Reactnative Signalwire application unable to establish Ice server peer connection - react-native

I am trying to implement Signalwire calling in a react-native app. I am facing issue in connecting ice servers. Sometimes it connects and calling between two persons get successful. But most of the time it throws error
"Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'onicecandidate')"
I have tried to search a lot but could not succeed. Can you please guide me how this issue can be resolved? I am using following iceservers:
iceServers = [
{urls: ['','','']}
I have tried to find iceserver associated with my signalwire account but could not find, Please guide me how to get ice/turn/stun server urls and credentials. I am using Relay SDK for reactnative

It's not possible from this post to tell if you're using the SignalWire SDKs exclusively, if you're working from third party tools, or if you're doing your own setup. There are also a few variables in terms of how you've set up your app, what errors you're seeing from the SignalWire side, and the config of your ice servers.
With all that in mind, if you could reach out to SignalWire support (from your SignalWire space, select 'Help and Support' at the top right and then Submit a New Support Request) we can take a look at your setup and work through this with you.


React Native - expo go not able to connect

I'm very new to React Native and I'm understanding now Ports and similar things. In the last days I was able to access through Expo Go my app, but starting from today I ran into issues.
I think the problem was, that I was accessing the app using an university wi-fi connection, while the other days I used a mobile data connection. With Wi-Fi I was not able to access the app. The error log said: failed to connect to (...)
So I started a big journey thorugh ports, ip addresses and firewall, arriving to the ubuntu's ufw. Actually I don't know exactly what I've done, but the last try was to disable everything (like it was at the beginning) and retrying to access the app, nothing changed. The error log was: failed to connect to (...) from (...)
I tried also use tunnel (like this question says Unable to connect to Expo React Native Project on WSL2 with Expo Go on phone) but it didn't help. In this case, the app says New update avalable: downloading... but never ends.
So, any suggestion to understand a) which is the real problem (a part that I've done something that I didn't understand) and b) how to solve it ?

ERROR: Component interaction/ListenChange not available with base

I wanted to run a NoFlo application. I created a noflo component in json fomat and then I tried to run it with the following command:
./node_modules/.bin/noflo-nodejs --graph graphs/Number_game.json.
I got the following error:
NoFlo runtime is now listening at ws:// Browsers
will reject connections from HTTPS pages to unsecured WebSockets You
can use insecure version of the IDE, or enable secure WebSockets with
--tls-key and --tls-cert options Live IDE URL:
Component interaction/ListenChange not available with base C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\my-app
Can someone please help me with this issue?
(Sorry I can post images related to it because I am a new user)
noflo-interaction components are only available for browser environment. So they're not visible to noflo-nodejs.

Error (4800004) authorizing web app

I was debugging my app in my personal Google play services account but the company I am working on has already got their Google play services account so I changed and DELETED (deleting api credentials and unpublished it) the game. I have managed to register a new android app but when I try to register a web app I get the error #4800004 (An unexpected error has occurred. Try again later).
What should I do?
It can take approx 7 days for your old package to be removed. You will not be able to add a new one until that happens.
Your options:
Wait 7 days and try again.
Rename your package.
Alternately: You cannot have two apps with the same package details. Are your two apps conflicting with each other?
From the github post, it was mentioned that you maybe re-registering an app with the same package name. You can check if your project was already registered in the console. Projects that you have deleted will take effect after the 7th day.
For further information, you can also try to check this page. It may also have something to do with SHA1 Signing Certificate Fingerprint from android studio.
You need to make sure that the LaunchURL that you provide includes the protocol (for example: http://) in addition to the domain. If you do not provide the protocol, google appears to automatically add https://, but this led to the error posted in the question for me.

PubBub WebRTC Android Demo is Not Connecting from Android to Android

When I tried the demo app, it was working as expected.
But when I tried with two android devices, I can make a call and receive call, but they don't get connected. In both devices, its own camera feed is displayed with a text "Connecting...". I tried on both my home Wifi and mobile data 3G. There is no error that I can find in log.
Could anyone help me to resolve the issue please. What is that I am missing here?
I am using the latest code from which already has the Xirsys ICE servers configured. But I noticed that the Xirsys ICE servers is not added in the below line from, so I also tried adding that servers into the PnSignalingParams' constructor, but still facing the same Connecting message only.
List<PeerConnection.IceServer> servers = getXirSysIceServers();
if (!servers.isEmpty()) {
this.pnRTCClient.setSignalParams(new PnSignalingParams(servers));
I have fixed the issue. It was little tricky. If you see the log, it will show you that the application always execute createOffer method. So both client A and client B will send an offer in same time. You can fix that issue by giving some condition so if the client A give an offer, and the client B will response by give an answer.
To see if any error occurs you can use method onCreateFailure(String s) and onSetFailure(String s) in
Hope this will help.

In adapter calling from native android app

I am using android studio for developing my android app. SO i created a native API using the worklight 7.1.0 and copied all the jar files to the lib folder and to the asset folder. So after that i have a set of adapter deployed in my company server, which i have to invoke from native code. So i changed all the values in the as per the adapter required to call.
I added a listener for the connect and tried connect , it gave a Unexpected error.
I added a listener for invoking the adapter and tried connect, it gave a Application is not found in the server, couldnt register client
You only provided your explanation, and not any real example... so that's not helping to understand the real culprit here.
What I can say is:
So i changed all the values in the as per the adapter required to call.
What you put in is the server address for the client application to connect to. It does not relate to the adapter per-se. The adapter is invoked by the server once a request from the client came in.
The adapter then sends a request to what that is defined in the connectionPolicy element of its {adaptername}.xml file.
Various exceptions
Since you did not provide anything useful that can be debugged - I suggest that you will instead review the following tutorial and its sample application:
The tutorial mentions the required steps to take in order to use the MobileFirst API in the Android app.