Elm: How to use data from one HTTP request in subsequent requests - elm

I am new to Elm and just read the docs (https://guide.elm-lang.org/). I am modifying an example from there and playing around.
What I want to do is to hit an endpoint which will give me a list of IDs. Later I want to hit another endpoint with each of these IDs and display the results.
https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories.json -
This endpoint has a list of IDs.
https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/[ID].json -
This endpoint will give the details of the story of given ID.
With what I have till now, I can get the list of all IDs separately and I can get each story separately (hard-coded ID) and display them. But what I am trying achieve here is to
get the list of IDs (500 of them) from endpoint 1
get first 5 of the stories by hitting endpoint 2
have a "load more" button which will load 5 more and so on
I am not sure how to do this. Any help is greatly appreciated.

You can fire the second request when you handle the response from the first endpoint. Something like:
type Msg
= GotIds (Result Http.Error (List Int))
| GotStory (Result Http.Error (String))
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
GotIds result ->
case result of
Ok (first::rest) ->
({ model | ids = first::rest }, getStory first)
Ok _ ->
(model, Cmd.none)
Err _ ->
({ model | story = "ERROR"}, Cmd.none)
GotStory result ->
({model | story = Result.withDefault "None" result}, Cmd.none)
If you want to fire multiple Cmd at the same time, you can use Cmd.batch
Here is an Ellie that gets the ids from the first request and then fetches the title for the first ID.
You will want to create a custom type and decoder for each post.
For posterity's sake, here is all of the code from the Ellie:
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Http
import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, field, int, list, string )
type alias Model =
{ ids : List Int
, story : String
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ ids = []
, story = "None"
type Msg
= GotIds (Result Http.Error (List Int))
| GotStory (Result Http.Error (String))
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
GotIds result ->
case result of
Ok (first::rest) ->
({ model | ids = first::rest }, getStory first)
Ok [] ->
(model, Cmd.none)
Err _ ->
({ model | story = "ERROR"}, Cmd.none)
GotStory result ->
({model | story = Result.withDefault "None" result}, Cmd.none)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ text model.story
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none)
init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init flags =
(initialModel, getIds)
getIds : Cmd Msg
getIds =
{ url = "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories.json"
, expect = Http.expectJson GotIds (list int)
getStory : Int -> Cmd Msg
getStory id =
{ url = "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/" ++ String.fromInt id ++ ".json"
, expect = Http.expectJson GotStory (field "title" string)


How to update specific element in a list in Elm

There are couple apples ( in type of List ) which will expose themselvies in the web view. User can update any size attribute of an Apple. I have a msg type UpdateSize which will be triggered via onInput.
Editing any of the apples will only just trigger the message without knowing which apple to be updated.
Is that possible to pass an id attribute to UpdateSize message?
Thank you for reading this, Elm is great !
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text, input)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick,onInput)
import String
type alias Apple = {
size: Int}
type alias Model = {
apples: List(Apple)}
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ apples = [ Apple 10, Apple 11, Apple 12] }
type Msg
= UpdateSize String
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateSize s -> {model | apples = ??? } -- how to update a single Apple with new size
_ -> model
viewApple : Apple -> Html Msg
viewApple a =
input [ type_ "text" ,placeholder ""
, value (String.fromInt a.size)
, onInput UpdateSize]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
(List.map viewApple model.apples)
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = initialModel
, view = view
, update = update
Code link: https://ellie-app.com/ghd9jrcjKQQa1
With your current implementation it's not possible to know which apple to update since there's no unique attribute about the apples. What if two apples have the same size? If would be better if apples had IDs, or you used a dictionary type to keep track of the apples.
However, for the sake of demonstration, you could say that the list indeces of the apples are unique and you find them accordingly. In real life this will be a fragile solution.
Here's a naive approach using some helper functions from List.Extra.
-- ...
type alias Size =
type Msg
= UpdateSize Int String
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateSize index sizeStr ->
maybeSize =
String.toInt sizeStr
|> Maybe.withDefault (\size -> { model | apples = updateApple index size model.apples })
|> model
_ ->
updateApple : Int -> Size -> List Apple -> List Apple
updateApple index size apples =
maybeApple =
List.Extra.getAt index apples
|> Maybe.map (\apple -> List.Extra.setAt index { apple | size = size } apples)
|> Maybe.withDefault apples
-- ...
viewApple : Int -> Apple -> Html Msg
viewApple index a =
[ type_ "text"
, placeholder ""
, value (String.fromInt a.size)
, onInput (UpdateSize index)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
(List.indexedMap viewApple model.apples)

Command not being invoked after calling update

Building on the Elm navigation tutorial, I needed to execute a command to fetch additional data once navigating to my CategoryRoute.
My View.elm looks something like this:
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ page model ]
page : Model -> Html Msg
page model =
case model.categories of
RemoteData.Success categories ->
case model.currentRoute of
CategoryListRoute ->
CategoryList.view categories
CategoryRoute id ->
let maybeCategory =
|> SubCategories
|> flatten
|> filter (\category -> category.id == id)
|> head
_ = update (OnCategorySelected id) model
case maybeCategory of
Just category ->
Category.view category
Nothing ->
You'll notice that I'm calling update with the OnCategorySelected message myself when the currentRoute changes to the CategoryRoute.
My Update.eml looks something like this:
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
OnArticlesFetch response ->
_ = log "got response" response
( { model | articles = response }, Cmd.none)
OnLocationChange location ->
newRoute =
parseLocation location
( { model | currentRoute = newRoute }, Cmd.none )
OnCategorySelected id ->
( model, (getArticles model.tenant id) )
And finally, my Commands.eml looks like so:
getArticles : String -> String -> Cmd Msg
getArticles tenant id =
url =
"https://" ++ tenant ++ ".my.api"
_ = log "getArticles for " id
Http.post url (Http.jsonBody (encoder id)) decoder
|> RemoteData.sendRequest
|> Cmd.map OnArticlesFetch
I was expecting that once I'll call update OnCategorySelected, it will in turn invoke the getArticles function, which is passed a Cmd Msg, which I had thought will be invoked once the response comes in.
The problem I'm facing is that while update OnCategorySelected and getArticles seem to get invoked (as indicated by the log printouts log "getArticles for " id), I'm seeing no outgoing HTTP calls, no errors, no results and no log "got response" response printouts.
I'm confused as to what am I doing wrong here and what's the pattern for actually fetching more data as one navigates to a page in Elm...
Elm is a pure language where side effects are relegated to the framework. Calling the update function does not actually perform any work itself. It simply returns a value that can be handed off to the Elm framework directing it to interact with the outside world. That means when you call update from within the page function and discard the result, nothing happens.
One thing that can cause confusion is that Debug.log actually does get called and prints to the console, which violates the aforementioned purity of the language. It's just a magic function which exists only for debugging so hopefully it doesn't cause too much confusion.
You should instead be handling the RemoteData.Success case in the update function after parsing the route in the OnLocationChange case and returning a result which includes the getArticles result Cmd.
OnLocationChange location ->
newRoute =
parseLocation location
cmd =
case newRoute of
CategoryRoute id ->
getArticles model.tenant id
_ ->
( { model | currentRoute = newRoute }, cmd )

Handling messages when composing with list of widgets in Elm

In a few guides, message handling in parent components is made like this;
type Msg
= NavMsg Nav.Msg
| SidebarMsg Sidebar.Msg
| WidgetMsg Widget.Msg
And parent components handle them in updates with:
update : Msg -> AppModel -> (AppModel, Cmd Msg)
update message model =
case message of
WidgetMsg subMsg ->
(updatedWidgetModel, widgetCmd) =
Widget.update subMsg model.widgetModel
({ model | widgetModel = updatedWidgetModel }, Cmd.map WidgetMsg widgetCmd)
_ ->
However, I couldn't find a simple way to do the same if the child components are inside a list. How can I tell the correct sub component to react to a message directed to him?
I thought of adding the component object to the message:
type Msg
= MessageToParent
| MessageToChild Child Child.Msg
But this seems very inefficient if the Child component is big, and still gives me trouble when trying to delegate the inner Child.Msg to the right Child.
What's the best way to handle message passing to a list of components?
I would suggest using an array (or Dict) and code like this
type Msg
= WidgetMsg Int Widget.Msg
update : Msg -> AppModel -> (AppModel, Cmd Msg)
update message model =
case message of
WidgetMsg idx subMsg ->
|> Array.get idx
|> Maybe.map (Widget.update subMsg)
|> Maybe.map (\(m,c) ->
({ model | widgetModels = Array.set idx m model.widgetModels }
, Cmd.map Widgetmsg idx c)
|> Maybe.withDefault (model, Cmd.none)
_ ->

Unable to trigger response message when sending initial message

I am unable to trigger a response message when sending an initial message.
I have a button:
[ class "register"
, value "Create Account"
, onClick Submit
I have the following messages:
type Msg
= Submit
| Response (Result Http.Error JsonProfile)
The message handler that is invoked via button click is the following:
update : Msg -> Form -> ( Form, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Submit ->
( model, runtime.tryRegister model Response )
Here's the other message handlers:
update : Msg -> Form -> ( Form, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Submit ->
( model, runtime.tryRegister model Response )
Response (Ok json) ->
( model, Navigation.load <| "/#/portal/1" )
Response (Err error) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
My tryRegister implementation is the following:
tryRegister : Form -> (Result Http.Error JsonProfile -> msg) -> Cmd msg
tryRegister form msg =
jsonProfile =
JsonProfile 1 form.firstName form.lastName form.email
newMsg v =
Cmd.map (newMsg <| Result.Ok jsonProfile) Cmd.none
Here's the client code to the elm module depicted above:
onRegistration : Registration.Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
onRegistration subMsg model =
( form, _ ) =
Registration.update subMsg model.registration
case subMsg of
Registration.Submit ->
( { model | registration = form }, Cmd.none )
Registration.Response result ->
case result of
Result.Ok jsonProfile ->
newUser =
jsonProfileToProvider jsonProfile
newState =
{ model
| registration = form
, portal =
{ initPortal
| provider = newUser
, requested = Domain.EditProfile
, linksNavigation = False
, sourcesNavigation = False
( newState, Navigation.load <| "/#/portal/" ++ getId newUser.profile.id )
Result.Err _ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
I expect that when I click the button, that navigation takes place.
However, nothing happens and I don't understand why.
Source code is here.
Apparently Cmd.map (...) Cmd.none is not sufficient to force another update cycle. You can force an update cycle by sending an always-succeeding task with Task.perform.
tryRegister : Form -> (Result Http.Error JsonProfile -> msg) -> Cmd msg
tryRegister form msg =
JsonProfile 1 form.firstName form.lastName form.email
|> Result.Ok
|> msg
|> Task.succeed
|> Task.perform identity
Note: There are good reasons not to do this, as outlined here, but we'll ignore those for now to fit the framework you've outlined
However, that alone will not make your code work. You have a nested update call which ignores the Cmd returned from Register.update:
( form, _ ) =
Registration.update subMsg model.registration
That underscore has the effect of blocking all commands generated from the child update. You will need to retain that child Cmd, map it to the parent Cmd, and return it instead of Cmd.none inside all onRegistration cases. For example:
onRegistration : Registration.Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
onRegistration subMsg model =
( form, subcmd ) =
Registration.update subMsg model.registration
regcmd =
Cmd.map OnRegistration subcmd
case subMsg of
Registration.FirstNameInput _ ->
( { model | registration = form }, regcmd )
Cmd.none is used in tryRegister function, which does nothing. I think you should use Http.send which actually fires the message loop after the http request completes.
The shortest example...,
update msg model =
case msg of
Submit ->
(model, Http.send Response request)
Response ... ->

Elm - Turn Msg into Cmd Msg

I'm trying to modify a simple app from the elm-lang tutorial to first update the model, then trigger another update.
update msg model =
case msg of
MorePlease ->
(model, getRandomGif model.topic)
NewGif (Ok newUrl) ->
( { model | gifUrl = newUrl }, Cmd.none)
NewGif (Err _) ->
(model, Cmd.none)
-- my addition
NewTopic newTopic ->
({ model | topic = newTopic}, MorePlease)
This fails in the compiler because the NewTopic branch:
The 3rd branch has this type:
( { gifUrl : String, topic : String }, Cmd Msg )
But the 4th is:
( { gifUrl : String, topic : String }, Msg )
So my Msg needs to be type Cmd Msg. How can I turn" my Msg into a Cmd Msg?
note: I recognize there is a simpler way to make this change, but I'm trying to understand Elm more fundamentally
There is really no need to turn Msg into a Cmd Msg. Remember that update is just a function, so you can call it recursively.
Your NewTopic case handler can be simplified to this:
NewTopic newTopic ->
update MorePlease { model | topic = newTopic}
If you really truly wanted the Elm Architecture to fire off a Cmd for this scenario, you could do a simple map of Cmd.none to your desired Msg:
NewTopic newTopic ->
({ model | topic = newTopic}, Cmd.map (always MorePlease) Cmd.none)
(not actually recommended)
Add the following function:
run : msg -> Cmd msg
run m =
Task.perform (always m) (Task.succeed ())
Your code would then turn into:
NewTopic newTopic ->
({ model | topic = newTopic}, run MorePlease)