Azure Storage Blob file download and Upload via APIM - azure-storage

I have a Azure Storage account. I have added an API in APIM which will call a Storage account SAS URL to download the file. The download works fine except that it takes too much time to download. Say 5 mins for 80 mb file.
APIM is Developer tier.
APIM and Storage account reside in the same region.
Storage account is LRS.
Is it because of APIM Developer tier as it does now provide an SLA.
Note: The Blob sas url take just 30 to 40 sec max. But via APIM it takes 5 mins.
Update1: I tried two instances of APIM, one with developer tier and other with Consumpltion tier. I could see the download of the file is quite fast with consumption tier compared with developer tier.

Please check with any policy that you configured in APIM
Like bandwidth limit or download limit policy in APIM.
For more about the azure APIM policy refer this MS Doc:
For more details refer this document:


How to use Active Directory based authentication in Power BI Service to query data as per user's entitlements from AWS Athena

I have a requirement that user need to connect Power BI cloud Service to Athena (via on-premises datagateway) and fetch the data according to the user persona setup in AWS.
I understood from MS documentation that I need to have the above setup. On-premises Power BI gateway needs to be installed in Windows EC2 instance to route the calls from PowerBI cloud service to Athena.
My questions are
How can Athena understand the end user who is querying the data from Power BI cloud Service?
On-premises Power BI gateway uses the hard-coded fixed service account to query the data from Athena (using Athena Connector + ODBC) and proxy the user(and caches the data in on-premises gateway), is there any way to pass the user information to Athena, so Athena can authorize and serve the data, according to user's persona (like not showing PII data for the unauthorized users)

Rate limiting API call for specific users on cloud endpoints

I have an API that deployed on Google Cloud Run. Then for security, I use Google Cloud Endpoints as the Gateway. As long as I know, Cloud Endpoints has a rate limiting feature by setting it in the OpenAPI config but it can be specified which user I want to assign the limit to. Is there any other solutions? Thank you.

Use Google Storage Transfer API to transfer data from external GCS into my GCS

I am working on a web application which comprises of ReactJs frontend and Java SpringBoot backend. This application would require users to upload data from their own Google Cloud storage into my Google Cloud Storage.
The application flow will be as follows -
The frontend requests the user for read access on their storage. For this I have used oauth 2.0 access tokens as described here
The generated Oauth token will be passed to the backend.
The backend will also have credentials for my service account to allow it to access my Google Cloud APIs. I have created the service account with required permissions and generated the key using the instructions from here
The backend will use the generated access token and my service account credentials to transfer the data.
In the final step, I want to create a transfer job using the google Storage-Transfer API. I am using the Java API client provided here for this.
I am having difficulty providing the authentication credentials to the transfer api.
In my understanding, there are two different authentications required - one for reading the user's bucket and another for starting the transfer job and writing the data in my cloud storage. I haven't found any relevant documentation or working examples for my use-case. In all the given samples, it is always assumed that the same service account credentials will have access to both the source and sink buckets.
Does the Google Storage Transfer API allow setting different source and target credentials for GCS to GCS transfers? If yes, how does one provide these credentials to the transfer job specification.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
This is not allowed for the the GCS Transfer API unfortunately, for this to work it would be required that the Service Account have access to both the source and the sink buckets, as you mentioned.
You can try opening a feature request in Google's Issue Tracker if you'd like so that Google's Product Team can consider such a functionality for newer versions of the API, also you could mention that this is subject is not touched in the documentation, so it can be improved.

Long lived key/token based way to download google storage bucket objects with curl?

