Registering all classes that inherit from a particular abstract class in Kotlin - kotlin

I have a singleton object called registry.
I also have an abstract base class, say Operation with an abstract field called name. I expect other people to subclass this abstract class and create classes denoting specific operations. I want to be able to store name -> Subclass mapping in my registry object.
Ideally, people who subclass this will not even know about this registration. But if that is unavoidable, I prefer them to write as little code as possible just next to their class declaration.
What is the best way of doing this?

The issue here is name being abstract.
If name were a constructor parameter, then you could simply put the code in the your abstract class's constructor. Every subclass, sub-subclass,… instance will call that constructor (directly or indirectly), so it would always get called. (That doesn't apply to a few special cases such as deserialisation and cloning, so you might have to handle those explicitly.)
However, your abstract class's constructor will get called before the sub(sub…)class constructor(s), and so the instance won't be fully initialised and its name property might not be available yet.
The options I see are:
Refactor your class so that the name is a constructor parameter (and can't be changed thereafter), and add your code to the constructor. (If that restriction is feasible, then this is the simplest solution, both for you and for implementers of subclasses, who won't need to do anything extra.)
Provide a method that subclasses can call once the name has been set up. (You'll have to make it clear in the documentation that subclasses must call that method; unfortunately, I don't know of any way to enforce it.)
It may be possible to use annotations and compiler plug-ins and/or runtime libraries, similar to frameworks such as Spring. But I don't know the details, and that's likely to take much more work; it may also need your implementers to add plug-ins and/or libraries to their project, so probably isn't worth it unless you're doing a lot of other frameworky stuff too.
In each case, you can get the name value and the concrete subclass (using this::class or, and store them in your registry. (It doesn't look like you're asking about the internals of the registry; I assume you have that side of things covered.)


Reasoning behind open modifier for overriden methods

When overriding a method in Kotlin, the base class defining the method and the method itself must be declared open.
After overriding the method the derived class is final by default, while the overridden method is open by default. From the reference documentation:
A member marked override is itself open, i.e. it may be overridden in subclasses. If you want to prohibit re-overriding, use final.
I wonder why the Kotlin-Team made this design decision instead of making the overridden method final as well, which is the default for the derived class and every non-overriden method. I couldn't find any hint while searching the web?
Does anyone have a link to the reasoning behind this design decision or may motivate it?
It's just much more practical. If the method is open, it means that it's designed to be overridden, and such methods are normally overridden multiple times in a class hierarchy. And marking the derived class as open is much easier than repeating the open modifier for all overridden methods as well.
You could argue that these properties are actually correlating. If the class is explicitly marked as open, all properties and methods which were defined as open are treated the same way in all subclasses. If the subclass is not open, the methods are not overridable, regardless of their own modifiers.
As you might have noticed as well, all modifiers of the original definition are inherited. So you don't have to duplicate that information, only when you want to change the signature, you'll have to define it explicitly.

Kotlin: Interface whereby the implementor must be a data class?

Is there an Interface that I can extend or some other way to create an Interface whereby the implementing class must be a data class? It would be useful to have access to the data class API methods such as copy().
No, copy method have unique number of parameters for every data class, so it's useless to have such interface. If all your data classes have same field - just create and implement common interface.
So I'm going to preface my answer by saying I don't have experience with Kotlin, but I have plenty of Java experience which as I understand it is similar, so unless Kotlin has a feature that helps do what you want that Java doesn't, my answer might still apply.
If I understand correctly, basically what you're trying to do is enforce that whatever class implements your interface X, must also be a subtype of Y.
My first question would be Why would you want to do this? Enforcing that X only be implemented by subtypes of Y is mixing interface and implementation, which the exact opposite of what interfaces are for.
To even enforce this, you would have to have X extend the interface of Y, either implicitly or explicitly. Since in Java (and presumably Kotlin), interfaces cannot extend objects, you have two options:
1) extend the INTERFACE of data, if it exists (which I don't think it does given what I've been reading about data classes. It sounds more like a baked in language feature than just a helpful code object)
2) Add to your interface the exact method signatures of the methods you want out of data classes. BY doing this, you've gained two things: First, you get your convenience methods whenever a data class implements your interface, and second, you still have the flexibility that interfaces are meant to provide, because now even non-data classes can implement your interface if you need them to, they just have to be sure to define the data classes interface methods manually.

