Best way to get the Revert Reason for a historical failed transaction - web3py

What's the best way to get the revert reason for a historical failed transaction using and an Erigon archive node? The method shown in a recent article doesn't seem to work reliably.
So for example transaction 0x2b6e98bbecaf182c47ab21db7d379e216c3431c8e4ef5d13d9f6e390f1cc6e89 on Etherscan failed with reason "Fail with error 'Transaction too old'". But when I try replaying the transaction myself, I get the following:
{'code': -32000, 'message': 'insufficient funds for gas * price + value: address 0x3Ebf59161F2e3344d22FA9aE19aBE087AC11c6C1 have 4799611000000000 want 767628934000000000'}
It looks like perhaps it's replaying the transaction against the current state rather than the correct block height (12955068). I've tried supplying the correct block height both as a positional parameter (as in the example given in the article) and by using block_identifier as a keyword argument, but I get the same result. What's going on here?


Debugging "Transaction simulation failed" when sending program instruction (Solana Solidity)

When attempting to make a call to a program compiled with #solana/solidity, I'm getting the following error:
Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: Program failed to complete
Program jdN1wZjg5P4xi718DG2HraGuxVx1mM7ebjXpxbJ5R3N invoke [1]
Program log: pxKTQePwHC9MiR52J5AYaRtSLAtkVfcoGS3GaLD24YX
Program log: sender account missing from transaction
Program jdN1wZjg5P4xi718DG2HraGuxVx1mM7ebjXpxbJ5R3N consumed 200000 of 200000 compute units
Program failed to complete: BPF program Panicked in solana.c at 285:0
Program jdN1wZjg5P4xi718DG2HraGuxVx1mM7ebjXpxbJ5R3N failed: Program failed to complete
jdN1wZjg5P4xi718DG2HraGuxVx1mM7ebjXpxbJ5R3N is the program's public key and pxKTQePwHC9MiR52J5AYaRtSLAtkVfcoGS3GaLD24YX is the sender's public key.
I'm using a fork of the #solana/solidity library that exposes the Transaction object so that it can be signed and sent by Phantom Wallet on the front end. The code that results in the error is as follows:
// Generate the transaction
const transaction = contract.transactions.send(...args);
// Add recent blockhash and fee payer
const recentBlockhash = (await connection.getRecentBlockhash()).blockhash;
transaction.recentBlockhash = recentBlockhash;
transaction.feePayer = provider.publicKey;
// Sign and send the transaction (throws an error)
const res = await provider.signAndSendTransaction(transaction);
I would attempt to debug this further myself, but I'm not sure where to start. Looking up the error message hasn't yielded any results and the error message isn't very descriptive. I'm not sure if this error is occurring within the program execution itself or if it's an issue with the composition of the transaction object. If it is an issue within the program execution, is there a way for me to add logs to my solidity code? If it's an issue with the transaction object, what could be missing? How can I better debug issues like this?
Thank you for any help.
Edit: I'm getting a different error now, although I haven't changed any of the provided code. The error message is now the following:
Phantom - RPC Error: Transaction creation failed. {code: -32003, message: 'Transaction creation failed.'}
Unfortunately this error message is even less helpful than the last one. I'm not sure if Phantom Wallet was updated or if a project dependency was updated at some point, but given the vague nature of both of these error messages and the fact that none of my code has changed, I believe they're being caused by the same issue. Again, any help or debugging tips are appreciated.
I was able to solve this issue, and although I've run into another issue it's not related to the contents of this question so I'll post it separately.
Regarding my edit, I found that the difference between the error messages came down to how I was sending the transaction. At first, I tried sending it with Phantom's .signAndSendTransaction() method, which yielded the second error message (listed under my edit). Then I tried signing & sending the transaction manually, like so:
const signed = await provider.request({
method: 'signTransaction',
params: {
message: bs58.encode(transaction.serializeMessage()),
const signature = bs58.decode(signed.signature);
transaction.addSignature(provider.publicKey, signature);
await connection.sendRawTransaction(transaction.serialize())
Which yielded the more verbose error included in my original post. That error message did turn out to be helpful once I realized what to look for -- the sending account's public key was missing from the keys field on the TransactionInstruction on the Transaction. I added it in my fork of the #solana/solidity library and the error went away.
In short, the way I was able to debug this was by
Using provider.request({ method: 'signTransaction' }) and connection.sendRawTransaction(transaction) rather than Phantom's provider.signAndSendTransaction() method for a more verbose error message
Logging the transaction object and inspecting the instructions closely
I hope this helps someone else in the future.

