How to determine whether base point of secp256k1 (G) lies on curve? - cryptography

I am doing some research on elliptic curves. If I understood correctly there is a G base point that was set as a large prime point on the curve. As an example, I pick the infamous secp256k1 curve with G.
G = (0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798,
I wanted to test if a G lies on the curve. So I written a small piece of python code.
# y^2 = x^3 + 7
def curveEq(G):
x, y = G
left = (y * y)
right = (x * x * x) + 7
print("L: " + str(left))
print("R: " + str(right))
but I get left != right. What am I missing?

The point for me was as Mr. Polk said in the comment - the secpk1 curve contains in definition mod p. I totally misunderstood that this curve is defined with mod p (I was thinking that curve is just an equation without the mod and that mod was used only in point doubling and adding). After correcting my code with modulus everything works and I am able to verify the point.
# y^2 = x^3 + 7 mod P for secp256k1
P = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f
def curveEqMod(p):
x, y = p
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
left = (y * y) % P
right = ((x * x * x) + 7) % P
print("L: " + str(left))
print("R: " + str(right))
Also as Mr. kelalaka said there is a similar example: Proof that user public key corresponds the curve equation (secp256r1)


Rotate camera axis by mouse - Open GL

So I have successfully managed to rotate, move, etc with keyboard keys my camera through my environment. I do this by multiplying my view matrix by rotational matrices:
ViewMatrix = ViewMatrix X Z_Rotational_Matrix(yaw_increment) X X_Rotational_Matrix(pitch_increment) X Y_Rotational_Matrix(roll_increment)
I can do so with inputs of yaw, pitch, and roll. So I am next trying to do these rotations with the mouse. I believe I have all of the heavy lifting done and should just need to supply the yaw, and pitch to my rotational matrix. Correct me if this is the wrong thought process.
I can capture the mouse world coordinate when I click and when I move so supposedly it should just be math based on initial_mouse_click_coordinates and current_mouse_click_coordinates. My thought is to project two vectors, one from the initial_mouse_click_coordinate and the other from current_mouse_click_coordinates. Both vectors are parallel to the vector created from my camera location and my camera lookat point. Then I can calculate the XY planar angle and the XZ planar angle. Once these are determined I pass these as the yaw and pitch to my rotational matrices.
Determining two angles between my two lines:
The problem I have is that these values appear to be really small so on the screen nothing really happens. Am I going about this the wrong way completely?
If this is the right method to try, am I messing up on my math somewhere?
'we have initial_mouse_world_coordinates and mouse_world_coordinates. These are the points on the x screen in world coordinates.
'Two lines must be constructed going through these points, parallel with our lookat vector.
'The two angles between these two vectors are the angles to use on our lookat vector
'X = X0 + Rx*T
'Y = Y0 + Ry*T
'Z = Z0 + Rz*T
'therefore T = (Z-Z0)/Rz
'at Z = 0: T = -Z0/Rz
Dim t As Decimal = -initial_mouse_world_coordinates.Z / cam.lookat.Z
Dim y As Decimal = initial_mouse_world_coordinates.Y + (cam.lookat.Y * t)
Dim x As Decimal = initial_mouse_world_coordinates.X + (cam.lookat.X * t)
Dim z As Decimal = 0
'new point = x,y,z => translate to new vector
Dim startline As New Vector3(initial_mouse_world_coordinates.X - x, initial_mouse_world_coordinates.Y - y, initial_mouse_world_coordinates.Z - z)
t = -mouse_world_coordinates.Z / cam.lookat.Z
y = mouse_world_coordinates.Y + (cam.lookat.Y * t)
x = mouse_world_coordinates.X + (cam.lookat.X * t)
z = 0
Dim endline As New Vector3(mouse_world_coordinates.X - x, mouse_world_coordinates.Y - y, mouse_world_coordinates.Z - z)
'now simply find the two angles between these two lines
'cos(theida) = ((Ai,Ak) ⋅ (Bi,Bk)) / (||Ai,Ak|| * ||Bi,Bk||)
theida = Acos(((startline.X * endline.X) + (startline.Z * endline.Z)) / (Sqrt(startline.X ^ 2 + startline.Z ^ 2) * Sqrt(endline.X ^ 2 + endline.Z ^ 2)))
theida = 0
End Try
phi = Acos(((startline.X * endline.X) + (startline.Y * endline.Y)) / (Sqrt(startline.X ^ 2 + startline.Y ^ 2) * Sqrt(endline.X ^ 2 + endline.Y ^ 2)))
phi = 0
End Try
theida = theida * (180 / PI)
phi = phi * (180 / PI)
Any help or guidance is appreciated. Again I may be going at this with the wrong idea in the first place.