O.k. my fellow devops and coders. I have spent the last week trying to figure this out with Google (GCP) Cloud Storage objects. Here is my objective.
The solution needs to be light weight as it will be used to download images inside a docker image, hence the curl requirement.
The GCP bucket and object needs to be secure and not public.
I need a "long" lived ticket/key/client_ID.
I have tried the OAuth2.0 setup that Google's documentation mentions but everytime I want to setup an OAuth2.0 key it I do not get the option to have the "offline" access. AND to top it off it requires you to put in source URL's that will be accessing the auth request.
Also Google Cloud Storage does not support the key= like some of their other services. So here I have a an API KEY for my project as well as an OAuth JSON file for my service user and they are useless.
I can get a curl command to work with the temp OAuth bearer key but I need a long term solution for this.
RUN curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ya29.GlsoB-ck37IIrXkvYVZLIr3u_oGB8e60UyUgiP74l4UZ4UkT2aki2TI1ZtROKs6GKB6ZMeYSZWRTjoHQSMA1R0Q9wW9ZSP003MsAnFSVx5FkRd9-XhCu4MIWYTHX" \
-o "/home/shmac/test.tar.gz" \
A long term key/ID/secret that will allow me to download a GCP bucket object from any location.
The solution needs to be lightweight as it will be used to download
images inside a docker image, hence the curl requirement.
This is a vague requirement. What is lightweight? No external libraries, everything written in assembly language, must fit in 1 KB, etc.
The GCP bucket and object needs to be secure and not public.
This normal requirement. With some exceptions (static file storage for websites, etc) you want your buckets to be private.
I need a "long" lived ticket/key/client_ID.
My advice is to stop thinking "long-term keys". The trend in security is to implement short-term keys. In Google Cloud Storage, seven-days is considered long-term. 3600 seconds (one hour) is the norm almost everywhere in Google Cloud.
For Google Cloud Storage you have several options. You did not specify the environment so I will include both user credentials, service account, and presigned-url based access.
User Credentials
You can authenticate with User Credentials (eg and save the Refresh Token. Then when an Access Token is required, you can generate one from the Refresh Token. In my website article about learning the Go language, I wrote a program on Day #8 which implements Google OAuth, saves the necessary credentials and creates Access Tokens and ID Tokens as required with no further "login" required. The comments in the source code should help you understand how this is done.
This is the choice if you need to use User Credentials. This technique is more complicated, requires protecting the secrets file but will give you refreshable long term tokens.
Service Account Credentials
Service Account JSON key files are the standard method for service-to-service authentication and authorization. Using these keys, Access Tokens valid for one hour are generated. When they expire new ones are created. The max time is 3600 seconds.
This is the choice if you are programmatically accessing Cloud Storage with programs under your control (the service account JSON file must be protected).
This is the standard method of providing access to private Google Cloud Storage objects. This method requires the URL and generates a signature with an expiration so that objects can be accessed for a defined period of time. One of your requirements (which is unrealistic) is that you don't want to use source URLs. The max time is seven-days.
This is the choice if you need to provide access to third-parties to access your Cloud Storage Objects.
IAM Based Access
This method does not use Access Tokens, instead, it uses Identity Tokens. Permissions are assigned to Cloud Storage buckets and objects and not to the IAM member account. This method requires a solid understanding of how Identities work in Google Cloud Storage and is the future direction for Google security - meaning for many services access will be controlled on a service/object basis and not via roles that grant wide access to an entire service in a project. I talk about this in my article on Identity Based Access Control
You have not clearly defined what will be accessing Cloud Storage, how secrets are stored, if the secrets need to be protected from users (public URL access), etc. The choice depends on a number of factors.
If you read the latest articles on my website I discuss a number of advanced techniques on Identity Based Access Control. These features are starting to appear on a number of Google Services in the beta level commands. This includes Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, Cloud KMS and soon more. Cloud Storage supports Identity Based Access which requires no permissions at all - the identity is used to control access.

Cloud storage services and session-based file-URLs

I have the following use-case that I am seeking a solution for:
Our website shares files to our clients. The files are stored on a 3rd party cloud service, the file access permissions on our website. When a client on our site requests a file that he has permission to see, it will be served directly from the cloud service (instead of through our own webserver, using our CPU, RAM and bandwidth).
I see services like Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage use an approach with a signed URL with a timeout for this purpose, but I would prefer a solution where that URL is only available to the client who requested the resource (and not everyone who has the link during the lifecycle of the URL). The reason for this is that it feels wrong to rely on a duration based un an arbitrary length instead of utilizing a one-time token or in any other way validate the access to the resource before the request is completed.
Does any of the major services provide a feature that would allow for this? Or is it considered "safe enough" to protect sensitive data behind a random URL + timeout period (to me it feels like the answer to the latter is "no")?