UI5 Odata batch update - Connect return messages to single operation

I perform a batch update on an OData v2 model, that contains several operations.
The update is performed in a single changeset, so that a single failed operation fails the whole update.
If one operation fails (due to business logic) and a message returns. Is there a way to know which operation triggered the message? The response I get contains the message text and nothing else that seems useful.
The error function is triggered for every failed operation, and contains the same message every time.
Maybe there is a specific way the message should be issued on the SAP backend?
The ABAP method /iwbep/if_message_container->ADD_MESSAGE has a parameter IV_KEY_TAB, but it does not seem to affect anything.
Clarification following conversation.
My service does not return a list of messages, it performs updates. If one of the update operations fails with a message, I want to connect the message to the specific update that failed, preferably without modifying the message text.
An example of the error response I'm getting:
"value":"<My message text>"
"service_id":"<My service>",
// Sap standard message here
"code":"<My message class>",
"message":"<My message text>",
"message":"An exception was raised.",
If you want to keep the same exact message for all operations the simplest way to be able to determine the message origin would be to add a specific 'tag' to it in the backend.
For example, you can fill the PARAMETER field of the message structure with a specific value for each operation. This way you can easily determine the origin in gateway or frontend.
If I understand your question correctly, you could try the following.
override the following DPC methods:
changeset_begin: set cv_defer_mode to abap_true
changeset_end: just redefine it, with nothing inside
here you get a list of your requests in a table, which has the operation number (thats what you seek), and the key value structure (iwbep.blablabla) for the call.
loop over the table, and call the method for each of the entries.
put the result of each of the operations in the CT_CHANGESET_RESPONSE.
in case of one operation failing, you can raise the busi_exception in there and there you can access the actual operation number.
for further information about batch processing you can check out this link:
is that what you meant?

Best practice for BAPI commit and rollback?

I am using C# to call BAPI to communicate with SAP. I am new to this topic so I want to clarify some of the concept.
Q1: If I call BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE, should I check RETURN table or MAT_DOC field of items table to see whether it is succeed or failed?
Q2: If it is failed, need I call BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK, or just ignore it(because without BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT, data will not be saved)?
Q3: I found sometimes, even if there is error message, if I continue call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT, the data will be saved. But sometimes it won't.
Thanks in advance.
Check RETURN table. If it's OK, issue a BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT with the WAIT flag. If it's not OK, issue a BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK.
Check RETURN from BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT as there may be errors there as well (for example a database update issue).
Ad Q1 In that particular case I'd rather check if material document number is returned in MAT_DOC. This way you don't rely on return messages. If a material document is returned, it means BAPI call was successful irrespective of messages. I find BAPIs implementation of handling return message quite inconsistent. Some BAPIs return a success message, some don't.
Ad Q2, Q3 Always call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT or BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK after a BAPI call depending on result. BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT and BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK not only execute commit / rollback work but also call BUFFER_REFRESH_ALL function.

Braintree Sandbox Test Transaction settle() returns transaction status SETTLING instead of SETTLED

I'm following documentation for testing Braintree settlement status:
Doc says:
$result = Braintree_Test_Transaction::settle($sale_result->transaction->id);
# true
# Braintree_Transaction::SETTLED
I was testing with VISA card.
So expected result is transaction status "settled" (Braintree_Transaction::SETTLED).
Actual result is transaction status "settling" (Braintree_Transaction::SETTLING)
It's not a big deal but still I would be expecting SETTLED as stated in the documentation.
Anyone having same experience testing \Braintree\Test\Transaction::settle($transactionId) ?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
While I can't personally recreate this behavior, I could imagine the gateway returning SETTLING rather than blocking until the settlement completes. Once the settle() call has returned, you can call
and inspect the status of that transaction response object to see if the settlement has been completed.

Best way to detect a "data loss" publish action when calling SSDT's SQLPackage.exe

When calling SQLPackage.exe (syntax described here) with publish action /a:Publish, there are cases when data loss occurs and the execution will be halted; this is specified by setting the parameter /p:BlockOnDataLoss (default to be 'true').
I need to know whether my publish action has succeeded or has failed due to 'data loss'.
Currently when succeeded, the returned exit code will be 0. And when failed, we just have the returned exit code to be 1. We cannot say whether a fail was caused by the data loss or not. How can we identify this?
Somewhere in the console output, we see the line that contain "... is being dropped, data loss could occur." So I intend to scan for every output line is printed but I guess there should be some other better way to do this.
Hope to hear what you think.