Let A,B, C be fad. Consider the equation X = AX + BX + C. Must a solution X be fad?

Let A,B, C be fad. Consider the equation X = AX + BX + C. Must a solution X be fad?
Could you help me solve this question?
fad is a regular language
Assume juxtaposition (AX) means concatenation, and + means union. Then, let A = B = {e} and C = {}, the FAD language containing only the empty string and the empty language, respectively. Then let X be any non-FAD language. Clearly, the equation X = AX + BX + C is true since AX = X, BX = X, and X + X + {} = X.
Here are FAs for {e} and {} (proof, if desired, is left as an exercise):
--->[q0]-s->q1 | s
--->q0 | s
If juxtaposition and union mean something else, the answer may change. For instance, it's possibly that + means concatenation, but then I don't know what to make of juxtaposition (union? intersection?).

Scaling up a tile-map smoothly?

I'm making a mod for some game, and I'm using a base tile-map that I want to be scaleable to a bigger map. However, when I just use a "nearest-neighbour" kind of scaling the map will have hard square edges. I want to prevent this.
So I have a tilemap, something like this:
- - X -
- X X X
X X - -
With my current scaling I get something like:
- - - - X X - -
- - - - X X - -
- - X X X X X X
- - X X X X X X
X X X X - - - -
X X X X - - - -
Which has some hard edges as you can see. I would like them to be more smooth:
- - - - X X - -
- - - X X X X -
- - X X X X X X
- X X X X X X X
X X X X X X - -
X X X X - - - -
I wasn't sure what to call this, so my search didn't turn up much.
How can I do something like this?
Note that there are several different kinds of tiles, and no in-between tile types.
So I played around a bit myself, and found something that seems to work quite well.
Here's what I do (Lua):
--First get the cells you're between (x and y are real numbers, not ints)
local top = math.floor(y)
local bottom = (top + 1)
local left = math.floor(x)
local right = (left + 1)
--Then calculate weights. These are basically 1 - the distance. The distance is scaled to be between 0 and 1.
local sqrt2 = math.sqrt(2)
local w_top_left = 1 - math.sqrt((top - y)*(top - y) + (left - x)*(left - x)) / sqrt2
local w_top_right = 1 - math.sqrt((top - y)*(top - y) + (right - x)*(right - x)) / sqrt2
local w_bottom_left = 1 - math.sqrt((bottom - y)*(bottom - y) + (left - x)*(left - x)) / sqrt2
local w_bottom_right = 1 - math.sqrt((bottom - y)*(bottom - y) + (right - x)*(right - x)) / sqrt2
--Then square these weights, which makes it look better
w_top_left = w_top_left * w_top_left
w_top_right = w_top_right * w_top_right
w_bottom_left = w_bottom_left * w_bottom_left
w_bottom_right = w_bottom_right * w_bottom_right
--Now get the codes (or types) of the surrounding tiles
local c_top_left = decompressed_map_data[top % height][left % width]
local c_top_right = decompressed_map_data[top % height][right % width]
local c_bottom_left = decompressed_map_data[bottom % height][left % width]
local c_bottom_right = decompressed_map_data[bottom % height][right % width]
--Next calculate total weights for codes
-- So add together the weights of surrounding tiles if they have the same type
local totals = {}
add_to_total(totals, w_top_left, c_top_left) --see below for this helper func
add_to_total(totals, w_top_right, c_top_right)
add_to_total(totals, w_bottom_left, c_bottom_left)
add_to_total(totals, w_bottom_right, c_bottom_right)
--Lastly choose final code, which is the tile-type with the highest weight
local code = nil
local weight = 0
for _, total in pairs(totals) do
if total.weight > weight then
code = total.code
weight = total.weight
return terrain_codes[code]
-- Helper function
local function add_to_total(totals, weight, code)
if totals[code] == nil then
totals[code] = {code=code, weight=weight}
totals[code].weight = totals[code].weight + weight
And voila. This select an exact tile-type for any x/y value even when they are not integers, thus making it possible to scale your grid. I'm not sure if there are better ways, but it works and looks good. In the end I also added some random number to the weights, to make the edges a little less straight which looks better in Factorio when scaling very high.

sqrt-based filled ellipse pixel drawing function

I'm trying to make a function in Lua or VB based code to draw / plot a filled ellipse.
I don't have much knowledge about this math and I can use some help.
I Googled everything there is to Google about drawing ellipses with code but I can't find a good simple working example in VB or Lua for a filled one.
On a previous post on this site I did get an answer about how to draw a normal ellipse but nothing came up for a filled one, that's why i make a new topic for a filled one.
Here are a few websites I visited but I can't find a way to make a filled ellipse without redrawing already drawed pixels...
Here is the code I have for a normal ellipse (thanks to "Johnny Strings" for the VB version):
function DrawEllipse(xc,yc,w,h)
local w2 = w * w
local h2 = h * h
local fw2 = 4 * w2
local fh2 = 4 * h2
xc = xc + w
yc = yc + h
local x = 0
local y = h
local s = 2 * h2 + w2 * (1 - h)
while h2 * x <= w2 * y do
dot(xc + x, yc + y)
dot(xc - x, yc + y)
dot(xc + x, yc - y)
dot(xc - x, yc - y)
if s >= 0 then
s = s + fw2 * (1 - y)
y = y - 1
s = s + h2 * ((4 * x) + 6)
x = x + 1
x = w
y = 0
s = 2 * w2 + h2 * (1 - w)
while w2 * y <= h2 * x do
dot(xc + x, yc + y)
dot(xc - x, yc + y)
dot(xc + x, yc - y)
dot(xc - x, yc - y)
if s >= 0 then
s = s + fh2 * (1 - x)
x = x - 1
s = s + w2 * ((4 * y) + 6)
y = y + 1
Here's what I came up with for my CPU renderer in the past. It's very efficient and very simple too.
It relies on the mathematical definition of the ellipse, so the ellipse is drawn centered at x,y and has the width and height defined from the center, not from the other side.
The draw point function draws a pixel at the x by y point specified.
local function drawaxisalignedellipse(x,y,w,h)
--n Defines the bounds of the horizontal lines which fill the ellipse.
local n=w
local w2=w*w
local h2=h*h
--draws the center horizontal line.
for i=x-w,x+w do
for j=1,h do
--The current top and bottom rows.
local ra,rb=y+j,y-j
--This loop removes 1 from n until it is within the shape
while w2*(h2-j*j)<h2*n*n and n~=0 do n=n-1 end
--Draws horizontal line from -n to n across the ellipse
for i=x-n,x+n do

Explain np.polyfit and np.polyval for a scatter plot

I have to make a scatter plot and liner fit to my data. prediction_08.Dem_Adv and prediction_08.Dem_Win are two column of datas. I know that np.polyfit returns coefficients. But what is np.polyval doing here? I saw the documentation, but the explanation is confusing. can some one explain to me clearly
plt.plot(prediction_08.Dem_Adv, prediction_08.Dem_Win, 'o')
plt.xlabel("2008 Gallup Democrat Advantage")
plt.ylabel("2008 Election Democrat Win")
fit = np.polyfit(prediction_08.Dem_Adv, prediction_08.Dem_Win, 1)
x = np.linspace(-40, 80, 10)
y = np.polyval(fit, x)
plt.plot(x, y)
print fit
np.polyval is applying the polynomial function which you got using polyfit. If you get y = mx+ c relationship. The np.polyval function will multiply your x values with fit[0] and add fit[1]
Polyval according to Docs:
N = len(p)
y = p[0]*x**(N-1) + p[1]*x**(N-2) + ... + p[N-2]*x + p[N-1]
If the relationship is y = ax**2 + bx + c,
fit = np.polyfit(x,y,2)
a = fit[0]
b = fit[1]
c = fit[2]
If you do not want to use the polyval function:
y = a*(x**2) + b*(x) + c
This will create the same output as polyval.