?


Selenium browser capability fontSize

Is it possible to change the fontsize of the browser through capabilities? if so how?
manually we can set it from chrome>>Settings>> Appearance>> font Size..
so, wanted to set it at initial launch of browser and work.
Had tried to find it in chromeOptions but couldn't
any possibility?
Couldnt tag, webdriverJS.
i am using typescript for webdriverJS API

Get access to Electron API from Java and Webdriver

I'm writing automation tests for Electron application using Java->Selenide (Selenium)->chromedriver 83.
I can successfully get access to visual elements of the app using xpath locators. But currently I need to check that window of my app is minimized after pressing "Minimize" UI button.
I can't find any easy ways to check that window is minimized from chromedriver.
May I use Electron API to get property win.isVisible or something like that? Or maybe any other ways to check that window of the Electron app is minimized?

Safari on Browserstack now working correctly

I am automating a simple login script through Browserstack using Selenium.
The script I have written works on chrome windows, chrome mac os, and Android Samsung. However, when I run the script through apple iPhone 11 or mac os safari I get an error message saying can not locate
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(text(),'Log in')]")).click();
Apart from the device, I am automating nothing else changes.
What is the fix for this?
If the test returned "cannot find element" on the device, I'll recommend changing the element locator strategy.
You could otherwise also try to inspect the app against the same browser manually via Live:
This could help you narrow down if the element locator is correct.

testing using selenium: chrome screensharing auto select tab and share with audio

I am testing my website using Selenium and I am able to open chrome with --auto-select-desktop-capture-source="tab_name" and select the tab when screen share is enabled. Now I want the audio playing in the tab to be in my stream along with the video. While doing it manually there is a checkbox which enables audio sharing but is there something which can help enable it from Selenium?
Here is a fiddle:
Notice the Share Audio checkbox after selecting chrome tab in the dialog. I want to check that from Selenium.
You could create an custom chromium build and implement an bypass for this dialog. To build chromium you can use these instructions (for windows): Here
Here the bypass in file
Look for this line:
// Orignal code
pending_request.picker->Show(picker_params, std::move(source_lists), std::move(done_callback));
And replace it with this
// Bypass dialog
content::DesktopMediaID screenSource(content::DesktopMediaID::TYPE_SCREEN, content::DesktopMediaID::kNullId, web_contents);
screenSource.audio_share = true;
OnPickerDialogResults(web_contents, screenSource);
// End of bypass
I testet it with Chromium Version 84.

Launch Webkit Nightly in fullscreen mode

I am using Webkit Nightly because i'm working on some new HTML5 features. I would like to look at the application full screen, without the window chrome.
Other browsers have F11 and other buttons to go fullscreen, but webkit doesn't. Is there a way I can launch it in fullscreen mode?
Webkit is a web content engine and its not a browser on its own. Anyway, which port of webkit are you referring to? GTK+? QT? EFL?
I just downloaded and compiled WebKit-r70098 (for GTK+) on my Ubuntu box following this instructions. The demo browser (GtkLauncher) that comes with it creates a window of 800x600 (hardcoded in the code) and doesn't have a fullscreen feature.
Also, the pre-compiled binaries for Mac OS X that allows Safari to run on top of Webkit, don't offer native fullscreen capabilities. Currently there's no fullscreen without tweaking Safari configuration files or using 3rd party plugins (there are lots of them).
On Windows, webkit.exe also doesn't have fullscreen capabilities.