How do you access previous params in router file in express.js? - express

let's say I create a router like so in the app file:
const usernameRouter = express.Router();
app.use('/:username', usernameRouter);
When I'm in the router file, how would access that :username variable?

There is no built in way to get that parameter from the sub-route. You'd have several options:
1) Use req.originalUrl
In your sub-route handler, parse it out of req.originalUrl.
2) Move the /:username into the route declaration
Don't use a wildcard when sending to the router. Instead, just do this:
And, then inside of usernameRouter, do this:
router.get("/:username/something", ...);
So, you can then use req.params.username to get access to that.
3) Create middleware to capture req.params.username
Use a middleware function to set the parameter to a place you can get to it:
app.use('/:username', (req, res, next) => {
req.username = req.params.username;
usernameRouter(req, res, next);
Then, you can access it from req.username in the sub-routes.


Express router middleware gets called on unexpected routes

Using express, I have multiple routes where I need some middleware. They aren't under any common /url/path.
Router-level middleware says:
Router-level middleware works in the same way as application-level middleware, except it is bound to an instance of express.Router()
As I read it, the implication is that the middleware applies only to the routes of the router instance. But that seems not to be the case.
In the following example, I expect "router called" to be logged only for http://localhost:10000/router.
But it gets logged for http://localhost:10000/noRouter also, which I don't understand. Why does middleware used by the router instance get called for routes that are added to app directly? Is it possible to create a Router so that only routes bound to that Router get the middleware applied?
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 10000
const router = express.Router();
router.use((req, _res, next) => {
console.log("router called")
router.get('/router', (req, res) => {
app.get('/noRouter', (req, res) => {
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Listening at http://localhost:${port}`)
P.S.: I'm not stuck and have it working using a different approach. I just want to understand why this doesn't work...
A router is just inserted into a chain of request handlers and is searched/executed in order.
Because you do this:
You are specifically sending ALL requests to your router. So, all requests will wind through the various handlers in that router looking for one that matches the incoming path. That will include your router.use() middleware which matches ALL paths so it will execute for every URL that gets sent to your router. There is no logic in a router that first checks to see if some route in the router matches before it executes any middleware. A router works just like the app object in this regard and executes middleware in the order it encounters them. So, the only way your middleware doesn't get executed is if the request never gets to the router at all.
If you want middleware to only apply to routes in a router, then you have a couple choices:
Put the router on a common path prefix such as:
app.use("/somerouterprefix", router);
Then, only URLs that get routed to your router will run the middleware in the router. This will, of course, only execute the middleware for routes that start with that prefix, but it will also execute the middleware for routes that start with the prefix, but don't even have a matching route handler in the router. Remember, I said earlier that everything that gets sent to the router will cause your middleware to execute.
Or, secondly, put the middleware on each individual handler in your router so that it will only get executed when it matches some route on your router such as:
const router = express.Router();
// give the middleware a function name so you can
// use it in specific route definitions
function myMiddleware((req, _res, next) => {
console.log("router called")
// specify the middleware in your route definition
router.get('/router', myMiddleware, (req, res) => {

Reference app in express middleware

Supposing we have some middleware in express 4.0:
app.use((req, res, next) => {
// ... i want app here. except this
// method is imported from another file
// so app isn't in scope.
Is there any way to get the app object?
I'm writing several custom middleware packages and I keep finding myself needing to reference app (from another file of course). I'm doing hokey things like this:
Which is really a high-order function:
const fabMiddleware = (app) => {
return function(req, res, next) {
// ... now i can use app
modue.exports = fabMiddleware;
Does perhaps this, req or res have a reference to app?
Yes you can access the app instance without needing to explicitly pass it in. Simply call or to get access to it.

Express: use separate route file for multiple kinds of http requests on same path

Here are my routes:
app.get('/signUp', routes.signUp);'/signUp' , routes.signUp);
Here is my separate file for routes.
exports.signUp = function(req, res) {
The second block of code is behaviour I want in response to a get request.
How do I respond to a post request? I have already tied up the signUp function with behaviour that responds to get. Do I bundle up the post behaviour in the same function and render the sign up page again? Suppose I simply want to render the view, I don't want the post behaviour to execute in that case so it would be strange to bundle those together.
I believe the express router module should resolve this for you.
route file -
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
.get(function (req, res) {
.post(function (req, res) {
//do something else
module.exports = router
index.js/app.js/server.js/whatever you call it.
signUp = require("./routes/signup.js"); //or wherever this is
app.use("/signUp", signUp);