OO principle: c#: design to interface and not concrete classes

I have some questions about the affects of using concrete classes and interfaces.
Say some chunk of code (call it chunkCode) uses concrete class A. Would I have to re-compile chunkCode if:
I add some new public methods to A? If so, isn't that a bit stange? After all I still provide the interface chunkCode relies on. (Or do I have to re-compile because chunkCode may never know otherwise that this is true and I haven't omitted some API)
I add some new private methods to A?
I add a new public field to A?
I add a new private field to A?
Factory Design Pattern:
The main code doesn't care what the concrete type of the object is. It relies only on the API. But what would you do if there are few methods which are relevant to only one concrete type? This type implements the interface but adds some more public methods? Would you use some if (A is type1) statements (or the like) the main code?
Thanks for any clarification
1) Compiling is not an activity in OO. It is a detail of specific OO implementations. If you want an answer for a specific implementation (e.g. Java), then you need to clarify.
In general, some would say that adding to an interface is not considered a breaking change, wheras others say you cannot change an interface once it is published, and you have to create a new interface.
Edit: You specified C#, so check out this question regarding breaking changes in .Net. I don't want to do that answer a disservice, so I won't try to replicate it here.
2) People often hack their designs to do this, but it is a sign that you have a poor design.
Good alternatives:
Create a method in your interface that allows you to invoke the custom behavior, but not be required to know what that behavior is.
Create an additional interface (and a new factory) that supports the new methods. The new interface does not have to inherit the old interface, but it can if it makes sense (if an is-a relationship can be expressed between the interfaces).
If your language supports it, use the Abstract Factory pattern, and take advantage of Covariant Return Types in the concrete factory. If you need a specific derived type, accept a concrete factory instead of an abstract one.
Bad alternatives (anti-patterns):
Adding a method to the interface that does nothing in other derived classed.
Throwing an exception in a method that doesn't make sense for your derived class.
Adding query methods to the interface that tell the user if they can call a certain method.
Unless the method name is generic enough that the user wouldn't expect it to do anything (e.g. DoExtraProcessing), then adding a method that is no-op in most derived classes breaks the contract defined by that interface.
E.g.: Someone invoking bird.Fly() would expect it to actually do something. We know that chickens can't fly. So either a Chicken isn't a Bird, or Birds don't Fly.
Adding query methods is a poor work-around for this. E.g. Adding a boolean CanFly() method or property in your interface. So is throwing an exception. Neither of them get around the fact that the type simply isn't substitutable. Check out the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP).
For your first question the answer is NO for all your points. If it would be that way then backward compatibility would not make any sense. You have to recompile chunkCode only if you brake the API, that is remove some functionality that chunkCode is using, changing calling conventions, modifying number of parameters, these sort of things == breaking changes.
For the second I usually, but only if I really have to, use dynamic_cast in those situations.
Note my answer is valid in the context of C++;I just saw the question is language agnostic(kind of tired at this hour; I'll remove the answer if it offenses anybody).
Question 1: Depends on what language you are talking about. Its always safer to recompile both languages though. Mostly because chuckCode does not know what actually exists inside A. Recompiling refreshes its memory. But it should work in Java without recompiling.
Question 2: No. The entire point of writing a Factory is to get rid of if(A is type1). These if statements are terrible from maintenance perspective.
Factory is designed to build objects of similar type. If you are having a situation where you are using this statement then that object is either not a similar type to rest of the classes. If you are sure it is of similar type and have similar interfaces. I would write an extra function in all the concrete base classes and implement it only on this one.
Ideally All these concrete classes should have a common abstract base class or a Interface to define what the API is. Nothing other than what is designed in this Interface should be expected to be called anywhere in the code unless you are writing functions that takes this specific class.

