How to get particular name from logs - sql

I have code where I am getting case details. Now I need to get LogAgent name for the case.
But it is in the activity log table which have the columns CreatedBy, Type and this table has multiple rows (Logs).
Created by has different agent names and type has different values like LogComment.
I need to get first LogComment from the Type column and corresponding created by name.
Could any one please help how to do?
Below is my data and I need to get highlighted row
Sample Data

If you just want the first Comment for a particular user
Select Top 1 *
From YourTable
Where [Type]='Log Comment'
and [CreatedBy] = 'Benn'
Order By yourdatetimecolumn
If you want the 1st Comment for each User
Select Top 1 with ties *
From YourTable
Where [Type]='Log Comment'
Order By row_number() over (partition by CreatedBy order by yourdatetimecolumn)
Just an aside: Best to post sample data and desired results as text.


How to group by one column and limit to rows where another column has the same value for all rows in group?

I have a table like this
CREATE TABLE userinteractions
userid bigint,
dobyr int,
-- lots more fields that are not relevant to the question
My problem is that some of the data is polluted with multiple dobyr values for the same user.
The table is used as the basis for further processing by creating a new table. These cases need to be removed from the pipeline.
I want to be able to create a clean table that contains unique userid and dobyr limited to the cases where there is only one value of dobyr for the userid in userinteractions.
For example I start with data like this:
3,1990 # dobyr values not equal
3,1999 # dobyr values not equal
And I want to select from this to get a table like this:
Is there an elegant, efficient way to get this in a single sql query?
I am using postgres.
EDIT: I do not have permissions to modify the userinteractions table, so I need a SELECT solution, not a DELETE solution.
Clarified requirements: your aim is to generate a new, cleaned-up version of an existing table, and the clean-up means:
If there are many rows with the same userid value but also the same dobyr value, one of them is kept (doesn't matter which one), rest gets discarded.
All rows for a given userid are discarded if it occurs with different dobyr values.
create table userinteractions_clean as
select distinct on (userid,dobyr) *
from userinteractions
where userid in (
select userid
from userinteractions
group by userid
having count(distinct dobyr)=1 )
order by userid,dobyr;
This could also be done with an not in, not exists or exists conditions. Also, select which combination to keep by adding columns at the end of order by.
Updated demo with tests and more rows.
If you don't need the other columns in the table, only something you'll later use as a filter/whitelist, plain userid's from records with (userid,dobyr) pairs matching your criteria are enough, as they already uniquely identify those records:
create table userinteractions_whitelist as
select userid
from userinteractions
group by userid
having count(distinct dobyr)=1
Just use a HAVING clause to assert that all rows in a group must have the same dobyr.
MAX(dobyr) AS dobyr

SQL: Joining two table based on certain description

I have two tables:
And I want to add GTIN from table 2 to table 1 based on brand name. Though I cant use = or like because as you see in highlighted row they are not fully matched.
For example
Second row in table 1, suppose to have first GTIN from table 2 because both are Ziagen 300mg tablet. However all of what I tried failed to match all row correctly.
Postgres has a pg_trgm module described here. Start with a cross join joining both tables and calculate the similarity(t1.brand,t2.brand) function, which returns the real number.
Next filter the results based on some heuristic number. Then narrow down with choosing single best match using row_number() window function.
The results might be not accurate, you could improve it by taking generic similarity into account as well.
with cross_similarity(generic1,brand1,gtin,brand2,generic2,sim) as (
select *, similarity(t1.brand, t2.brand) as sim
from t1,
where similarity(t1.brand, t2.brand) > 0
, max_similarity as (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by gtin order by sim desc) as best_match_rank
from cross_similarity
select * from max_similarity where best_match_rank =1;

