how to access phpmyadmin only the port 8080 in apache - apache

I've tried
vim /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
but I can not put a VirtualHost here.
I want to change this configuration to list only the port 8080, can anyone help?
thank you
what I want is: -> failure -> OK
I want to leave access to port 80 for the rest of the site.

You can change the Listen directive to 8080.
Search the apache configuration for Listen and change it from
Listen 80
Listen 8080
And restart the server. Bear in mind, this will be global to the whole apache server though. On centos or redhat, it'll be called "httpd.conf"

Usually the phpmayadmin configuration is included for all the Virtualhosts, that's a package installation behavior, and that's quite bad.
The file /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf is included from the main configuration (sometimes from a file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf).
Thoe first thing you could do is remove this main-all-virtualhosts-inclusion and only include this file with the Include keyword in one Virtualhost.
This allows two things, first you could use a dedicated ServerName for this host. Second you can alter the Port of the Virtualhost (or you can just do one of theses things).
Check this previous answer about IP/Name Virtualhosts, it will help you figure how Virtualhosts works. The Solution for you is to:
forbid the phpmyadmin configuration inclusion on the main-general-shared configuration level
Listen on both port 80 and 8080
Declare two NameVirtualHost, one on *:80 one on *:8080
Use a Virtualhost *:80 for classical application/websites, ServerName:, ensure phpmyadmin configuration file is not included
Use a Virtualhost *:8080 including the phpmyadmin configuration, ServerName:


Can't connect to my local Apache server on port 8079

I added the following line to my httpd.conf: Listen *:8079. But when I navigate to my-local-ip-address:8079 in a browser, it says that the site can't be reached. I also have the line Listen *:80 in my httpd.conf, and when I navigate to my-local-ip-address:80 in a browser, it works. Why does it only work for port 80 and not for port 8079? Thanks!
Adding just a new Listen is not enough.
You should check your <virtualhost> directives in your apache config files and add the :port in them as necessary or you can copy a complete <virtualhost> directive with same values but in different port just adding the port like this:
Check full information in this documentation:
You can specify a :port to change the port that is matched. If
unspecified then it defaults to the same port as the most recent
Listen statement of the main server. You may also specify :* to match
all ports on that address. (This is recommended when used with

why can't use 443 in httpd.conf?

If I use 443 in httpd.conf and want to start the httpd, the error message is:
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Actually I don't use 443, I check the port of 443 by:
lsof -i:443
I think the port of 443 is used in ssl.conf, so I can't use it in httpd.conf.
When I use 444 or 666 in the httpd.conf, I can start the httpd.
This is the reason?
Without looking a closer look, yes, that looks like the reason. In the conf.d dir, the default setup is to load all files that end in .conf. ssl.conf sets some universal settings, and then defines a vhost on port 443.
my suggestion is:
copy the ssl.conf to ssl.conf.bk (or whatever, just so you have the original for reference)
Then edit the vhost in ssl.conf to suit your needs.
Let me back up and explain the conf.d dir just a little in case some reader is confused. Many projects, (not just Apache) use these dirs as a way to have a modular configuration file setup. An admin can just drop a conf file in the correct dir, and apache loads it the next time the service reloads. I use a configuration manager that drops the correct files on the correct servers for me, making it real easy to spin up more servers as needed.
Let me back up again and explain a vhost (aka 'virtualhost'). the Apache project has made their web server flexible enough to host multiple domains. Stick with me here. I can put an apache server on the internet, and point dns records for both and at my IP address, and apache is smart enough to produce different web pages for each. This is what the vhosts are for. the thing is that you are not doing that. Each vhost is a combination of a host name, and a port. the default vhosts are defined like this:
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
<VirtualHost *:443>
and these are catch-alls. So if you want http traffic, use the vhost you already have in httpd.conf, or if you want https traffic, use the one in ssl.conf. No need to get fancy if you are trying to just get'r done.
And good luck!

I want Apache only to listen to port 80 on the addresses I specify. Can I?

I have a bunch of domains pointing to one IP address (I have a feeling this will be the main thing stopping this from working) and one of them I would like to point to a node.js server on port 80 instead of having to faff about with proxies in Apache.
I've already removed the virtualhost for *:80 in apache (it warns me of this every time I restart it).
When I ask node to listen to though (just an example, not what I'm really using), it doesn't work - it tells me the address is in use even though there's no VirtualHost for
I suspect it's to do with the fact that and domain.two both point to the same IP, right? If not, what the heck can I do? Thanks :)
Ports are directly tied to an IP address. Each IP address can only have one process listening to a given port. Since your domain names all resolve to the same IP address you cannot have a separate node process for each one listening on port 80.
If you wish to keep this scheme, you'll need to have each node server listen on a different port and configure reverse proxies in Apache as described here. You can also consider using nginx as it also has this capability (configured slightly differently).
Yes. You can specify a servername in the vhost. Then you can only specify an IP or * in the tag. Create a *:80 Vhost and add
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /blah/blah
to it. That will filter by the domain name.

"make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443" when restarting apache (installing trac and mod_wsgi)

I'm trying to install trac and mod_wsgi over SSL. I tried to manually install it, but that didn't work out so well so I started to follow this: trac-on-ubuntu
I skipped the svn part because I'd like to use git instead. After the first edit of httpd.conf:
WSGIScriptAlias /trac /var/trac/apache/trac.wsgi
<Directory /var/trac/apache>
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
I restarted apache only to get this error:
* Restarting web server apache2
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443
[ OK ]
Doing these showed nothing.
netstat -anp | grep 443
fuser 443/tcp
Doing this didn't yield anything except the grep command that I ran:
ps -aux | grep httpd
Why is it saying that something else is using the port when there's nothing showing up?
EDIT: You guys are going to laugh at this. I had an extra Listen 443 in ports.conf that shouldn't have been there. Removing that solved this.
You guys are going to laugh at this. I had an extra Listen 443 in ports.conf that shouldn't have been there. Removing that solved this.
Thank you for you answers, on apache 2.4.x versions if have installed ssl_module using yum command, dont want to add the port :443 in httpd.conf (main) file,
To find out the port 443 in configure files,
# grep '443' /etc/httpd/conf.d/*
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:Listen 443 https
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:<VirtualHost _default_:443>
# grep '443' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Listen 443
Just remove the line or command it (Listen 443) from httpd.conf file.
I'm adding another answer to this as I had the same problem and solved it the same way:
I had installed SSL on apache2 using a2enmod ssl, which seems to have added an extra configuration in /etc/apache2/ports.conf:
NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen 80
NameVirtualHost *:443
Listen 443
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
Listen 443
<IfModule mod_gnutls.c>
Listen 443
I had to comment out the first Listen 443 after the NameVirtualHost *:443 directive:
NameVirtualHost *:443
#Listen 443
But I'm thinking I can as well let it and comment the others.
Anyway, thank you for the solution :)
For everyone else who has no duplicate Listen directives and no running processes on the port: check that you don't accidentally include ports.conf twice in apache2.conf (as I did due to a bad merge).
I use apache version 2.4.27, also have this problem, solved it through modify
the conf/extra/httpdahssl.conf,comment the 18 line content(Listen 443 https),it works fine.
I am using Ubuntu. I just disabled ssl mode of apache2 and it worked for me.
a2dismod ssl
and then restarted apache2.
service apache2 restart
I made the mistake of incorrectly naming a backup file in the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory. In the README it states that it alphabetically goes through all .conf files.
I had created ssl-<date>.conf (meant to be a backup) and it was loading before ssl.conf. It was binding the :443 port based on the ssl-<date>.conf and failing on the ssl.conf.
Once I renamed the backup file to ssl.conf.<date>, the service started without issue.
As a note, the server I'm on is running RHEL 6
I seconded Matthieu answer
I commented #Listen 443 in httpd-ssl file and apache can be started
Because the file already has VirtualHost default:443
Let me add one more reason for the error. In httpd.conf I included explicitly
Include etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
while did not notice previous wildcard
Include etc/apache24/extra/*.conf
Grepping 443 will not find this.
I had same issue, was due to multiple copies of ssl.conf In /etc/httpd/conf.d - There should only be one.
I have checked and fixed the following and got it resolved -
httpd.conf file at /etc/httpd/conf/
Checked the listening IP and port e.g.
Removed extra listening port(s)
Restarted the httpd service to take
I meet the problem in windows7, phpeclipse, when I start the XAMPP.
My solution is :
1.Commented out the \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf -> line171 -> #LoadModule ssl_module modules/
2.line539 -> #Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
or you can change the 443 port to another one
In httpd.conf instead:
Listen *:443
you need write Listen
It works for me.

Multiple Apache2 vhosts are pointing to the same website

I'm running Apache2 on Ubuntu 10, and I have my site configuration files laid out numerically and in order. My default server is, but I also run another site off the same box at Currently, both of these domains point to the same site (the one for The declaration NameVirtualHost *:80 is in my ports.conf file, so I'm pretty sure my global server config checks out. How can I fix this?
Here are my vhost files:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/apps/psycho/public
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/apps/mahogany/public
try create new conf file at /etc/apache2/conf.d, e.g., vhosts.conf
with this content in it:
NameVirtualHost *
It looks like the default configuration is in effect rather than your host entries. Following is the procedure that works in Ubuntu Apache2.
create a VirtualHost in /etc/apache2/sites-available/somesite,
then a2ensite somesite to make it live.
Finally, /etc/init.d/apache2 restart to restart apache.
If you think, you have followed the above steps, then can you please confirm, that you have your hosts files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/?
Each domain name needs to have it's own single unique ip address, that's how different sites are found.
By using the *:80 in the virtual host directive, you're instructing Apache to listen on all IP addresses, port 80 and send it to this directory. With your second vhost, you're doing the same thing (All IP's port 80, and send it there). Well, since you're giving it two conflicting statements, it takes the first match, and uses it.
If you want to serve multiple websites, each must answer to it's own unique IP address, ie:
site -
site -
From there, each vhost entry will listen on it's own ip address and port for each site. In the OP's case the vhost needs to change to (using the example IPs):
DocumentRoot /var/apps/psycho/public
DocumentRoot /var/apps/mahogany/public
This instructs the server to listen on static IP 1 port 80 (as defined in the named.conf and associtated bind config files, and send it to the first site base directory, and any calls on the second static IP port 80 and send it to the second site base directory.
As for configuring bind/named, that's beyond the scope of this question...