OOP design issue: Polymorphism

I'm trying to solve a design issue using inheritance based polymorphism and dynamic binding. I have an abstract superclass and two subclasses. The superclass contains common behaviour. SubClassA and SubClassB define some different methods:
SubClassA defines a method performTransform(), but SubClassB does not.
So the following example
1 var v:SuperClass;
2 var b:SubClassB = new SubClassB();
3 v = b;
4 v.performTransform();
would cause a compile error on line 4 as performTransform() is not defined in the superclass. We can get it to compile by casting...
(v as SubClassA).performTransform();
however, this will cause a runtime exception to be thrown as v is actually an instance of SubClassB, which also does not define performTransform()
So we can get around that by testing the type of an object before casting it:
if( typeof v == SubClassA)
(cast v to SubClassA).performTransform();
That will ensure that we only call performTransform() on v's that are instances of SubClassA. That's a pretty inelegant solution to my eyes, but at least its safe. I have used interface based polymorphism (interface meaning
a type that can't
be instantiated and defines the API of classes that implement it) in the past, but that also feels clunky. For the above case, if SubClassA and SubClassB implemented ISuperClass
that defined performTransform, then they would both have to implement performTransform(). If SubClassB had no real need for a performTransform() you would have to implement an empty function.
There must be a design pattern out there that addresses the issue.
My immediate comment is that your object modelling is wrong. Why treat SubClassA as a SuperClass (is-a relationship), when I would suggest that it's not.
You could implement a dummy performTransform() that does absolutely nothing in its base instance, and is overridden in SubClassA. But I'm still concerned that on one hand you're treating all these objects (SubClassA, SubClassB) as the same thing, and then wanting to treat them differently depending on their real implementation, rather than the interface they present.
Assuming you are using a strongly-typed language, which your question seems to indicate...
There is no design pattern to work around this, because this is the intended behavior.
In your definition, performTransform belongs only to SubClassA. Thus, to be able to invoke performTransform on an object, the object must be of type SubClassA (or a subtype of SubClassA.
Invoking performTransform on a SuperClass does not make sense because not every instance of SuperClass defines this method.
Downcasting from a SuperClass to a SubClassA should certainly throw an error if the instance is not a SubClassA - this should be obvious.
So, you must either change your definitions such that performTransform belongs to SuperClass (in which case, as you said, every instance of type SuperClass would need to have some implementation for the method, even an empty one) or you must make sure that you are only invoking methods on types that define them.
I'm not so sure it requires a pattern to solve but instead just a small redesign. If it makes sense for anything to call performTransform is should be in the superclass as a virtual method and overridden in the subclasses.
So the superclass defines the flow from an abstract viewpoint and the subclasses implement them appropriately. In your case, the simplest options are to either just leave performTransform empty in the superclass or implement it as an empty method in the subclass that doesn't require it (when you mix this approach with a short comment, you get a more maintainable system IMO).
The closest pattern I can think of for this is the Null Object pattern where this performTransform method is just a dummy function to preserve compatibility but perform no actual task.
Just because you say your bicycle is a car doesn't mean there's a place to put gas in it. The whole point of polymorphism is to let you think of things as the super class - these are all bank accounts, these are all shapes, to use the classic examples - and not get caught up in what they really are. Sometimes the subclasses add capability. In many cases that capability is used in the specific implementations in each subclass. So to use your names, some method Adjust() that is in the signature of SuperClass is implemented (differently) in SubClassA and SubClassB. The SubClassA version calls its own performTransform as part of the process and we all live happily ever after. The minute some code needs to decide whether to call performTransform or not, you're not just thinking of it as a SuperClass any more. That's not necessarily something that needs to be solved, it's just what is.
It Would be better to have the call to performTransform() in a method that only takes type SubClassB as a parameter - at least you wouldn't have to do type checking then.
On saying that, if your having this problem at all it may suggest that inheritance may not be the best solution - composition may be a better way to approach the problem.