Group by question in SQL Server, migration from MySQL

Failed finding a solution to my problem, would love your help.
~~ Post has been edited to have only one question ~~-
Group by one query while selecting multiple columns.
In MySQL you can simply group by whatever you want, and it will still select all of them, so if for example I wanted to select the newest 100 transactions, grouped by Email (only get the last transaction of a single email)
In MySQL I would do that:
SELECT * FROM db.transactionlog
group by Email
order by TransactionLogId desc
LIMIT 100;
In SQL Server its not possible, googling a bit suggested to specify each column that I want to have with an aggregate as a hack, that couldn't cause a mix of values (mixing columns between the grouped rows)?
For example:
MAX(ResultCode) as 'ResultCode',
MAX(Amount) as 'Amount',
MAX(TransactionLogId) as 'TransactionLogId'
FROM [db].[dbo].[transactionlog]
group by Email
order by TransactionLogId desc
TransactionLogId is the primarykey which is identity , ordering by it to achieve the last inserted.
Just want to know that the ResultCode and Amount that I'll get doing such query will be of the last inserted row, and not the highest of the grouped rows or w/e.
Sample data -
Email :
ResultCode : 100
Amount : 27
TransactionLogId : 1
Amount: 10
TransactionLogId: 2
Using the sample data above, my goal is to get the row details of
TransactionLogId = 2.
but what actual happens is that I get a mixed values of the two, as I do get transactionLogId = 2, but the resultcode and amount of the first row.
How do I avoid that?
You should first find out which is the latest transaction log by each email, then join back against the same table to retrieve the full record:
;WITH MaxTransactionByEmail AS
MAX(TransactionLogId) as LatestTransactionLogId
group by
[db].[dbo].[transactionlog] AS T
INNER JOIN MaxTransactionByEmail AS M ON T.TransactionLogId = M.LatestTransactionLogId
You are currently getting mixed results because your aggregate functions like MAX() is considering all rows that correspond to a particular value of Email. So the MAX() value for the Amount column between values 10 and 27 is 27, even if the transaction log id is lower.
Another solution is using a ROW_NUMBER() window function to get a row-ranking by each Email, then just picking the first row:
;WITH TransactionsRanking AS
MostRecentTransactionLogRanking = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
T.Email -- Start a different ranking for each different value of Email
T.TransactionLogId DESC) -- Order the rows by the TransactionLogID descending
[db].[dbo].[transactionlog] AS T
TransactionsRanking AS T
T.MostRecentTransactionLogRanking = 1

SQL count, use only last record

can someone help me about counting rows in sql. I have a table, archive, in which I have bank account and status of that account. One account can have and usually have more records, in my count I have to use last record, not records before. Example:
account status
5552222 A
5552222 B
5552222 A
**5552222 B**
4445896 A
4445896 B
**4445896 A**
I have to use this who are bold. Based on this there is one B(blocked) and one A(active) account. I have column datetime, which can tell me what is last record. I just need query to count that
Assuming you want to count based on the most current row for an account:
SELECT tab.status,
SELECT account, MAX(datetime) AS maxdate
FROM tab
GROUP BY account
) AS dt
ON tab.account = dt.account
AND tab.datetime = dt.maxtime
GROUP BY tab.Status
FROM yourTable
WHERE Status='B'
WHERE AccountName LIKE '%B'
Edit: After OP modified the question to include the table data.
So, the problem is that the same account number can occur multiple times, and you want to count on the basis of last status of the account.
If the account is currently blocked, you would like to count it, irrespective of the number of times it gets blocked earlier.
Assumption: You have a date type column in your table which shows the date when the record's (with new status value) was inserted (or it may be an identity field which keeps track of the order of records created in the table)
The query will be:
( SELECT Max(identityField_or_dateField)
FROM tableName t
WHERE t.acNumber = t2.acNumber AND Status='B')
FROM tableName t2
( SELECT Max(identityField_or_dateField)
FROM tableName t
WHERE t.acNumber = t2.acNumber AND Status='B') IS NOT NULL
) tblAlias
Glad to help! Please remember to accept the answer if you found it helpful.

Need a count query in access but one column only needs unique values

I have a table 'tblBaseResults' setup like this
Column 1 = Name
Column 2 = Activity
The Activity column is supposed to be unique. However there are multiple Name fields. So im not sure how to get the Activity column to unique values and keep just one value from Name.
I would prefer to just keep the values from name that DO NOT have any '?' characters.
The current Count query i have works great. However i need only ONE of the Name fields to carry over with it
SELECT tblBaseResults.Activity, Count(tblBaseResults.Activity) AS CountOfActivity INTO tblCountResults
FROM tblBaseResults
GROUP BY DISTINCT tblBaseResults.Activity;
In Excel if i do a VLookup i get what i need, but want to do it in access.
INSERT INTO tblCountResults (Activity, Name, CountOfActivity)
SELECT Activity, min(Name), Count(tblBaseResults.Activity)
FROM tblBaseResults
WHERE instr(Name, '?') = 0
GROUP BY Activity