Debugging grails 3.3.11 project in IntelliJ Idea Community - intellij-idea

I am trying to debug my grails 3.3.11 source code using a community version of IntelliJ Idea. I don't know why but, even if a choose a break point, I run the command
grails run-app -debug
as I have seen in a variety of sites, the application never stops in the breakpoint. It executes all the program.
I have two questions.
1 - Is it possible to debug a grails 3.3.11 project using the community version of IntelliJ Idea?
2 - If so, how can I do that.

I have two questions. 1 - Is it possible to debug a grails 3.3.11 project using the community version of IntelliJ Idea?
Yes. The debugger in the community version of Intellij works well with Grails.
2 - If so, how can I do that.
There are a number of ways. You can create a run-configuration in IntelliJ to launch the application in debug mode. You can launch the application using ./gradlew bootRun --debug-jvm and then attach a remote debugger from the IDE (I do that all the time). The video at demonstrates using the debugger (that portion works the same in Community Edition vs Ultimate Edition).


Where to find Quarkus run configuration in Intellij IDEA?

Some time ago I used to run Quarkus projects in Linux as any other proyect, this means by clicking "Edit Configurations" and selecting "Quarkus (Maven)" as you can see in this picture:
But now I´m using Windows and those menus have disapeared:
As an alternative currently I´m running my Quarkus projects from Maven tab, which isn´t a fashion way:
So at the begining I thought this was due to a bug in Quarkus Tools plugin that I created a new issue, however that plugin does not offer such feature. Could anybody give a hand on how to run Quarkus projects as any other project? Thanks in advance.
Run configurations are offered by this plugin:
Looks like it is discontinued though, marked as "deprecated" and it's not showing in the Plugin marketplace (within IntelliJ) for me, so I had to install it via the website.
AFAIK there are plans for the official JetBrains bundled plugin to support it (, but it's not done yet.

running and debugging play project from intellij using gradle

Can you explain of to run and debug a play project from intellij using gradle
with scala?
(The simplest solution of hello world).

Write an IDE on top of IntelliJ Platform

I want to write a custom IDE on top of IntelliJ Platform. Android Studio is an example. It was built based on IntelliJ Platform and was designed to support Android application development.
There are lots of git GUI out there. However, in Linux, I don't satisfy with any. That is my motivation to write a git IDE for Linux. IntelliJ IDEA already have a very good Git plugin. Using IntelliJ IDEA is a solution. But it is too heavy for opening entire project with different functionalities (Run, Debug, Refactor...) for just Git operations. Therefore, I want to make that plugin a complete IDE for only Git operation.
On IntelliJ Platform forum page, there are tutorials to write plugins. However, it doesn't have the guide for writing a complete IDE.
Are there any tutorials to help me get started?
IntelliJ platform is probably not the best choice for writing a general purpose RCP applications.
Git plugin has 65k lines of code, you are talking about gutting ~13M lines IDE (respectively 3M lines of pure Java source code).

Play Framework with IntelliJ Community Edition 14

I have not managed to compile/debug etc. the current Play Framework (2.3.7) with the Community Edition 14 of IntelliJ. Neither by importing the project, nor by using gen-idea .
Is there any way to get it run or is there just no way to use it ?
Paying > 400 bucks for just this feature is simply too much.
Usually I compile and run through console: activator -> compile/run, but you can compile in Intellij too by running Build -> Make Project, but I never tried running Play in Intellij though.
And for debugging, I run command activator -jvm-debug 9999 run as said in documentation. Then I set up remote debug configuration in Intellij.

Unable to debug a Gradle + Dropwizard Project from IntelliJ IDEA

I am currently unable to debug an application that uses gradle + dropwizard from IntelliJ IDEA
I imported the project using the JetGradle plugin and I am launching the "run" task in debug mode from the plugin itself.
I am using this sample project:
The project actually runs but the breakpoints are never hit.
Anything I may be missing that prevents me from debugging this simple app from IntelliJ ?
There could be many reasons why the debugger isn't stopping at a breakpoint, and from your description it's unclear if the problem is related to (Jet)Gradle. That said, the JetGradle plugin in IDEA 12 is very limited, and I recommend to use Gradle's idea plugin instead. Alternatively, try an early access preview of IDEA 13, which has a much improved Gradle integration.