Condition to check second period overlap with first period but if second period is in between first period consider it as not over lap - conditional-statements

I have two periods of A and B
In the above image table
I need to show alert only B period overlaps A period but should not show message if Bs period is inbetween A's period

the conditional should look something like the following pseudo code:
then show message in between
P.S. you need to state definition of overlap and in between much more clearly to get a better answer.


Tableau combining rows with the same info

I have a dashboard in Tableau which shows different payments received - the amount, the date the payment was received, and a calculated field which shows the number days since the payment was received.
However, a lot of payments are the same, with the same amount, and received on the same day; so Tableau collapses these together, and adds the total days since the payments were received together in the final column, i.e. five lots of £5.50, each received on 1st January shows as below (as of 01/02/2018)
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
£5.50 01/01/2018 155
But I need separate rows for each. Does anyone know how to stop tableau doing this, or of a workaround?
Many thanks.
You could try using RANK_UNIQUE function.
First of all, in the Analysis Menu, uncheck Aggregate Measures.
Then, starting from this data:
You can get this result:
Additionally, you may want to hide Rank from rows just not-showing header.
Is this something close to what you're looking for?
In order to get all values and not just for the top rows, just move the Rank at the very beginning of the shelf:

Creating a DAX pattern that counts days between a date field and a month value on a chart's x-axis

I am struggling with a DAX pattern to allow me to plot an average duration value on a chart.
Here is the problem: My dataset has a field called dtOpened which is a date value describing when something started, and I want to be able to calculate the duration in days since that date.
I then want to be able to create an average duration since that date over a time period.
It is very easy to do when thinking about the value as it is now, but I want to be able to show a chart that describes what that average value would have been over various time periods on the x-axis (month/quarter/year).
The problem that I am facing is that if I create a calculated column to find the current age (NOW() - [dtOpened]), then it always uses the NOW() function - which is no use for historic time spans. Maybe I need a Measure for this, rather than a calculated column, but I cannot work out how to do it.
I have thought about using LASTDATE (rather than NOW) to work out what the last date would be in the filter context of any single month/quarter/year, but if the current month is only half way through, then it would probably need to consider today's date as the value from which to subtract the dtOpened value.
I would appreciate any help or pointers that you can give me!
It looks like you have a table (let's call it Cases) storing your cases with one record per case with fields like the following:
casename, dtOpened, OpenClosedFlag
You should create a date table with on record per day spanning your date range. The date table will have a month ending date field identifying the last day of the month (same for quarter & year). But this will be a disconnected date table. Don't create a relationship between the Date on the Date table and your case open date.
Then use iterative averagex to average the date differences.
Average Duration (days) :=
AVERAGEX ( Cases, MAX ( DateTable[Month Ending] ) - Cases[dtopened] ),
FILTER ( Cases, Cases[OpenClosedFlag] = "Open" ),
FILTER ( Cases, Cases[dtopened] <= MAX ( DateTable[Month Ending] ) )
Once you plot the measure against your Month you should see the average values represented correctly. You can do something similar for quarter & year.
You're a genius, Rory; Thanks.
In my example, I had a dtClosed field rather than an Opened/Closed flag, so there was one extra piece of filtering to do to test if the Case was closed at that point in time. So my measure ended up looking like this:
Average Duration:=CALCULATE(
AVERAGEX(CasesOnly, MAX(DT[LastDateM]) - CasesOnly[Owner Opened dtOnly]),
FILTER(CasesOnly, OR(ISBLANK(CasesOnly[Owner Resolution dtOnly]),
CasesOnly[Owner Resolution dtOnly] > MAX(DT[LastDateM]))),
FILTER(CasesOnly, CasesOnly[Owner Opened dtOnly] <= MAX(DT[LastDateM]))
And to get the chart, I plotted the DT[Date] field on the x-axis.
Thanks very much again.

