{"error":"Not Found"} when I make a call for my Coinbase address - bitcoin

I'm trying to get information about my Coinbase wallet address (copied from the "My Wallet Bitcoin Address" section of my Coinbase profile) through the Toshi API through the following rest call:
But I'm getting the following error
{"error":"Not Found"}
Can anyone explain why this is?

Toshi will return a 404 for addresses that don't have any transactions which explains this. If you send something to the address, it will show up.


Detect an invalid paypal email using MassPay Paypal API

I'm using MassPay Paypal API to make payments.
I was able to test it and is working pretty well using sandbox accounts.
The problem is I couldn't find a way to identify if the email that is going to receive money is a valid paypal email.
I tested it using a fake email and money was taken from the payer sandbox account even though the email (the one that should receive the money) doesn't have a paypal account associated, and the API response was as if it was a successful request.
I found this method to get the verification status of an account, but there is no much info in the documentation or any other info that helps me understand if this is what I'm looking for or how to apply it.
You will need an API operation called GetVerifiedStatus API Operation under PayPal adaptive accounts. Refer the below:
Sample API request:
API end point: https://svcs.sandbox.paypal.com/AdaptiveAccounts/GetVerifiedStatus
requestEnvelope.errorLanguage = en_US&emailAddress = email#test.com&firstName = Firstname&lastName = Lastname&matchCriteria = NAME

Invalid account details accepts while adding new site account in yodlee live API

I'm using yodlee live API to link the bank transaction details.
Invalid bank account details accepts, when we add new site account in yodlee via live API, For example, the the account details like xxxxx and yyyyy, then the account added successful.
It's normal or any settings to be turned on in yodlee account or API parameters?
How can i validate the account details? while user add new site account?
Thanks in advance.
Though Yodlee accepts the invalid details/credentials, the account would fail. This would be represented by an Error code such as 402, which would mean that the credentials are wrong.
This is normal setting and teh only way you can validate if the details are right is by checking the status of the account. The error code should be "0" if everything is right.
Hope this helps. You can get more details on error codes under different scenarios #Error Code
Hope this helps
In short: Yodlee doesn't know the username/password entered during add account are correct or not; it has to validate the same with Bank website.
To explain you the process:
When you are adding a particular Bank account, you provides the username/password(it may be correct or incorrect) Yodlee doesn't know and can't validate at the time of submission. Yodlee takes the inputs(username/password) and submits the same to the Bank website(which consumer had selected); meanwhile you'll receive a response from API- addSiteAccount1, which will have the code as 801 (Refresh Never Done and Yodlee is going to update your account).
Once Bank website validate the same and found them incorrect Yodlee return 402 error code(invalid credentials), you need to call getSiteRefreshInfo API to check the same in loops each of 3-4sec.

ERROR : 401 loginpost URL timed out,

While linking one of our bank account from HDFC bank india we see an error message stating :
ERROR : 401 : HDFC Bank (India) - Bank and Credit Card
As part of our internal proactive monitoring initiative, we have observed that agent is failing with 401 because loginpost URL timed out.
Let me know does these banks are not supported within yodlee or is there any access restriction.
Besides this API accepts invalid login too and returns has site(bank name) added successfully.
Let me know how to solve these problems
Thanks In Advance.
This error comes when Yodlee is not able to connect with the Bank website in a defined time frame. This could happen due to various reasons,one of basic reason is that Site is taking too much time to load or open login page.
For your reference here is the details about different error codes.
On your second question: Where you have mentioned that this API takes invalid login credentials as well.
To explain you the process- You'll provide the credentials(whether correct or incorrect) to this API, then Yodlee uses those credentials and try to login at the bank website while if site says that the credentials are invalid Yodlee returns the respective error code and message. Hope this helps.

Yodlee REST API: How to resolve CobrandUserAccountLockedException?

Currently, I am making the following POST call:
(Note that I inserted a fake login and password for the purpose of this post). I am getting the following response:
{"Error":[{"errorDetail":"The account for user sbCobFoo is locked"}]}
I wasn't able to find anything in the Yodlee documentation, other than that this error represents CobrandUserAccountLockedException. Has any one encountered this error and/or know how to resolve it (i.e. unlock my account)?
You will need to reach out to your Yodlee Customer Service representative to get your credentials unlocked. Yodlee does not provide any API to unlock user/cobrand account(s).

iTunes Connect request contract for paid applications

There is a problem when I try to request contract on iTunes Connect.
On page Contracts, Tax, and Banking I see column Legal Entity in which I can see my Address and Postal Code.
But when I try to request contract for paid application in next web form I get new Postal Code with another numbers.
Anybody has the same problem?
I sent email to Apple where I describe my issues. In response they just recommended me request contract.