How to make os_log to print to cli? - objective-c

I'm creating a program (executable binary) in Objective-C that I can run on terminal/cli. When I use os_log to log something, it appears on Console app. But I want the log output to appear on the cli when I run the program, just like printf behavior. How to make os_log to do that?


How to redirect PyCharm warnings into a log file?

I have PyCharm installed on my Linux system. When launched, it prints different warnings for example:
X Input2 not supported in the server
Which comes from here. It calls the log.warning method to print the warning.
Those warnings are printed to the standard output. I'm trying to figure out how to redirect all those printed warnings into a dedicated log file, without custom rededication like >& log.
I'm sure that there is some custom way to do this, by setting an environment variable or editing one of the XML files (like ui.lnf.xml, editor.xml, options.xml etc.). Tried to investigate the code, but I can't seem to figure out a way to do this. Is it possible to achieve?

Pipe console output of IntelliJ to a script

It is possible to pipe the console output of an intellij application to a bash command so I can pretty-print it on the console directly?
I know I can save the log output to a file, but I still want to keep it on the stout window only, but just parse it through a script.
Piping output is a feature of the terminal shell.
IntelliJ IDEA is not using a terminal to run your app, therefore it's not possible with the default Run/Debug configurations.
You could use an external tool that will open a command line shell and run your app there, but the shell has to be open in a separate window and it will not be possible to get the formatted output directly in the IDE.
There is a related feature request in YouTrack, but it's unlikely to be implemented soon.

File.execute() is not executing my script. How to debug this issue?

I'm writing a script for Illustrator CS6 in ExtendScript. At the end of my script, I want to spawn a task (a second script, in Ruby) using File.execute(). However, it's not working. And I'm at a loss as how to debug the problem -- how can I figure out why this isn't working?
Here's the end of my ExtendScript file:
// Do a bunch of other work, then:
var rubyFile = new File(scriptFolder + 'BuildHtmlWalkthrough.rb');
var result = rubyFile.execute();
Both rubyFile.exists and result are always true, indicating that the script launched OK. But the script does not appear to run, at all. I've tried the following diagnostics:
The Ruby script does successfully run from the command line. The script's permissions are -rwxr-xr-x
I added a call to system("touch /blah/blah/blah") as the very first line of the Ruby script. The file does not get touched.
I thought maybe the ExtendScript process was terminating before the Ruby script could run, so I added a long for loop after rubyFile.execute(). Spinning for > 30 seconds did not help.
What can I do to debug, or solve, this problem?
I'm on MacOS X v10.9.1. And for reference, this is the documentation for File.execute():
File.execute (): Boolean
Core JavaScript Classes
Executes or opens
this file using the appropriate application, as if it had been
double-clicked in a file browser. You can use this method to run
scripts, launch applications, and so on. Returns true immediately if
the application launch was successful.
It's probably doing the "opens this file using the appropriate application" instead of executing, and returns true because the file successfully opens (or is already open in its associated app). If I have a python script and do
f= new File("~/Documents/misc_scripts/");
, it opens it in my script editor, even if the file's execute flags are set.
I'm on OSX, btw
In After Effects, there is system.callSystem() to execute command line commands, but I'm afraid that is absent in Illustrator (I'm assuming you're doing this for Illustrator because of the tag). Are you on OSX or Windows? There are ways around this, by making an executable .app (OSX) or .exe (Win) and calling that with execute(). If I were doing this, I'm on OSX and I'd make an AppleScript app that does 'do shell script' to make the ruby system call. On Windows, it's different. One solution you might like if you're on windows: ocra, which is ruby-specific ( It may be possible to run a .bat file on Windows that calls the ruby script, but I'm not sure.
Terribly sorry for the extraneous Windows info (for someone else, I guess). Just saw your note about being on OSX. So you might want to use the AppleScript solution.
[edit again]
So, if my ruby script ("test.rb") is:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
print "Hello"
and my AppleScript is:
do shell script "cd /testing_folder/; ruby test.rb"
Then I get "Hello" returned in AppleScript, but ExtendScript will just return true.

Using applescript to run terminal and passing a argument to compile

I am new to applescripts and i want to automate a little bit of my app.So here is the thing
1) I am using textwrangler as an editor
2) After writing code and saving it i want to compile the file by opening terminal from applescript.I already installed llvm compiler.
3) As textwrangler provides me the a menu in meubar to open script editor so after opening it i am using "tell application "Terminal" to activate" it opens terminal
4) i want " gcc myfilename.c " to be passed as argument from applescript so that as soon terminal opens this string should be passed as argument and executable is generated
Can i Do that through scripts? Please help.
Give this a try:
tell application "Terminal" to do script "gcc myfilename.c"
Running this without the Activate line you mentioned will still open Terminal if it isn't already open, but it won't bring it to the front. For that, Just turn the whole thing into a tell block and put the Activate back in there so it becomes:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "gcc myfilename.c"
end tell

Pseudo TTY in Obj-C

Currently I am working on developing a GUI to some command line tools for Jailbroken iOS devices. I am using NSTask and verified that I was able to capture both stdout and stderr error and print the output to a UITextField. How ever most of the commands that I wish to run are not outputting anything. I suspect that setting up a pseudo tty session would fix this but am unable to find how to set this up in obj-c. My question is
1) Does this sound reasonable that the commands (namely arp-scan and nmap) need a TTY session?
2) How would I go about setting up a fake TTY session in Obj-c?