Query events for the current week / day

I am tying to use the query function in a Google spreadsheet to extract only the current weeks events.
Column B is a date like '8/19/2014' with the column formatted as a date.
To start off with I am trying to just get the current days events I am not sure why neither of the below statements are working.
=query(A:C,"Select A,B WHERE B = CURDATE()")
=query(A:C,"Select A,B WHERE B = TODAY()")
Again my ultimate goal is to take this a step further and show only the events for the current week.
OK, I figured out the formula for extracting the current day:
=query(A:C,"Select A,B WHERE day(B) = day(now())")
Now I just need to figure out how to make it show the current week.

MS Access SQL: Use a field value to determine proper field to use in calculation

I apologize I struggled in writing the title to accurately express what I am trying to do. I hope I can explain it well in the body of this text, I will simplify my problem as much as possible.
I have a table with 5 fields,
ID, Base Period, Period 1, Period 2, Period 3
The Base Period field will say either Period 1 or Period 2, what I need to do is write a query that will either do Period 2 / Period 1 if Base Period = 'Period 1' OR do Period 3 / Period 2 if Base Period = 'Period 2'
I know I can do: IIF([Base Period] = 'Period 1',Period 2 / Period 1,IIF....) however, I have many, many, periods of information - Imagine each period as a month or day.
Essentually, I just want the value in Base Period to inform the query to take the value from the field that is named within Base Period.
I am OK splitting the table if it is easier (and I vaguely remember accomplishing a similar task doing something like this, I just can't seem to find where it is!)
Split your table so that each ID + Period combination is one record.
ID Primary Key
ParentID Foreign Key
PeriodID Identifies the period
Value The value of the Period for the given parent.

storing data ranges - effective representation

I need to store values for every day in timeline, i.e. every user of database should has status assigned for every day, like this:
from 1.1.2000 to 28.05.2011 - status 1
from 29.05.2011 to 30.01.2012 - status 3
from 1.2.2012 to infinity - status 4
Each day should have only one status assigned, and last status is not ending (until another one is given). My question is what is effective representation in sql database? Obvious solution is to create row for each change (with the last day the status is assigned in each range), like this:
uptodate status
28.05.2011 status 1
30.01.2012 status 3
01.01.9999 status 4
this has many problems - if i would want to add another range, say from 15.02.2012, i would need to alter last row too:
uptodate status
28.05.2011 status 1
30.01.2012 status 3
14.02.2012 status 4
01.01.9999 status 8
and it requires lots of checking to make sure there is no overlapping and errors, especially if someone wants to modify ranges in the middle of the list - inserting a new status from 29.01.2012 to 10.02.2012 is hard to implement (it would require data ranges of status 3 and status 4 to shrink accordingly to make space for new status). Is there any better solution?
i thought about completly other solution, like storing each day status in separate row - so there will be row for every day in timeline. This would make it easy to update - simply enter new status for rows with date between start and end. Of course this would generate big amount of needless data, so it's bad solution, but is coherent and easy to manage. I was wondering if there is something in between, but i guess not.
more context: i want moderator to be able to assign status freely to any dates, and edit it if he would need to. But most often moderator will be adding new status data ranges at the end. I don't really need the last status. After moderator finishes editing whole month time, I need to generate raport based on status on each day in that month. But anytime moderator may want to edit data months ago (which would be reflected on updated raports), and he can put one status for i.e. one year in advance.
You seem to want to use this table for two things - recording the current status and the history of status changes. You should separate the current status out and move it up to the parent (just like the registered date)
Registered Date
Current Status
Status History
Your table structure should include the effective and end dates of the status period. This effectively "tiles" the statuses into groups that don't overlap. The last row should have a dummy end date (as you have above) or NULL. Using a value instead of NULL is useful if you have indexes on the end date.
With this structure, to get the status on any given date, you use the query:
select *
from t
where <date> between effdate and enddate
To add a new status at the end of the period requires two changes:
Modify the row in the table with the enddate = 01/01/9999 to have an enddate of yesterday.
Insert a new row with the effdate of today and an enddate of 01/01/9999
I would wrap this in a stored procedure.
To change a status on one date in the past requires splitting one of the historical records in two. Multiple dates may require changing multiple records.
If you have a date range, you can get all tiles that overlap a given time period with the query:
select *
from t
where <periodstart> <= enddate and <periodend> >= effdate