Minecraft development plugin for fabric mod not working - minecraft

I was trying to create a fabric mod for Minecraft using IntelliJ
I installed the Minecraft development plugin to make the setup process easier
but when I created a project it throwed errors. Pls help me counter this problem


IntelliJ Community Edition Hanging on Plugin Cloud Code

I installed Cloud Code for IntelliJ Community Edition 2022.2.1 and IntelliJ hung. I have let it run for over 20 minutes but there is no change. This is the second time this has happened (I reinstalled IntelliJ the first time). Could this have anything to do with having many complicated Maven pom.xml files in multiple projects?
The screen is stuck on the Popup text and showing that there is an upgrade pending.
The issue arises after I install the Cloud Code plug-in. The version of Cloud Code that I installed is: Cloud Code - 22.9.2-221.
The fix for Cloud Code plugin has been released - please update to the latest plugin version (22.10.1-222/221).
This should fix the hanging when opening new projects (especially large one on slower Windows machines) with Cloud Code installed.
If you get your IDE hanging when opening a project in Windows and need to unblock to install a fixed version of Cloud Code, go to Windows Task Manager, find IntelliJ IDEA, expand list of child processes, and kill skaffold.exe process - this should unblock IDE immediately. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Debugging grails 3.3.11 project in IntelliJ Idea Community

I am trying to debug my grails 3.3.11 source code using a community version of IntelliJ Idea. I don't know why but, even if a choose a break point, I run the command
grails run-app -debug
as I have seen in a variety of sites, the application never stops in the breakpoint. It executes all the program.
I have two questions.
1 - Is it possible to debug a grails 3.3.11 project using the community version of IntelliJ Idea?
2 - If so, how can I do that.
I have two questions. 1 - Is it possible to debug a grails 3.3.11 project using the community version of IntelliJ Idea?
Yes. The debugger in the community version of Intellij works well with Grails.
2 - If so, how can I do that.
There are a number of ways. You can create a run-configuration in IntelliJ to launch the application in debug mode. You can launch the application using ./gradlew bootRun --debug-jvm and then attach a remote debugger from the IDE (I do that all the time). The video at https://grails.org/blog/2017-01-20-4.html demonstrates using the debugger (that portion works the same in Community Edition vs Ultimate Edition).

how to setup the environment to debug the Restcomm-smsc source code

can you please describe me how to setup a development environment with intellij IDEA for restcomm-smsc to debug run compile build and doing breakpoints etc.
i am using ubuntu 14.04.
i could run the smsc gateway from the binary package and do the simulator tests but when it comes to do some coding and debugging and building stuff, i cannot creat e the correct development environment for restcomm-smsc source code.
i really appreciate if you can guide me simply how to do it?
Thanks a lot
Do you want to debug application deployed on JBoss? If so you need to simply add/uncomment JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=$DEBUG_PORT,server=y,suspend=n" in run.sh/standalone.sh.
In intellij Run -> Edit Configurations -> Remote and provide jboss IP and port from JAVA_OPTS.

Flutter Plugin issue in IntelliJ IDEA 17.2

I am trying to add plugin for flutter as recommended by flutter in their site and i am facing two different issues in it
I couldn't find plugin named Flutter in their plugin directory even though they have in their site
if I download the plugin via the sit and install it the plugin referring from disk in IntelliJ, it say it is incompatible.
Anyone facing same kind of issue or anyone found a workaround for this.
I am using IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 17.2
As far as I know Flutter plugin doesn't yet support EAP versions of IntelliJ.
There is an open issue https://github.com/flutter/flutter-intellij/issues/400
Thanks Gunter. Appreciate your feedback. Finally after creating a second flutter app and loading it in IntellJ , if automatically recognized flutter plugin available to be download and it installs the plugin after i accept the download and installation which followed by a restart for it get activated.
Try updating your Android Studio: Documentation
Open preferences (Android Studio > Check for Updates)
If dart or flutter are listed, update them.

Play Framework with IntelliJ Community Edition 14

I have not managed to compile/debug etc. the current Play Framework (2.3.7) with the Community Edition 14 of IntelliJ. Neither by importing the project, nor by using gen-idea .
Is there any way to get it run or is there just no way to use it ?
Paying > 400 bucks for just this feature is simply too much.
Usually I compile and run through console: activator -> compile/run, but you can compile in Intellij too by running Build -> Make Project, but I never tried running Play in Intellij though.
And for debugging, I run command activator -jvm-debug 9999 run as said in documentation. Then I set up remote debug configuration in Intellij.