Can't connect to my local Apache server on port 8079 - apache

I added the following line to my httpd.conf: Listen *:8079. But when I navigate to my-local-ip-address:8079 in a browser, it says that the site can't be reached. I also have the line Listen *:80 in my httpd.conf, and when I navigate to my-local-ip-address:80 in a browser, it works. Why does it only work for port 80 and not for port 8079? Thanks!

Adding just a new Listen is not enough.
You should check your <virtualhost> directives in your apache config files and add the :port in them as necessary or you can copy a complete <virtualhost> directive with same values but in different port just adding the port like this:
Check full information in this documentation:
You can specify a :port to change the port that is matched. If
unspecified then it defaults to the same port as the most recent
Listen statement of the main server. You may also specify :* to match
all ports on that address. (This is recommended when used with


How to Bind apache with two ports?

I am having to servers giving services in two different ports 8080, 2379
how to configure apache to listen to the above ports and forwards the request to available server?
To tell Apache it should listen on specific port(s) add the Listen directive in the configuration (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf). It can be specified multiple times, as in:
Listen 8080
Listen 2379
Details on this directive can be found here.
This will serve the content from DocumentRoot on these ports. If you want a different configuration on each port, you need to take a look at VirtualHost directive, which essentially allows you to host multiple websites on the same socket (IP/port).

How to change ServerName in apache server?

I downloaded Apache binary from After installing, in the httpd.conf file on line 220, I changed #ServerName to ServerName Now everything works fine. The server users the domain name localhost. Also localhost:80 automatically redirects to localhost.
Since ServerName is then why does the server work on localhost instead of
If I change every instance of to mylocalserver:80 then why doesn't the apache server work on mylocalserver:80?
DNS as in name resolution happens before you reach Apache HTTPD Server. When you put a name in your browser or anywhere, that you reach your server or not depends only on that resolution and if resolves the ip of the server you have configured, so it has nothing do be with how httpd is configured that you reach it with one name, and you don't with another.
As for httpd, it works on any name you may want because HTTPD does not know about your DNS setup. It listens on a IP address and if a request reaches the server (through the ip:port it is binded to) then and only then it will check the "Host" http header inside the request to decide to which virtualhost (if more than one and it has been configured properly) to deliver the request.
So you can use any name you like, what matter is how you resolve it and on which ip:port combination you end up.
Your question doesn't give a whole lot of information, but I'll try to answer it anyway.
Also localhost:80 automatically redirects to localhost.
That's probably not a redirect, but your browser removing the :80 part as it's the default port on the web.
Since ServerName is then why does the server work on localhost instead of
Probably because both localhost and refer to the web server, and the web server responds to both of them. localhost is commonly configured to be and thus will refer to your local set-up.
If I change every instance of to mylocalserver:80 then why doesn't the apache server work on mylocalserver:80?
mylocalserver might not be referring to anything. Try editing your hosts file (/etc/hosts on *nix, %SYSTEM%\Drivers\etc\hosts) to include mylocalserver to refer it to just like localhost.
The problems you're having seem to stem from a misunderstanding about the domain names. Domain names translate into IP addresses. translates to some IP address on the internet, but localhost translates into usually, like defined in the hosts file. You may also just use the IP address in the ServerName variable, such as

how to access phpmyadmin only the port 8080 in apache

I've tried
vim /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
but I can not put a VirtualHost here.
I want to change this configuration to list only the port 8080, can anyone help?
thank you
what I want is: -> failure -> OK
I want to leave access to port 80 for the rest of the site.
You can change the Listen directive to 8080.
Search the apache configuration for Listen and change it from
Listen 80
Listen 8080
And restart the server. Bear in mind, this will be global to the whole apache server though. On centos or redhat, it'll be called "httpd.conf"
Usually the phpmayadmin configuration is included for all the Virtualhosts, that's a package installation behavior, and that's quite bad.
The file /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf is included from the main configuration (sometimes from a file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf).
Thoe first thing you could do is remove this main-all-virtualhosts-inclusion and only include this file with the Include keyword in one Virtualhost.
This allows two things, first you could use a dedicated ServerName for this host. Second you can alter the Port of the Virtualhost (or you can just do one of theses things).
Check this previous answer about IP/Name Virtualhosts, it will help you figure how Virtualhosts works. The Solution for you is to:
forbid the phpmyadmin configuration inclusion on the main-general-shared configuration level
Listen on both port 80 and 8080
Declare two NameVirtualHost, one on *:80 one on *:8080
Use a Virtualhost *:80 for classical application/websites, ServerName:, ensure phpmyadmin configuration file is not included
Use a Virtualhost *:8080 including the phpmyadmin configuration, ServerName:

why can't use 443 in httpd.conf?

If I use 443 in httpd.conf and want to start the httpd, the error message is:
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Actually I don't use 443, I check the port of 443 by:
lsof -i:443
I think the port of 443 is used in ssl.conf, so I can't use it in httpd.conf.
When I use 444 or 666 in the httpd.conf, I can start the httpd.
This is the reason?
Without looking a closer look, yes, that looks like the reason. In the conf.d dir, the default setup is to load all files that end in .conf. ssl.conf sets some universal settings, and then defines a vhost on port 443.
my suggestion is:
copy the ssl.conf to ssl.conf.bk (or whatever, just so you have the original for reference)
Then edit the vhost in ssl.conf to suit your needs.
Let me back up and explain the conf.d dir just a little in case some reader is confused. Many projects, (not just Apache) use these dirs as a way to have a modular configuration file setup. An admin can just drop a conf file in the correct dir, and apache loads it the next time the service reloads. I use a configuration manager that drops the correct files on the correct servers for me, making it real easy to spin up more servers as needed.
Let me back up again and explain a vhost (aka 'virtualhost'). the Apache project has made their web server flexible enough to host multiple domains. Stick with me here. I can put an apache server on the internet, and point dns records for both and at my IP address, and apache is smart enough to produce different web pages for each. This is what the vhosts are for. the thing is that you are not doing that. Each vhost is a combination of a host name, and a port. the default vhosts are defined like this:
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
<VirtualHost *:443>
and these are catch-alls. So if you want http traffic, use the vhost you already have in httpd.conf, or if you want https traffic, use the one in ssl.conf. No need to get fancy if you are trying to just get'r done.
And good luck!

I want Apache only to listen to port 80 on the addresses I specify. Can I?

I have a bunch of domains pointing to one IP address (I have a feeling this will be the main thing stopping this from working) and one of them I would like to point to a node.js server on port 80 instead of having to faff about with proxies in Apache.
I've already removed the virtualhost for *:80 in apache (it warns me of this every time I restart it).
When I ask node to listen to though (just an example, not what I'm really using), it doesn't work - it tells me the address is in use even though there's no VirtualHost for
I suspect it's to do with the fact that and domain.two both point to the same IP, right? If not, what the heck can I do? Thanks :)
Ports are directly tied to an IP address. Each IP address can only have one process listening to a given port. Since your domain names all resolve to the same IP address you cannot have a separate node process for each one listening on port 80.
If you wish to keep this scheme, you'll need to have each node server listen on a different port and configure reverse proxies in Apache as described here. You can also consider using nginx as it also has this capability (configured slightly differently).
Yes. You can specify a servername in the vhost. Then you can only specify an IP or * in the tag. Create a *:80 Vhost and add
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /blah/blah
to it. That will filter by the domain name.