Question mark on file in intelliJ? - intellij-idea

I am working on the selenium test framework and for this, I had to integrate an executable file into my project (chromedriver).
But there is an icon with a question mark on the file in IntelliJ. The file type is not recognized.
I’m on Linux ubuntu, my browser is chrome.
What did I do wrong?

chromedriver is an executable. IntelliJ can't handle this file since it's not a source file, but that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. You don't need to edit this file, just transparently use it.


Can't load the main class/runnable jar JavafX 8 project [duplicate]

i created a Javafx project using JDK 8 and when i tried to export it to a runnable .jar file, i got surprised that it doesn't run using CMD, and gives the following error :
"Javafx compenents are missing"
while it works perfectly during the compiling time(using the IDE) when i accessed the .jar files, i found it has just .class files (that i made), and the needed library files that haven't been exported (i made sure to select the "extract need library files extract required libraries into generated jar" option in Eclipse), is there a reason behind of this? and a way to solve it? thanks in advance
Ps: i tried this using Eclipse and Intellij IDE
I just wanna mention once again that I'm using JDK 8 where it has JavaFX library inside of it.
Did you try this?
There are detailed instructions on how to configure your IDE to run JavaFX with newer OpenJDKs (which do not come with JFX components in it).
It also explains how to create a new JavaFX Maven project from archetype, with all the necessary plugins to easily build your application while including the minimal Java components for it (using jlink).
This will ensure that anybody using your application will have those components.

How to setup Geb 2.0 in IntelliJ (run/debug configurations)?

I'm using Geb 2.0 ( and have downloaded the Gradle sample (
All works just fine on my machine with all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, ChromeHeadless).
I have imported the project in IntelliJ (latest Ultimate edition) and all normal code editing functions are working fine.
What fails is attempting to run a spec. I get an exception with the helpful hint of the path to the driver executable must be set by the system property.
However, I can't figure out what to point it at. I've tried pointing at the selenium-chrome-driver-3.6.0.jar but that results in failure also.
I'm using -Dgeb.env=chrome and
The Gradle example Geb project is set up to generate the appropriately configured IntelliJ project capable fo running the specs from the IDE. Simply run ./gradlew idea and load the project by opening the geb-example-gradle.ipr file in IntelliJ instead of loading the project by importing it's Gradle build the way you do.

How to run ant file in JetBrains WebStorm IDE?

I want to migrate from Eclipse to WebStorm for front end programming. I have done a setup for WebStorm but I couldn't find the way to do:
Ant view - I couldn't find Ant view to run Ant files
File synchronizer - to synchronize the code from Eclipse editor to actual working domain folder, I used to use file synchronizer. For WebStorm - I have found remote file synchronizer plugin but either I am not able to use it or it is meant for something else.
Any help on these would be highly appreciated!!
Also, I used to work on multiple projects simultaneously. Is there any way in WebStorm to use multiple projects in same view (without opening different windows)? If it is not feasible to do these things in WebStorm please guide me to choose good IDE for frontend programming.

How to generate 64-bit version of sikuli JAR?

I am working on developing test automation code in selenium, I want to use 'sikuli' inside my code to handle windows and Flash objects in my web application,
I'm using 64-bit JVM, but there is no 64-bit version of Sikuli available, this is resulting in an error while running the code,
"Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform"
I could not find a 64-bit sikuli Jar on internet, but I found that Sikuli source code is hosted on GitHub, could someone help me understand if I can use that source code and compile it into a jar of 64 bit version?
I'm not sure if this is possible or not.
If you install Sikuli 1.0.1 you have the option to install 6 packages with it as well. I would recommend installing the first 5. Then you will have all the things you are ever going to use.
If you also work on different sytems other then Windows, the 6th packages is also advisable.
I have installed all 6.
Finally got this working, here is what I did,
Download the sikuli set-up Jar from
Save this jar in a folder 'SikuliSetup',now create a sub directory
'Downloads' which will come into picture later.
Run the above Jar, this will generate two files under the above
Now run the 'runSetup.bat' file generated from above setup. This
will start the setup, now select the 4th and 6th option in the
'sikulisetup' pop-up and click on 'setup Now'.
The above step will fail for most people due to default security
If the above step fails then you need to download an offline
version of this jar from this URL
UnZip the above file and copy the '1.0.1-3.jar' file to 'Downloads'
directory created under the 'SikuliSetup' directory previously.
Now run the 'runSetup.bat' file again, this will generate a new
jar file 'sikuli-java' and its dependent libraries under 'lib'
That's it, now copy this jar 'sikuli-java.jar' to your java build
path in eclipse.
Now Java will use this sikuli libraries without any issues.
Once after you setup the jar file under build path, restart the
system and login again.

Configuring PHPUnit on Server in PHPStorm 3.0 using XML configuration file

I would like to run PHPUnit tests on the development server as opposed to my desktop.
Using PHPStorm Run debug configuration I have created new PHPUnit on Server configuration.
However when I try to run it, PHPStorm does not seem to be able to see the XML configuration file. The path to the XML configuration file is on the local desktop, so it makes sense that PHPStorm runner would not be able to find the file on the server. However PHPStorm does not allow me to supply the path on the server.
P.S. I was able to run tests manually on the server and on my local desktop. In this question I am trying to figure out how to run the tests on the server directly from PHPStorm.
P.P.S. Could this be a bug in PHPStorm? if yes, then I'll submit it.
So far this seems to be an issue in PHPStorm. I have filed the issue here: