Use vuejs 2 and bootstrap.
i have row with 3 cols.
On mobile view the page gets very long. My idea is put this col in slider so the user can swipe on mobile device.
What is the best approach in this? if then statement ?
best remco
I have a simple Flatlist with 3 columns and now I need to make some of the tiles larger than the others, exactly like Instagram explore page. does Flatlist support this kind of layout?
big tiles on left or right side of the flatlist rows, and two simple rows in between
how can I make it?
Currently as I am using Redux, so react-native-router-flux is a natural choice of Navigation. (I don't mind using another library if it would be easier)
Problem: Imagine an iPad app, when it is vertical, there will be 3 tabs for 3 screens. When it is horizontal, there will only be 2 tabs, and the landing screen will be "split" in the middle to show the first 2 screens.
What I think:
I guess I have to duplicate the Routers -- one for portrait and one for landscape. Duplicate the (responsive) screens (1,2,3) and give them different keys to avoid collision between 2 routers...
Question: Is there a way to minimize duplication? I think there should be one which I create an extra screen, say index-landscape and the number of tabs and the component to be rendered can be controlled programmatically instead of a full duplication of <Router>.
I want to update value in another screen but the onclick is is other. Check the images
This is the screen number 1
This is the screen number 2
I want something like, when I clicked in Rui martins, I go back in page one and update the information with Rui martins data. How can I do it?
I am developing my first React Native + Redux app. In my app I want to develop something similar to the friends requests slider of facebook:
There is a slider (left/right) where you can see the current content in a box and a little bit of the next and preview item. When swiping up or tap the content should be come to "full screen". Swiping left or right is disabled in full screen.
Only the current and maybe the two next and the two previous slides should be loaded but I think thanks to redux this is not a big deal.
Which components should I use for this?
A simple way to approach this might be to use a library like react-native-swiper for the swiping component and then use LayoutAnimation to animate the subview into the full screen view, taking care to remove the name in the header/etc.
I am creating Windows phone app and in this app i need to deal with webview control and custom keyboards. I need to use my custom views as keyboard where there is system keyboard is used which is ok but the problem is how do i achieve the Relative layout. Currently in app i have a grid in the page and with 2 rows and I have set the height of first row to "*" and the second row height to 0. In first row there is webiew and in second row there is keyboard. So when the custom keyboard is up the height of second row is changed from 0 to some value so it appears with keyboard but due to this the height of first row decreases but what i want is that the keyboard should overlap the webview say 6:4 ratio. I want the height of the webview should remain same and the custom keyboard should overlap it.
Thank you!
Canvas control can be used for such requirement that you have.Please follow this link
Happy Coding :)