React-native-track-player NPM install bug with react#17.0.1 - react-native

I tried installing this module with npm, but recieved a bug which I cannot understand.
I have tried to install multiple versions of the package, including the dev-version and none has yielded any good results.
I am Wondering wether I have to downgrade my react install or if there might be any other solutions?
I cannot follow the error message I recieved, and I get confused about what is really the issue. I did think it might be the servers that were down, but when this keeps happening, I do not know what to do.
Thanks in advance!


Yum package dependency error not allowing package install

I'm trying to install rpm-build, but it seems there is some problems with dependencies:
The package that's installed is coming from a repo which is no longer available (linuxcoe_update_errata), I don't know what happened to it but the URL is no longer accessible, and the package that it wants to install is coming from another repo called core (this repo works just fine)
Seems like rpm-build need a lower version for rpm, which apparently should be not a problem. I tried dowgrading the version but is not working, again more conflicts, I tried to remove that package, but maybe because the repo that installed it is no longer available it does not uninstall anything.
How can I fix this? I need to install rpm-build in this machine, can't do it on another, but is not letting me. I think the problem has to be related to the repo which the package came from not being available anymore (linuxcoe_update_errata). I tried enabling notify_only=1 in /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/search-disabled-repos.conf so yum can try to resolve the error but itself, but still nothing. Any ideas? I'm really confused about this,

GatsbyJS - Can't resolve 'babel-runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn'

I have a website that has been running fine for the last 4 months. Randomly the site stopped deploying on Netlify and I keep getting this error:
Generating development JavaScript bundle failed
Can't resolve 'babel-runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn' in
I have tried reinstalling babel, tried downgrading to different versions of babel/runtime, tried clearing cache and redeploying, Even tried reverting to old versions of the repo that I know for a fact deploy successfully and they still failed.
Here is my deploy log:
The repo is:
Im really stomped here if anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it.
Try upgrading your babel/core dependency.
Now you have it locked to 7.13.8 (according to your package-lock.json), and it seems that the missing helpers are fixed in the 7.5.5, according to this stack trace.
I fixed the issue by reinstalling yarn and doing 'yarn add babel-runtime'. Must've gotten rid of the entire plugin at somepoint by accident.
I suggest you to try adding "babel-runtime": "6.26.0" to your package.json
Maybe it would fix an error for you

Vue-fontawesome with Yarn

I've installed all the dependencies to use Font-Awesome with Vue. Nevertheless, I get this error when running yarn:
error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"401 Unauthorized\"".
I'm using the free version of Font-Awesome.
Someone has any idea why?
EDIT: To solve the 401 authentication issue, we can use the solution from this Github thread:
From this github issue and the answer to it here, I do understand that this is temporary.
Try it again in a few minutes/hours to see if it's back or try to upgrade your yarn.
Also, maybe try just to be sure that it's not on your side
yarn cache clean
There is also this other solution, not sure what it's worth:
Some people fixed their issue by deleting their yarn.lock but this one seems a bit too extreme and risky IMO.

Upgrading NPM from 5.8 to latest

I want to look at upgrading NPM on a project I'm working on from 5.8.0 to the latest version.
Is this something that is safe to do without breaking any packages i have installed? And if there's a chance it might, what is the best method for testing those packages to make sure everything is running correctly still?
Updating NPM is unlikely to break anything. However your packages may require a certain version of Node.js to function properly.
There also isn't really a "best method" to check if everything runs correctly. Ill refer you to this answer which has a few options you can try.

Arch Linux - Installed packages gone after restart

I'm trying to install some fonts in Arch Linux (using yay font). The installation is fine, no problem at all. But, after restarting my computer, those installed fonts are gone. I tried to install them again, and restarted. The fonts are always gone.
I also notice that I have to update a lot of packages every morning (using yay). But they are not always the same packages, thus I've thought they may just update so frequently.
I've just started using Arch Linux 2 months ago, and I struggled a lot to install it. Therefore I think I might still leave a lot of errors and mistakes. I need some help please, thank you very much.
The problem is solved today somehow. Apparently, there were a lot of errors and warnings when I used pacman -Syu, and never read all of them. It has gone like that until now. Then, I got a conflict when updating packages, searched on Google, solved it, rebuilt all packages, and this problem is somehow gone as well.