How to send trc20 usdt using tronweb in node.js - tron

I want to send trc20 usdt, btc to other address using tronweb.
Could anyone please help me ?


Twilio SMS sent to Sendgrid to forward SMS as email to our ticketingsystem

thanks for having me! I'm a real n00b when it comes to coding and, so waaay over my head here.
The sending sms via twilio and recieving it in our ticketingsystem/RMM works as expected. In the subject line of the email is the phonenumber from the sender, the email we recieve gets recieved as "+46123456789" (just en example). The RMM we use has an API, I would like the Twilio service to connect to our RMM API and replace the phonenumber with the user email instead of sending number. So when they send sms and we recieve the email the email would then automaticly be assigned to the correct person. Cause the RMM system uses only the email adress when assigning email to a person. I hope this makes sense to someone, i find it so hard to explain what im trying to achieve.
Expecting to recieve an email sent as sms by recognizing the number from our RMM API

adding credit card option function in smart contract for minting NFT

I'm looking into adding a function to allow payments by cc during mint. Has anyone done this successfully and is willing to share how you went about it? Thanks!
The only way for doing this is after user paying you need to make the minting from your server and transfer it to the user or mint it directly to the user wallet

Automatically call a phone number when a WhatsApp message from a certain contact is received

Anyone know how one could realize this?
Maybe via the Twilio API? (
I'd also be more than happy to pay for this.
You can only do this with Twilio if the initial phone number receiving the message is a Twilio Number.
If a Twilio Number is receiving the WhatsApp Message you can trigger a Twilio Function to initiate a call using Programmable Voice.

Send Output result via gmail

Can someone please help me with the commands that send the output result to gmail account ?
I want to send the result "false" via gmail for e.g.
Best regards

{"error":"Not Found"} when I make a call for my Coinbase address

I'm trying to get information about my Coinbase wallet address (copied from the "My Wallet Bitcoin Address" section of my Coinbase profile) through the Toshi API through the following rest call:{my_address}
But I'm getting the following error
{"error":"Not Found"}
Can anyone explain why this is?
Toshi will return a 404 for addresses that don't have any transactions which explains this. If you send something to the address, it will show up.