Braintree Sandbox Test Transaction settle() returns transaction status SETTLING instead of SETTLED - testing

I'm following documentation for testing Braintree settlement status:
Doc says:
$result = Braintree_Test_Transaction::settle($sale_result->transaction->id);
# true
# Braintree_Transaction::SETTLED
I was testing with VISA card.
So expected result is transaction status "settled" (Braintree_Transaction::SETTLED).
Actual result is transaction status "settling" (Braintree_Transaction::SETTLING)
It's not a big deal but still I would be expecting SETTLED as stated in the documentation.
Anyone having same experience testing \Braintree\Test\Transaction::settle($transactionId) ?

Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
While I can't personally recreate this behavior, I could imagine the gateway returning SETTLING rather than blocking until the settlement completes. Once the settle() call has returned, you can call
and inspect the status of that transaction response object to see if the settlement has been completed.


Best way to get the Revert Reason for a historical failed transaction

What's the best way to get the revert reason for a historical failed transaction using and an Erigon archive node? The method shown in a recent article doesn't seem to work reliably.
So for example transaction 0x2b6e98bbecaf182c47ab21db7d379e216c3431c8e4ef5d13d9f6e390f1cc6e89 on Etherscan failed with reason "Fail with error 'Transaction too old'". But when I try replaying the transaction myself, I get the following:
{'code': -32000, 'message': 'insufficient funds for gas * price + value: address 0x3Ebf59161F2e3344d22FA9aE19aBE087AC11c6C1 have 4799611000000000 want 767628934000000000'}
It looks like perhaps it's replaying the transaction against the current state rather than the correct block height (12955068). I've tried supplying the correct block height both as a positional parameter (as in the example given in the article) and by using block_identifier as a keyword argument, but I get the same result. What's going on here?

Create Refund on square_connect Ruby sdk gives INTERNAL SERVER ERROR

I am using square_connect ruby gem to refund payments.
body =
#amount_money=#<SquareConnect::Money #amount=200, #currency="USD">,
All other parameters are just as intended. I have changed Tender key too.
result = api_instance.create_refund(authorization, location_id, transaction_id, body)
ETHON: performed EASY effective_url= response_code=500 return_code=ok total_time=1.883598
SquareConnect::ApiError: Internal Server Error - {"errors":[{"category":"API_ERROR","code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","detail":"An internal error has occurred, and the API was unable to service your request."}]}
Are you sure that your tender_id matches a tender you want to refund? 500 isn't the correct response, but it seems like you are likely not selecting a correct tender to refund.
Also you should look into upgrading your SDK to the latest version.
This is a major bug in the Square Connect API. I was actually trying with a wrong transaction ID, instead of getting something like "Incorrect Transaction ID" I was getting 500 Internal Server Error.
I have been using Stripe, Payflow., Braintree and Moneris API for almost 2 years now but I have never received a 500 Internal server error for a wrong transaction Id. So Square needs to address it on urgent basis.

Best practice for BAPI commit and rollback?

I am using C# to call BAPI to communicate with SAP. I am new to this topic so I want to clarify some of the concept.
Q1: If I call BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE, should I check RETURN table or MAT_DOC field of items table to see whether it is succeed or failed?
Q2: If it is failed, need I call BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK, or just ignore it(because without BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT, data will not be saved)?
Q3: I found sometimes, even if there is error message, if I continue call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT, the data will be saved. But sometimes it won't.
Thanks in advance.
Check RETURN table. If it's OK, issue a BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT with the WAIT flag. If it's not OK, issue a BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK.
Check RETURN from BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT as there may be errors there as well (for example a database update issue).
Ad Q1 In that particular case I'd rather check if material document number is returned in MAT_DOC. This way you don't rely on return messages. If a material document is returned, it means BAPI call was successful irrespective of messages. I find BAPIs implementation of handling return message quite inconsistent. Some BAPIs return a success message, some don't.
Ad Q2, Q3 Always call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT or BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK after a BAPI call depending on result. BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT and BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK not only execute commit / rollback work but also call BUFFER_REFRESH_ALL function.

Is credit card transaction expected to be declined for test transaction?

I am doing some development using payflow api
I created test only payflow account. (Transaction Process Mode = Test)
My program uses secure token with hosted check out page.
When I submit my credit card info in the hosted checkout page, the error URL of my program gets called with error code "12" transaction declined.
I try manual testing the payment by going to Paypal Manager-->Virtual Terminal-->Single Transaction. I filled up all the info (along with actual credit card details) and I got the same error - Result Code = 12. Response Message = Declined.
But when I click on "Transaction Details" --> Response Message (Declined) "Click here for fraud details"; it says "Status" as "Passed".
I tried this for both transaction type Sale and Authorize.
So is the error code 12 and Response message "Declined" is because of "Transaction Mode" is Test?
some extra info:
TYPE = 'S'
PREFPSMSG = 'No Rules Triggered'
RESPMSG = 'Declined'
RESULT = '12'
Payflow and Braintree (I believe) give you different results based on what amount so that you can test decline, etc. Make sure your test amount is less than $1001.

How to avoid Hitting the 10 sec limit per user

We run multiple short queries in parallel, and hit the 10 sec limit.
According to the docs, throttling might occur if we hit a limit of 10 API requests per user per project.
We send a "start query job", and then we call the "getGueryResutls()" with timeoutMs of 60,000, however, we get a response after ~ 1 sec, we look for JOB Complete in the JSON response, and since it is not there, we need to send the GetQueryResults() again many times and hit the threshold, that is causing an error, not a slowdown. the sample code is below.
our questions are as such:
1. What is a "user" is it an appengine user, is it a user-id that we can put in the connection string or in the query itslef?
2. Is it really per API project of BigQuery?
3. What is the behavior?we got an error: "Exceeded rate limits: too many user/method api request limit for this user_method", and not a throttling behavior as the doc say and all of our process fails.
4. As seen below in the code, why we get the response after 1 sec & not according to our timeout? are we doing something wrong?
Thanks a lot
Here is the a sample code:
while (res is None or 'jobComplete' not in res or not res['jobComplete']) :
res =,
jobId=jobId, timeoutMs=60000, maxResults=maxResults).execute()
except HTTPException:
if independent:
Are you saying that even though you specify timeoutMs=60000, it is returning within 1 second but the job is not yet complete? If so, this is a bug.
The quota limits for getQueryResults are actually currently much higher than 10 requests per second. The reason the docs say only 10 is because we want to have the ability to throttle it down to that amount if someone is hitting us too hard. If you're currently seeing an error on this API, it is likely that you're calling it at a very high rate.
I'll try to reproduce the problem where we don't wait for the timeout ... if that is really what is happening it may be the root of your problems.
def query_results_long(self, jobId, maxResults, res=None):
start_time = query_time = None
while res is None or 'jobComplete' not in res or not res['jobComplete']:
if start_time:'requested for query results ended after %s', query_time)
start_time =
res =,
jobId=jobId, timeoutMs=60000, maxResults=maxResults).execute()
query_time = - start_time
return res
then in appengine log I had this:
requested for query results ended after 0:00:04.959110