ERROR: Component interaction/ListenChange not available with base - noflo

I wanted to run a NoFlo application. I created a noflo component in json fomat and then I tried to run it with the following command:
./node_modules/.bin/noflo-nodejs --graph graphs/Number_game.json.
I got the following error:
NoFlo runtime is now listening at ws:// Browsers
will reject connections from HTTPS pages to unsecured WebSockets You
can use insecure version of the IDE, or enable secure WebSockets with
--tls-key and --tls-cert options Live IDE URL:
Component interaction/ListenChange not available with base C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\my-app
Can someone please help me with this issue?
(Sorry I can post images related to it because I am a new user)

noflo-interaction components are only available for browser environment. So they're not visible to noflo-nodejs.


How to enable OpenJFX web view remote inspector

I am currently trying to enable remote inspector for a OpenJFX web view component in order to be able to debug javascript code interactions with the Java part of the application. This is why I cannot debug the web part in a standalone browser.
There appears to be no detailed documentation related to remote inspector besides a few fixed scenarios which have pre-configured solutions available. Based on reverse-engineering and other research, I was able to piece together the following:
I have obtained an instance of Debugger interface out of the OpenJFX WebEngine instance;
I have created a simple TCP server which communicates with the WebKit browser using its protocol (eg. messages like "SetupInspectorClient", "GetTargetList", "SendMessageToBackend", etc.). This is enough to make the remote WebKit browser recognize my view when opening the inspector://localhost:<port> URI;
When attempting to connect to a particular view, the majority of the communication is handled by the "SendMessageToBackend" and "SendMessageToFrontend" messages forwarded by my code between remote WebKit browser and the Debugger instance. However, based on communication traces the only response that the remote browser receives to its requests is a "'Target' domain was not found" and "'Browser' domain was not found" errors.
I presume the above problem may be caused by either incompatible webkit versions between OpenJFX and my remote browser - although I am using WebKit 613.1 on both ends. Other possibility is that the OpenJFX uses some sort of stripped-down WebKit which does not support the inspector commands at all. However, I don't know enough about WebKit to be able to find it out on my own.
Is it possible to get remote inspector working in OpenJFX 17, and if yes, then how?

Reactnative Signalwire application unable to establish Ice server peer connection

I am trying to implement Signalwire calling in a react-native app. I am facing issue in connecting ice servers. Sometimes it connects and calling between two persons get successful. But most of the time it throws error
"Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'onicecandidate')"
I have tried to search a lot but could not succeed. Can you please guide me how this issue can be resolved? I am using following iceservers:
iceServers = [
{urls: ['','','']}
I have tried to find iceserver associated with my signalwire account but could not find, Please guide me how to get ice/turn/stun server urls and credentials. I am using Relay SDK for reactnative
It's not possible from this post to tell if you're using the SignalWire SDKs exclusively, if you're working from third party tools, or if you're doing your own setup. There are also a few variables in terms of how you've set up your app, what errors you're seeing from the SignalWire side, and the config of your ice servers.
With all that in mind, if you could reach out to SignalWire support (from your SignalWire space, select 'Help and Support' at the top right and then Submit a New Support Request) we can take a look at your setup and work through this with you.

automate electron based desktop app using testcafe not working

i am trying to automate tests for 'lens' electron based desktop application.i was following this link enter link description here to setup the test for electron app.This link expects a 'mainwindowurl' but application doesn't have any main page, but testcafe give suggestion of the mainwindowurl as an error so tried it works but am not convinced with the suggrstion urls ,but same way want to give fixture page url on the test what should be the url should i need to give? then have got one more error ERROR Unable to establish one or more of the specified browser connections. This can be caused by network issues or remote device failure.Please can you guys suggest what to do?
Each and every Electron application has to navigate to a page after opening a window.
I guess that the mentioned Lens app is an Kubernetes IDE:
This app uses the BrowserWindow.loadURL function to navigate to the main page:
Digging the code a bit more, I found that the main window URL is just localhost with some port:
I guess it is possible to determine or set the port number by looking at the code a bit more or asking Lens developers about it.

Capture web driver network traffic across all browsers

I want to capture all the network calls from Web Driver in Java. I am not doing any UI testing, just testing JS execution and, requests and responses of some network calls.
I tried using Browser Mob as is suggested in most forums, but I need it to work across all browsers. It worked flawlessly with Firefox, but I was facing some issues with the others. Safari driver doesn't event support a Proxy capability.
I don't want to use Fiddler as it involves some manual steps around invoking and storing the calls. Whereas, Browser Mob being an in-code proxy can be integrated in a more smoother fashion.
I also tried using the RC-like package included in Selenium standalone server package. But, I have some HTTPS calls and some nested iframes in cross domains. I am particularly interested in some cross domain POST call and it doesn't work out that well. Also, people keep saying it's not recommended to use that package.
So, I had a solution where we can use a standalone proxy server running on a machine. Using host entries, we'll point Web Driver to hit the proxy instead of the actual server. The proxy will record all the incoming calls and route them to the actual server host. Later, I can make a request to the proxy which will return me all the calls it intercepted. I am not sure whether it's still called a proxy or a router.
I came across TCPmon, but it's no longer being supported. Does anyone know some similar tools that could run on Unix systems or any alternate solutions?
We modified the Fiddler rules script to include a new exec action. If you use their native script editor, it also provide auto complete features and we were comfortably able to get around it. The syntax is similar to that of JavaScript.
The Fiddler package comes with a ExecActions.exe which can be used to pass console arguments to a running Fiddler instance using the command prompt.
The code we wrote processed all the sessions captured by Fiddler and wrote it to a file in a custom JSON format and later used GSON to deserialize it.
Please let me know, if you want further details. chat through apache server (also running php main site)

I have been trying to come up with a solution for my website to play nicely with Right now I have apache serving my website (mostly in php) and I am trying to implement a live chat support feature using (node). I am able to get the chat functionality working separately (using express and going to but when I just go to (where the chat functionality is included as well), I am getting issues with CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing). Here is my error (on the client side):
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Cannot use wildcard in Access-Control-Allow-Origin when credentials flag is true.
depending on wether I include this line of code in my app.js
Basically, I just want my node app to be a suppliment to my main site, but I really don't know where to specify the CORS parameters. I have tried doing this in my .htaccess file, in app.js, as well as in the client javascript, none of which have proved successful.
(Also, another thing I find strange is that when I go to, my node app correctly opens up a websocket, but when I try to go to, it tries to use XHR polling which ends up causing this CORS mess)
Any suggestions would really be appreciated!
I figured out my problem if anyone else is experiencing the same issue. While I still think that what I am trying to do is using CORS, I didn't have to do any specific setting of Access-Allow-Origin-Control on either the Apache or node.js side. What I did to fix my problem was to serve the javascript file from the node.js server as opposed to the apache server. This made the requests coming from the javascript file have the same origin as where the javascript file was loaded. Here is an example:
<script src=""> </script>
(node server - correct)
<script src="/javascripts/"></script>
(apache server - wrong)