What is the difference between get/post/... and use

I am new to Express 4 router.
When I tried some login/signup example, I got one question about the .use and .get/.post function:
I saw sometimes it uses:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.get('/hello', function(req, res, next) {
and in main app, we use it like:
app.use("/", router);
While some other time, it uses:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
//here the router uses .use() function rather than .get/.post
router.use('/hello', function(req, res, next) {
and in main app, we use it like:
app.use("/", router);
So I am wondering what is the difference between them, does the .use() just a general name for all of get/post/put/... together?
I find this post: Difference between app.use and app.get in express.js
But still not feel easy to understand this....
In addition to what Jonathan Lonowski said in the posted link, it might help to not compare use to get and post, but to compare it to all because both all and use work regardless of the HTTP verb used while that's obviously not true for get. Everything I'm about to say applies if you replace "all" with "get", it'll just narrow that handler down to a specific HTTP verb.
So, what's the difference between all and use?
app.all will handle incoming requests at the specified URL path regardless of the HTTP verb, just as app.use does. However, how it compares the requested URL to the handler is different. For example:
var r = express.Router();
r.use('/foo', function (...) { ... }); // Route A
r.all('/bar', function (...) { ... }); // Route B
If you make a request to /foo/123 Route A will be run.
If you make a request, however, to /bar/123 Route B will NOT be run.
This is because with HTTP verbs express compares the full path, but with 'use' it only cares about the beginning of the url. Because the URL /foo/123 begins with /foo Route A will run, but because /bar/123 does not match the FULL URL, Route B will not be. Note: You could make .all behave in the same way: r.all('/bar/*', ...), but use is easier and more appropriate for this.
So, what you would tend to mount with one vs the other is different. For example:
var app = express();
var router1 = express.Router();
var router2 = express.Router();
router2.all('*', function (req, res) { ... }); // Must specify a path!
router1.use('/secondary-routes', router2); // Can't do this with all.
app.use(router1); // Look Ma, no path!
Here I've used all to handle a request coming in, where I've used use to mount an entire router. Also, note that the usage of router.METHOD functions require a URL string as the first parameter, while use does not.
At the end of the day, if you:
Want all requests that come in under a given path (or even every request) to use the specified middleware, or
Want to mount an entire sub router/application, or
Want to include a plugin into your application
... Then use is probably what you want.
If you:
Are handling a specific request at a specific URL path (i.e. probably not doing a * match in the URL)
Generally won't be calling next and will instead actually be handling the request
... Then an HTTP verb method (like get, post or all) is probably what you want.
.use is used in 2 cases, middlewares and "modular mountable route handlers".
In your example
router.use('/hello', function(req, res, next) {
This means that any requests sent to /hello will be terminated with "Welcome" and the actual .get attached to /hello will not be called.
So, in short, call use when you need to apply some general middlewares or want to do modular architecture with routers. use can be "used" as request handlers, but you shouldn't because it is not designed for that purpose

Is there a workaround for express 4.x route('/path') with params support?

I'm using a expressjs 4.x to build a simple api on top of mongodb.
The api needs to serve a few sets of data:
For each data type, I have CRUD operations (post, get, put, delete).
The api requests would look like this:
POST /api/v1/datatype1
GET /api/v1/datatype1:_id
PUT /api/v1/datatype1:_id
DELETE /api/v1/datatype1:_id
If I create a router params like this:
dataType1ApiRouter.param("entity_id", function (req, res, next, id) {
//async db fetch here by id, then call next with fetched data
//or error if faild request/not found entity.
//let's say req.dataEntity = dataEtity; next();
} );
If I create a route like this:
.get(":entity_id", function (req, res, next) {
//expcet req.dataEntity to be fetched by the param filter.
.post(function(req, res, next) {
//just create an new dataType1 entity.
I am getting a syntax error. The route .get and .post (and other methods like those) expect just one parameter, resulting in an error:
Route.get() requires callback functions but got a [object String]
Is there a way to actually group all the "/datatype1" requests under one url declaration instead of repeating the method("datatype1:entity_id") for each method that requires the ID expect for the post method?
There isn't a clean way to do this with Router.route(), but you might consider doing this with another Router instead of a Route there. Then, you could just mount that sub-router.
Basic example, modifying the code you provided:
var mainRouter = express.Router(),
subrouter = express.Router();
subrouter.param("entity_id", function (req, res, next, id) {
// param handler attached to subrouter
});'/', function(req, res, next) {
// post handler attached to base mount-point
subrouter.get("/:entity_id", function (req, res, next) {
// get handler attached to base mount-point/<id>
// here we mount the sub-router at /datatype1 on the other router
mainRouter.use('/datatype1', subrouter);
Note that this requires adding a '/' to the URL, so instead of /api/v1/datatype1[someidhere] it would be /api/v1/datatype1/someidhere