Purpose of final and sealed

Why would anyone want to mark a class as final or sealed?
According to Wikipedia, "Sealed classes are primarily used to prevent derivation. They add another level of strictness during compile-time, improve memory usage, and trigger certain optimizations that improve run-time efficiency."
Also, from Patrick Smacchia's blog:
Versioning: When a class is originally sealed, it can change to unsealed in the future without breaking compatibility. (…)
Performance: (…) if the JIT compiler sees a call to a virtual method using a sealed types, the JIT compiler can produce more efficient code by calling the method non-virtually.(…)
Security and Predictability: A class must protect its own state and not allow itself to ever become corrupted. When a class is unsealed, a derived class can access and manipulate the base class’s state if any data fields or methods that internally manipulate fields are accessible and not private.(…)
Those are all pretty good reasons - I actually wasn't aware of the performance benefit implications until I looked it up just now :)
The versioning and security points seem like a huge benefit in terms of code confidence, which is very well justified on any kind of large project. It's no drop-in for unit testing, of course, but it would help.
Because creating a type for inheritance is much harder work than most folks think. It is best to mark all types this way by default as this will prevent others from inheriting from a type that was never intended to be extended.
Whether or not a type should be extended is a decision of the developer who created it, not the developer who comes along later and wants to extend it.
Joshua Bloch in his book Effective Java talks about it. He says "document for inheritance or disallow it".
The point is that class is sort of a contract between author and client. Allowing client to inherit from base class makes this contract much more strict. If you are going to inherit from it, you most likely are going to override some methods, otherwise you can replace inheritance with composition. Which methods are allowed to be overridden, and what you have to do implementing them - should be documented, or your code can lead to unpredictable results. As far as I remember, he shows such example - here is a collection class with methods
public interface Collection<E> extends Iterable<E> {
boolean add(E e);
boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);
There is some implementation, i.e. ArrayList. Now you want to inherit from it and override some methods, so it prints to console a message when element is added. Now, do you need to override both add and addAll, or only add? It depends on how addAll is implemented - does it work with internal state directly (as ArrayList does) or calls add (as AbstractCollection does). Or may be there is addInternal, which is called by both add and addAll. There were no such questions until you decided to inherit from this class. If you just use it - it does not bother you. So the author of the class has to document it, if he wants you to inherit from his class.
And what if he wants to change the implementation in the future? If his class is only used, never inherited from, nothing stops him from changing implementation to more efficient. Now, if you inherited from that class, looked at source and found that addAll calls add, you override only add. Later author changes implementation so addAll no longer calls add - your program is broken, message is not printed when addAll is called. Or you looked at source and found that addAll does not call add, so you override add and addAll. Now author changes implementation, so addAll calls add - your program is broken again, when addAll is called message is printed twice for each element.
So - if you want your class to be inherited from, you need to document how. If you think that you may need to change something in the future that may break some subclasses - you need to think how to avoid it. By letting your clients inherit from your class you expose much more of internal implementation details that you do when you just let them use your class - you expose internal workflow, that is often subject to changes in future versions.
If you expose some details and clients rely on them - you no longer can change them. If it is ok with you, or you documented what can and what can not be overriden - that's fine. Sometimes you just don't want it. Sometimes you just want to say - "just use this class, never inherit from it, because I want a freedom to change internal implementation details".
So basically comment "Because the class doesn't want to have any children and we should respect it's wishes" is correct.
So, someone wants to mark a class as final/sealed, when he thinks that possible implementation details changes are more valuable than inheritance. There are other ways to achieve results similar to inheritance.