My Problem
I'm currently using Visual Code Studio, the lastest version. I'm trying to get the intellisense to show up for the methods on the instance created by a factory function. The methods are going to be applied via object composition (so added directly as properties on the object).
so the function that acts as a constructore basically returns:
function makeWrappedObj() {
var obj = { /* random data */ }; // Then add methods to obj
Object.keys(methods).forEach(key => a[key] = methods[key]; );
return obj;
var methods = {
* Yay documentation
* #returns {Object}
method1: function() { return null; }
var instance = makeWrappedObj();
instance.method1( // What documentation to show up here
instance. // and here
Is the basic idea. Here's someone doing something similar. I'll address that in the third possible solution.
Solutions I've tried
1) #class on makeWrappedObj I think only works if you attach methods on to makeWrappedObj.prototype which is not what I'm doing so that doesn't work. Unless I'm misunderstanding something.
2) #namespace solution
/* #namespace ClassName */
/* #returns {ClassName}
function createWrappedObj() {
var obj = { /* random data */ }; // Then add methods to obj
Object.keys(methods).forEach(key => a[key] = methods[key]; );
return obj;
var methods = {
* Currently the soultion I'm using
* #memberof ClassName
* #param {number} a
method1: function (a) {}
var instance = makeWrapperObj();
instance.method1( // Only shows documentation here
So this sort of works. The two problems are that:
methods on instances only get documentation when you type out the full instance.method( and not in the instance. case--not really a big deal
if you have a method name that is the same as an in-built function, eg. toString, instance.toString( will block any documentation you have from showing and show the native toString default documentation instaed.
3) #typedef like the link above.
/** Can be placed anywhere
* #typedef {ClassName}
* #property {function} method1
* dunno how to document arguments with this method
* but it gets the intellisense menu to pop up for "instance." after dot
/* #returns {ClassName} */
function createdWrappedObject() {
var obj = { /* random data */ }; // Then add methods to obj
Object.keys(methods).forEach(key => a[key] = methods[key]; );
return obj;
var methods = {
method1: function (a) {}
var instance = makeWrappedObj();
instance. // Yay
instance.method1( // Doesn't work
Has the benefit of showing up when one types instance. however has a few disadvantages
Do not know how to specify arguments passed to method1. Maybe it's not possible.
#typedef requires all documentations to be specified in its own comment block. So I have to be redundant between specific documentation on the methods and the typedef
loses the docummentation once you write out the entire method up until the open paren. Sort of workable...
Note: I am willing to just assign all the methods manually one by one instead of doing a foreach on all the keys of the methods mixin.
Also I do not know how to specify the parameters for a function passed as a. This should be possible since specifies three arguments for its function call.
The goal is to get documentation when someone imports this as a library with require, or just includes it as a library in browser side script.
I need to build a javascript engine (duktape or jerryscript) for a embedded device which should be capable of executing shell commands. how can this be achieved?
With duktape in C, you can easily create a native ECMAScript function and create a reference to it via the global object:
#include "duktape.h"
int main() {
/* create heap */
duk_context* heap = duk_create_heap(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,
NULL); /* preferably, set an error callback here */
/* push the native function on the stack */
duk_push_c_function(ctx, /* heap context */
&native_js_shell, /* native function pointer */
1); /* accepted arguments */
/* make this javascript function a property of the global object */
duk_put_global_string(ctx, /* heap context*/
"shell"); /* function name in js */
return 0;
/* Your native C function */
duk_ret_t native_js_shell(duk_context* ctx) {
/* obtain the argument from javascript */
const char* cmd = duk_safe_to_string(ctx, /* heap context */
-1); /* position on stack */
/* run the shell command, etc. */
/* ... */
All the explanation for the duk_* functions can be found in the duktape API, but perhaps this gives you an idea of how it's structured.
p.s. Welcome to Stack Overflow! Your question may have been downrated since it pretty much requires someone to write all the code for you. In general, in the future, try to do the research on your own, and ask specific questions as you get stuck. :)
I am doing something pretty ugly but nevertheless there seems to be something what appears to be a bug ..
I have an enum called BasicTypeID which is written in C#:
public enum BasicTypeID
// ..
As I try to assign a value to an array element on position BasicTypeID::VOID like this:
typedef struct TypeInfo {
char * name;
unsigned char size;
unsigned char sign;
unsigned char real;
} TypeInfo;
static const TypeInfo TYPE_VOID = { "void", 0, 0, 0 };
static TypeInfo const **basic_type_info;
CDLLEXPORT void CLIParser_InitializeDebugInformation(char * source_folder_path, char * cdb_file_path)
// ..
int enum_size = Enum::GetNames(BasicTypeID::typeid)->Length;
*basic_type_info = new TypeInfo[enum_size];
basic_type_info[(int)BasicTypeID::VOID] = &TYPE_VOID; // Compile error
VOID *dummy1;
FLOAT dummy2;
// ..
I am receiving the errors:
error C2589: 'void' : illegal token on right side of '::'
error C2059: syntax error : '::'
whereas it is working if I use e.g. FUNCTION as index:
basic_type_info[(int)BasicTypeID::FUNCTION] = &TYPE_VOID; // Compiles without errors
it is also working for FLOAT:
basic_type_info[(int)BasicTypeID::FLOAT] = &TYPE_VOID; // Compiles without errors
Why is this happening?
The Windows headers have a #define VOID void, which messes up your C++/CLI code.
Why did they do this? Because back in the day when the Windows API was first defined, C compiler support for void wasn't uniform. Since the API has to work with these compilers, it supplied its own version in VOID, which is presumably expanded to void if your compiler supports it, or some other type if it doesn't. Then, they can't do anything about it because of backward compatibility.
Why not a typedef? Because apparently the Microsoft compilers at that time didn't consider typedef void VOID; to be legal C (they now do, I believe). And they had to retain the macro for backward compatibility, because while
#define VOID void
int c(VOID){ return 0; }
is legal,
typedef void VOID;
int c(VOID){ return 0; }
is not (in C89, anyway).
Pretty much all the other Windows API types are typedefs and not preprocessor macros, which is why FLOAT works for you but VOID doesn't.
Edit: With enough rewriting, and commenting, I have it running, will post final below for others.
Edit2: I've been more updating my own version, and I've learned the original coder was not very good with C++, you may want to go over everything in there before using it, check out comments below post
The currently available CCScrollView for cocos2d-x suffers from one major flaw: It's messed up.
Specifically, the cpp function headers do not match the .h file's.
The cpp file refers to UIEvent and NSMutableArray, not X-Platform.
The scroll view itself must have an array added, which limits your ability to use a for loop to create your menu items (if creating menu items), since you can't use a mutable one, and they don't subclass each other like iOS so you can't just use a mutable then say CCArray * array = mutable->getMutableArray() or similar.
Also, the defines are outdated (though fixable through adding the CCX_SAFE_DELETE via the translation rules on the cocos2d-x site), and a variety of random templates trying to create NS and UI objects that are not even within the project for I have no clue why.
The basic idea is, aside from the addition of using mutable arrays, this class is way too messed up to bother translating to C++. I don't believe the author compiled the version he has up, as the headers don't match. I thought I downloaded both (there's 2 of each) the cpp and .h files, and both have UIEvent instead of CC along with the other issues.
Note: I have fixed a variety of the above, and changed SelectorProtocol to CCObject in various places, but it's just getting overwhelming.
Perhaps I should use the Parallax node instead?
This is just ridiculous, perhaps it's great for Cocos2d but it's not working on c2d-X. Anyway, I'll be recoding and searching, thanks for any suggestions!
Edit: Here's the classes I'm now using. Not done editing, but these will get anyone started, and compiling on more than just iPhone
// CCScrollLayer.h
// Copyright 2010 DK101
// Copyright 2010 Giv Parvaneh.
// Copyright 2011 Stepan Generalov
// Copyright 2011 Eli Yukelzon
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Original source:
// Last updated: October 1, 2011
#include "cocos2d.h"
namespace cocos2d {
class CCScrollLayer;
class CCScrollLayerDelegate
/** Called when scroll layer begins scrolling.
* Usefull to cancel CCTouchDispatcher standardDelegates.
virtual void scrollLayerScrollingStarted(CCScrollLayer* sender) {}
/** Called at the end of moveToPage:
* Doesn't get called in selectPage:
virtual void scrollLayerScrolledToPageNumber(CCScrollLayer* sender, unsigned int page) {}
It is a very clean and elegant subclass of CCLayer that lets you pass-in an array
of layers and it will then create a smooth scroller.
Complete with the "snapping" effect. You can create screens with anything that can be added to a CCLayer.
class CCScrollLayer : public CCLayer
int currentScreen; //added
int totalScreens;
float scrollWidth;
float scrollHeight;
float startWidth;
float startHeight;
int startSwipe;
static CCScrollLayer* nodeWithLayers(CCArray* layers, int widthOffset);
bool initWithLayers(CCArray* layers, int widthOffset);
/** Updates all pages positions & adds them as children if needed.
* Can be used to update position of pages after screen reshape, or
* for update after dynamic page add/remove.
void updatePages();
/** Adds new page and reorders pages trying to set given number for newly added page.
* If number > pages count - adds new page to the right end of the scroll layer.
* If number <= 0 - adds new page to the left end of the scroll layer.
* #attention Designated addPage method.
void addPage(CCLayer* aPage, unsigned int pageNumber);
/** Adds new page to the right end of the scroll layer. */
void addPage(CCLayer* aPage);
/** Removes page if it's one of scroll layers pages (not children)
* Does nothing if page not found.
void removePage(CCLayer* aPage);
/** Removes page with given number. Doesn nothing if there's no page for such number. */
void removePageWithNumber(unsigned int pageNumber);
/* Moves scrollLayer to page with given number & invokes delegate
* method scrollLayer:scrolledToPageNumber: at the end of CCMoveTo action.
* Does nothing if number >= totalScreens or < 0.
void moveToPage(unsigned int pageNumber);
/* Immedeatly moves scrollLayer to page with given number without running CCMoveTo.
* Does nothing if number >= totalScreens or < 0.
void selectPage(unsigned int pageNumber);
CC_SYNTHESIZE(CCScrollLayerDelegate*, m_pDelegate, Delegate);
/** Calibration property. Minimum moving touch length that is enough
* to cancel menu items and start scrolling a layer.
CC_SYNTHESIZE(CGFloat, m_fMinimumTouchLengthToSlide, MinimumTouchLengthToSlide);
/** Calibration property. Minimum moving touch length that is enough to change
* the page, without snapping back to the previous selected page.
CC_SYNTHESIZE(CGFloat, m_fMinimumTouchLengthToChangePage, MinimumTouchLengthToChangePage);
/** If YES - when starting scrolling CCScrollLayer will claim touches, that are
* already claimed by others targetedTouchDelegates by calling CCTouchDispatcher#touchesCancelled
* Usefull to have ability to scroll with touch above menus in pages.
* If NO - scrolling will start, but no touches will be cancelled.
* Default is YES.
CC_SYNTHESIZE(bool, m_bStealTouches, StealTouches);
/** Whenever show or not white/grey dots under the scroll layer.
* If yes - dots will be rendered in parents transform (rendered after scroller visit).
CC_SYNTHESIZE(bool, m_bShowPagesIndicator, ShowPagesIndicator);
/** Position of dots center in parent coordinates.
* (Default value is screenWidth/2, screenHeight/4)
CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint, m_tPagesIndicatorPosition, PagesIndicatorPosition);
/** Total pages available in scrollLayer. */
unsigned int getTotalScreens() const;
/** Current page number, that is shown. Belongs to the [0, totalScreen] interval. */
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(unsigned int, m_uCurrentScreen, CurrentScreen);
/** Offset, that can be used to let user see next/previous page. */
CC_SYNTHESIZE(CGFloat, m_fPagesWidthOffset, PagesWidthOffset);
/** Offset that can be used to let user see empty space over first or last page. */
CC_SYNTHESIZE(CGFloat, m_fMarginOffset, MarginOffset);
/** Array of pages CCLayer's */
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(CCArray*, m_pLayers, Pages);
// The x coord of initial point the user starts their swipe.
CGFloat m_fStartSwipe;
// Internal state of scrollLayer (scrolling or idle).
int m_iState;
bool m_bStealingTouchInProgress;
// Holds the touch that started the scroll
CCTouch* m_pScrollTouch;
//void visit();
//void moveToPageEnded();
unsigned int pageNumberForPosition(const CCPoint& position);
CCPoint positionForPageWithNumber(unsigned int pageNumber);
void claimTouch(CCTouch* pTouch);
void cancelAndStoleTouch(CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent);
//void registerWithTouchDispatcher();
bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent);
void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent);
void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent);
//void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent);
} //end namespace
// CCScrollLayer.cpp
// Museum
// Created by GParvaneh on 29/12/2010.
// Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.
// Ported to C++ by Lior Tamam on 03/04/2011
#include "CCScrollLayer.h"
using namespace cocos2d;
CCScrollLayer* CCScrollLayer::nodeWithLayers(CCArray* layers, int widthOffset)
CCScrollLayer *pRet = new CCScrollLayer();
if (pRet && pRet->initWithLayers(layers, widthOffset))
return pRet;
return NULL;
bool CCScrollLayer::initWithLayers(CCArray* layers, int widthOffset)
if (CCLayer::init())
// Make sure the layer accepts touches
// Set up the starting variables
// widthOffset = 0;
currentScreen = 1;
// offset added to show preview of next/previous screens
scrollWidth = (int)CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().width - widthOffset;
scrollHeight = (int)CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().height;
startWidth = scrollWidth;
startHeight = scrollHeight;
// Loop through the array and add the screens
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<layers->count(); i++)
CCLayer* l = (CCLayer*)layers->objectAtIndex(i);
// Setup a count of the available screens
totalScreens = layers->count();
return true;
return false;
void CCScrollLayer::setMaximumScrollHeight(float maxHeight)
//Make the offset match expected pixels (include the current screen if at ccp(0,0)
maxHeight -= CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().height;
maximumScrollHeight = maxHeight;
bool CCScrollLayer::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *touch, CCEvent *withEvent)
// CCPoint touchPoint = touch->locationInView();
// touchPoint = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touchPoint);
// startSwipe = (int)touchPoint.y;
return true;
void CCScrollLayer::ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *touch, CCEvent *withEvent)
CCPoint touchPoint = touch->locationInView();
CCPoint prevPoint = touch->previousLocationInView();
touchPoint = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touchPoint);
prevPoint = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(prevPoint);
CCPoint difference = ccp( touchPoint.x - prevPoint.x , touchPoint.y - prevPoint.y);
CCPoint currentPos = this->getPosition();
currentPos = ccp( currentPos.x, currentPos.y+difference.y);
if (currentPos.y > maximumScrollHeight)
currentPos.y = maximumScrollHeight;
else if (currentPos.y < 0)
currentPos.y = 0;
// this->setPositionY(0);
void CCScrollLayer::ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *touch, CCEvent *withEvent)
//CCPoint touchPoint = touch->locationInView();
//touchPoint = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touchPoint);
int newX = (int)touchPoint.x;
if ( (newX - startSwipe) < -scrollWidth / 3 && (currentScreen+1) <= totalScreens )
// this->moveToNextPage();
else if ( (newX - startSwipe) > scrollWidth / 3 && (currentScreen-1) > 0 )
// this->moveToPreviousPage();
// this->moveToPage(currentScreen);
Reviving an old thread to add new information, for anyone who found this through a search engine: CCScrollView is now part of the GUI extension and seems to work fairly well. There should be no more need for the implementations referenced above.
Check out the forums on Cocos2d-x's site for the latest one. They're being reworked right now by the author based on this.
I'm trying to use WTL within an in-process COM server DLL (an IE BHO), but am struggling with _Module.
My DLL needs CMyModule derived from CAtlDllModuleT<>:
class CMyModule : public CAtlDllModuleT< CMyModule >
CMyModule _Module;
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(...)
return _Module.DllMain(dwReason, lpReserved);
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void)
return _Module.DllUnregisterServer();
But this conflicts with most WTL examples, which require something like this within stdafx.h:
extern CAppModule _Module; // WTL version of CComModule
No matter which way I do it, I (unsurprisingly) get compile errors. CMyModule derived from CAppModule borks on _Module.DllUnregisterServer(), etc. CMyModule derived from CAtlDllModuleT<> borks on code like _Module.GetMessageLoop().
Any good references on how WTL is supposed to work within a DLL? Google finds lots of questions, with few answers.
I have a project that uses WTL in a DLL. I looked at how my headers are set up and it looks like I hacked around this same problem...
I have my module set up like your sample code inheriting from CAtlDllModuleT<> except the name of the global module variable is _AtlModule rather than _Module. For example:
class CMyModule : public CAtlDllModuleT< CMyModule >
CMyModule _AtlModule;
So, all of the DllMain.cpp entry points use _AtlModule. Then in the stdafx.h file it looks like this:
// WTL includes
#define _Module (*_pModule)
#include <atlapp.h>
#include <atlctrls.h>
#include <atldlgs.h>
#undef _Module
That _pModule thing is defined in atlbase.h like:
__declspec(selectany) CComModule* _pModule = NULL;
There must be a better way, but this does work.
Have you considered the option of multiple inheritance? Try inheriting from both CAtlDllModule and CAppModule since you need both.
I use WTL in an Office add-in; the following works for me. (At the bottom of stdafx.h)
class DECLSPEC_UUID("XXXX-...") MyLib;
using namespace ATL;
* Application module
class CAddInModule : public CAtlDllModuleT< CAddInModule >
CAddInModule() : m_hInstance(NULL)
HINSTANCE GetResourceInstance()
return m_hInstance;
void SetResourceInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance)
m_hInstance = hInstance;
HINSTANCE m_hInstance;
extern CAddInModule _AtlModule;
And then the DLL main use _AtlModule:
// DLL Entry Point
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
return _AtlModule.DllMain(dwReason, lpReserved);
// Used to determine whether the DLL can be unloaded by OLE
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void)
return _AtlModule.DllCanUnloadNow();
// Returns a class factory to create an object of the requested type
STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv)
return _AtlModule.DllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv);
// DllRegisterServer - Adds entries to the system registry
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void)
// registers object, typelib and all interfaces in typelib
HRESULT hr = _AtlModule.DllRegisterServer();
return hr;
// DllUnregisterServer - Removes entries from the system registry
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void)
HRESULT hr = _AtlModule.DllUnregisterServer();
return hr;