How can I disable the code preview window next to the scrollbar in Intellij?
I am not sure what its name is and cannot find the setting related to it.
See the red arrow in the image
Disable or uninstall the CodeGlance plugin under
IntelliJ -> Preferences -> Plugins
Consider 2 Terminal Tabs in Intellij:
Intellij has shortcuts to move Terminal tabs left and right:
A more common operation is simply to navigate between the Terminal Tabs. But I could not find any such shortcut. Is there a way to do this via the keyboard?
Update In response to #PetrRastegaev's suggestion to use the Window|Editor Tabs|Goto Next/Previous Splitter: they are not enabled :
I can not find the intellij shortcut key for scroll from source ,which is to locate the file in navi bar?
There is no key directly for that action. It is not in the find action dialog nor in keymap.
There is a IntelliJ Idea Plugin Scroll From Source, which enables you to bind keyboard shortcut to that feature.
Alternatively, you can achieve similar behavior by pressing Alt+F1 and then pressing Enter.
Also note that you can enable automatic scroll to source feature.
How to disable auto show hints in IntelliJ IDEA on mouse over?
This hint could be very big if you call existing method with incorrect parameters. It's very uncomfortable.
There are the same behaviour in PyCharm:
and WebStorm:
Those popups (or tooltips) has been my worst annoyance in the editor for a while. There is how I fixed it:
On the editor, at the bottom-right of the window, there is a head icon. Click it and uncheck the box "Import popup".
You can have a look at this guide (with images) to help you finding the checkbox:
I hope that can help you
TOTALLY: Open Settings (or Pereferences, if you are OS X user) dialog, choose Editor | Inspections. On the Mange tab (right pane of the dialog) select Copy. Then click the language node. Here you can find the setion that is probably responsible for your tooltips and disable it. Or disable the whole language node, if you like. This way you have all the IDE features working and no tooltips at all. You can return back to Project Default inspections profile when you need it.
PARTIALLY: Try to disable the respected intention action. Press Alt+Enter when you see the tooltip, select the action from the list and press the right arrow key. In the context menu, select "Disable".
From JetBrains Forum.
You probably need to uncheck the Inlay Hints.
For Windows 10 & PyCharm Community 2020.3.3 :
File > Settings > Editor > Inlay Hints
Uncheck Show hints for:
I try to figure out how to center the current line in the center through PyCharm.
The default key binding of emacs is C-u C-l but it doesn't work in PyCharm.
Any suggestion?
The default key binding for this is CTRL-M.
Go to File -> Settings, then Keymap, then Editor Actions -> Scroll to Center. There you find the feature, and you can remap it to any other binding.
This is an Intellij-Idea IDE feature and not limited to the PyCharm editor.
Go to: Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Virtual Space -> Show virtual space at file bottom
Tick it.
Add a Keyboard Shortcut for Scroll line to middle. Ctrl+l
There is no such action in PyCharm, feel free to submit a feature request.
In IntelliJ 9.0, is there any way to hide the panels on the sides and bottom? Specifically, I'm trying to hide the Ant Build panel, since I don't use Ant and don't want to have these extra panels taking up space on my side and bottom bars.
CTRL-SHIFT-F12 maximizes the editor
Also, SHIFT-ESC closes the active panel
You can permanently remove the Ant Build panel by disabling the plugin. Go to Settings > Plugins and uncheck the "Enable" box next to Ant Support.
Install Tool Window Manager plugin to be able to disable tabs that you don't use.
For current IDEA version 2018.1 (and for many previous editions)
Right-click the tool window button you want to hide (in your case the Ant Build).
Choose Remove from Sidebar
More info: