How to update specific element in a list in Elm - elm

There are couple apples ( in type of List ) which will expose themselvies in the web view. User can update any size attribute of an Apple. I have a msg type UpdateSize which will be triggered via onInput.
Editing any of the apples will only just trigger the message without knowing which apple to be updated.
Is that possible to pass an id attribute to UpdateSize message?
Thank you for reading this, Elm is great !
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text, input)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick,onInput)
import String
type alias Apple = {
size: Int}
type alias Model = {
apples: List(Apple)}
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ apples = [ Apple 10, Apple 11, Apple 12] }
type Msg
= UpdateSize String
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateSize s -> {model | apples = ??? } -- how to update a single Apple with new size
_ -> model
viewApple : Apple -> Html Msg
viewApple a =
input [ type_ "text" ,placeholder ""
, value (String.fromInt a.size)
, onInput UpdateSize]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
( viewApple model.apples)
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = initialModel
, view = view
, update = update
Code link:

With your current implementation it's not possible to know which apple to update since there's no unique attribute about the apples. What if two apples have the same size? If would be better if apples had IDs, or you used a dictionary type to keep track of the apples.
However, for the sake of demonstration, you could say that the list indeces of the apples are unique and you find them accordingly. In real life this will be a fragile solution.
Here's a naive approach using some helper functions from List.Extra.
-- ...
type alias Size =
type Msg
= UpdateSize Int String
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateSize index sizeStr ->
maybeSize =
String.toInt sizeStr
|> Maybe.withDefault (\size -> { model | apples = updateApple index size model.apples })
|> model
_ ->
updateApple : Int -> Size -> List Apple -> List Apple
updateApple index size apples =
maybeApple =
List.Extra.getAt index apples
|> (\apple -> List.Extra.setAt index { apple | size = size } apples)
|> Maybe.withDefault apples
-- ...
viewApple : Int -> Apple -> Html Msg
viewApple index a =
[ type_ "text"
, placeholder ""
, value (String.fromInt a.size)
, onInput (UpdateSize index)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
(List.indexedMap viewApple model.apples)


Elm: How to use data from one HTTP request in subsequent requests

I am new to Elm and just read the docs ( I am modifying an example from there and playing around.
What I want to do is to hit an endpoint which will give me a list of IDs. Later I want to hit another endpoint with each of these IDs and display the results. -
This endpoint has a list of IDs.[ID].json -
This endpoint will give the details of the story of given ID.
With what I have till now, I can get the list of all IDs separately and I can get each story separately (hard-coded ID) and display them. But what I am trying achieve here is to
get the list of IDs (500 of them) from endpoint 1
get first 5 of the stories by hitting endpoint 2
have a "load more" button which will load 5 more and so on
I am not sure how to do this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can fire the second request when you handle the response from the first endpoint. Something like:
type Msg
= GotIds (Result Http.Error (List Int))
| GotStory (Result Http.Error (String))
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
GotIds result ->
case result of
Ok (first::rest) ->
({ model | ids = first::rest }, getStory first)
Ok _ ->
(model, Cmd.none)
Err _ ->
({ model | story = "ERROR"}, Cmd.none)
GotStory result ->
({model | story = Result.withDefault "None" result}, Cmd.none)
If you want to fire multiple Cmd at the same time, you can use Cmd.batch
Here is an Ellie that gets the ids from the first request and then fetches the title for the first ID.
You will want to create a custom type and decoder for each post.
For posterity's sake, here is all of the code from the Ellie:
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Http
import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, field, int, list, string )
type alias Model =
{ ids : List Int
, story : String
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ ids = []
, story = "None"
type Msg
= GotIds (Result Http.Error (List Int))
| GotStory (Result Http.Error (String))
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
GotIds result ->
case result of
Ok (first::rest) ->
({ model | ids = first::rest }, getStory first)
Ok [] ->
(model, Cmd.none)
Err _ ->
({ model | story = "ERROR"}, Cmd.none)
GotStory result ->
({model | story = Result.withDefault "None" result}, Cmd.none)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ text model.story
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none)
init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init flags =
(initialModel, getIds)
getIds : Cmd Msg
getIds =
{ url = ""
, expect = Http.expectJson GotIds (list int)
getStory : Int -> Cmd Msg
getStory id =
{ url = "" ++ String.fromInt id ++ ".json"
, expect = Http.expectJson GotStory (field "title" string)

Locally scoped updates in elm 0.18

I have an elm 0.18 web app with a number of pages and routes. In main.elm I define my update function.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
FirstUpdateAction ->
Every action goes through this function and it's getting big. Is it possible to create an update function to a smaller module that is nested within the overall structure?
For example, I have a settings page that gives the user the ability to change password. There are three fields/states (passwordOld, passwordNew, passwordConfirm) which have update actions associated with onInput and onBlur events. Those states and actions are only relevent to the user settings page, and become irrelevent to the rest of the model when the user leaves the page.
How could I go about setting up a scope for the user settings?
You could break down your code into independent submodules, each with it's own Msg type, update and view functions.
For example you could have a file SubmoduleA.elm looking like this:
module SubmoduleA exposing (Model, Msg, update, view)
type Msg = SubMessageA
| SubMessageB
type alias model =
{ fieldA : TypeA
, fieldB : TypeB
, [..]
update msg model =
case msg of
MessageA ->
{model | fieldA = [..] } ! []
view model =
div [id "submoduleAView"]
this module would be connected to your main program like this:
module Main exposing (..)
import SubmoduleA exposing (Model, Msg, update, view)
type Msg = MessageA
| MessageB
| ToSubmoduleA (SubmoduleA.Msg)
type alias model =
{ fieldA : TypeA
, fieldB : TypeB
, [..]
, subModuleA : SubmoduleA.Model
update msg model =
case msg of
MessageA ->
{model | fieldA = [..] } ! []
ToSubmoduleA msg =
let (newSubmoduleA, newSubmoduleACmd) = SubmoduleA.update msg (.subModuleA model)
in { model | subModuleA = newSubmoduleA } ! [ ToSubmoduleA newSubmoduleACmd]
view model =
div [id "mainView"]
[ ..
, ToSubmoduleA <| SubmoduleA.view (.subModuleA model)
this way all the information and state that are relevant to your sub module stay encapsulated in your sub module, and you just have one case in your main update function responsible for the correct routing of messages.

How do you manage an explosion of update paths/Msg constructors?

I've finished the Elm guide and noticed on very simple examples, the update function grows to 3 cases and the Msg type can have 3 constructors. I imagine on an intermediate project, this would grow to 20 and on an advance project, it might be hundreds. How do you manage this? I foresee this being a source of version control contention if every developer needs to add a new constructor for their feature.
I worked on a react-redux project and it has a concept of combining reducers to solve this problem. I did not run across that concept in Elm. Does it have one?
You can define msg type consists of child/sub msg types, and of course, updater can be combined with sub functions. ie.
-- Counter
type CounterMsg
= Increment
| Decrement
type alias CounterModel =
updateCounter : CounterMsg -> CounterModel -> ( CounterModel, Cmd msg )
updateCounter msg model =
case msg of
Increment ->
( model + 1, Cmd.none )
Decrement ->
( model - 1, Cmd.none )
-- Todo
type TodoMsg
= AddTodo String
type alias TodoModel =
List String
updateTodo : TodoMsg -> TodoModel -> ( TodoModel, Cmd msg )
updateTodo msg model =
case msg of
AddTodo str ->
( str :: model, Cmd.none )
-- unified
type alias Model =
{ counter : CounterModel
, todos : TodoModel
type Msg
= Counter CounterMsg
| Todo TodoMsg
initModel =
{ counter = 0, todos = [] }
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg )
update msg model =
case Debug.log "message" msg of
Counter countermsg ->
( newmodel, cmd ) =
updateCounter countermsg model.counter
( { model | counter = newmodel }, cmd )
-- etc...
_ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Take a look at Richard's implementation for RealWorld/Conduit. It provides a realistic way to structure a large enough app (few thousands lines of code).
In short, on complex projects there is the idea of a Page that can have its own model and update and view.
Within each page you could have a large Msg but that is not really an issue. 20 tags is actually quite manageable. 50 is also manageable as discovered by NoRedInk programmers in their production code.
There's a decent tutorial on the topic here:
I wish it showed the source of the Widget, but I can imagine what it looks like. Inlining for posterity.
module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html, program)
import Widget
type alias AppModel =
{ widgetModel : Widget.Model
initialModel : AppModel
initialModel =
{ widgetModel = Widget.initialModel
init : ( AppModel, Cmd Msg )
init =
( initialModel, Cmd.none )
type Msg
= WidgetMsg Widget.Msg
view : AppModel -> Html Msg
view model =
Html.div []
[ WidgetMsg (Widget.view model.widgetModel)
update : Msg -> AppModel -> ( AppModel, Cmd Msg )
update message model =
case message of
WidgetMsg subMsg ->
( updatedWidgetModel, widgetCmd ) =
Widget.update subMsg model.widgetModel
( { model | widgetModel = updatedWidgetModel }, WidgetMsg widgetCmd )
subscriptions : AppModel -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
-- APP
main : Program Never AppModel Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
I think this is the same idea behind but it has more description.

Type error in the update function in Elm

I'm new to elm (0.17) and I try to understand how it works. In this case, I try to develop a kind of project estimation.
This is what I did:
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
-- model
type alias Host = {
name : String,
cost : Int
type alias Model =
{ email : String
, hosting : List Host
, period : List Int
, interventionDays : List Int
, total : Int
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
(Model "" [{name="AAA", cost=15}, {name="BBB", cost=56}, {name="CCC", cost=172}] [1..12] [1..31] 0, Cmd.none)
type Msg = Submit | Reset
calculate : Int
calculate = 42 -- to test
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update action model =
case action of
Submit ->
(model, calculate)
Reset ->
(model, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
-- view
hostOption host =
option [ value (toString host.cost) ] [ text ]
durationOption duration =
option [value (toString duration) ] [ text (toString duration)]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Html.form []
[ h2 [] [ text "Estimate your project"]
, input [ placeholder ] []
, select []
( hostOption
, select []
( durationOption model.period)
, select []
( durationOption model.interventionDays)
, Html.span [][text (toString]
, button [onClick Submit] [text "Submit"]
, button [onClick Reset] [text "Reset"]
I think I have understood some ideas behind elm but I need help because elm-make command returns:
The 1st and 2nd branches of this `case` produce different types of values.
40| case action of
41| Submit ->
42| (model, calculate)
43| Reset ->
44|> (model, Cmd.none)
The 1st branch has this type:
( a, Int )
But the 2nd is:
( a, Cmd a )
Hint: All branches in a `case` must have the same type. So no matter which one
we take, we always get back the same type of value.
Detected errors in 1 module.
I understand the problem but I do not know how to fix it. Do I have to define my calculate function to work with model data ?
I'm going to guess that you want to update the the total field of your model with calculate.
The first tuple item that the update function returns is the updated model. As things stand, both of your actions return the existing model without changing it. So you could try this:
case action of
Submit ->
({ model | total = calculate }, Cmd.none)
Reset ->
See here for the syntax for updating records.
Note that I also changed the Reset branch to return init, the initial model and command.
The compiler error is telling you that the update method, in some cases will return a (Model, Cmd) tuple, and in another cases will return a (Model, Int) tuple.
The update function as you have it, should return the modified model and also a Cmd to execute an action, in other words, a (Model, Cmd) tuple.
If you return (model, calculate) it will return a (Model, Int) tuple, since calculate is an Int. That is what is breaking the compiling.
So to fix it, first you need to decide what to do with each of the Msg. I assume by the name of them that the Calculate Msg will update the total and the Reset Msg will set the model to the default state.
For that you could do:
case action of
Submit ->
({ model | total = calculate }, Cmd.none)
Reset ->
In this case, both branches will return a tuple of type (Model, Cmd).
Note that the Reset branch will return init, which is already of type (Model, Cmd).
Check the official guide for more examples:

In Elm what is the correct way to implement my own toString

In Elm what is the correct way to take my Model and implement a toString function?
The type I am looking for would be toString : Model -> String, I am able to make a similar function with the type of toStr : Model -> String but I would think I would want the function to be called toString.
Example program (the Coin Changer kata):
module CoinChanger where
import Html exposing (..)
import StartApp.Simple as StartApp
import Signal exposing (Address)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (on, targetValue)
import String
---- MAIN ----
main =
model = emptyModel
,update = update
,view = view
---- Model ----
type alias Model =
change : List Int
emptyModel : Model
emptyModel =
change = []
---- VIEW ----
toStr : Model -> String
toStr model =
|> (\coin -> (toString coin) ++ "¢")
|> String.join ", "
view : Address String -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
placeholder "amount to make change for"
, on "input" targetValue (Signal.message address)
, autofocus True
-- style
, div []
text (toStr model)
---- UPDATE ----
changeFor : Int -> List Int
changeFor amount =
[ 25, 10, 5, 1 ]
|> List.foldl
(\coin (change, amount)
-> ( change ++ List.repeat (amount // coin) coin
, amount % coin)
([], amount)
|> fst
update : String -> Model -> Model
update change model =
{ model | change =
case String.toInt change of
Ok amount
-> changeFor amount
Err msg
-> []
I would think the correct way to do this would be to call the function toString, but that gives me the following error from the compiler:
Detected errors in 1 module.
-- TYPE MISMATCH ----------------------------------------------- CoinChanger.elm
The type annotation for toString does not match its definition.
42│ toString : Model -> String
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The type annotation is saying:
{ change : List Int } -> String
But I am inferring that the definition has this type:
{ change : List { change : List Int } } -> String
Renaming the function to toStr (or something not called toString) fixes the issue but seems wrong. What is the correct way to do this?
The problem is that, calling your function toString, you are overriding the toString function of the Basics module, which you are using at line 45.
To avoid this, you'll need to import the Basics module and use Basics.toString instead of simply toString to eliminare the ambiguity
The accepted answer is well out of date for anyone writing Elm 0.19+. The current solution is to write your own toString function for the type you want converted. There is a Debug.toString for use during development but its use in your code will prevent building for production.