Opening URL inside visual basic form -

I would like to open webpage in VB form, however in ToolBox, there is missing WebBrowser. Could someone help me, where is the problem? I am creating project
In list of tools there is nothing with

Are you sure you are using the correct windows forms?
This is what I use

WebBrowser control is not available in .NET5 or later versions. As an alternative, you should use Webview2 control. See : How to use new WebBrowserControl in .Net 5
If your project only target windows, you can use WebBrowser control by creating a .NET Framework project.

Since you cannot use webview in win forms anymore. Please try this code :)
Dim webAddress As String = "" \


Why I'm unable to click using webBrowser control (VB .Net)

I'm building a small browser using VB.Net webBrowser control,
I'm testing my apps using any web-sites, when I try to use this web-site and trying to click on any category (Fashion, Pets, Events,...), I realize that nothing happens. I can't figure it out !!!
so, it's not working.
Please can you help?

Cannot create ActiveX component in inventor api

I using Inventor api programming using is my code for opening a inventor application.
inventorApp = CreateObject("Inventor.Application")
inventorApp.Visible = True
Dim oDoc As Document
oDoc = inventorApp.Documents.Open("F:\inventor\Cube.ipt")
the code is working fine and open the document while debugging in visual studio and working fine .but I trying to host this web app in local IIS and try then the following error is showing.
anybody know what is the problem.
That's most likely a security issue.
If you want to create an ActiveX component, you have to add the permissions using dcomcnfg.exe
Take a look at George's answer:
By the way, I would recommend using the Inventor Apprentice Library. It does most of the things Inventor does but it is much quicker.

Getting the icon representing a process with

I'm making a taskbar for something (I'll be creating similar to the windows taskbar).
I've managed to get all process objects that would be in the taskbar, how can I get the icon too?
Thanks if you can help! I'm using so all .net answers are great!
Does the technique in this answer help?
The VB equivalent would be:
Dim ico As Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(theProcess.MainModule.FileName)

Adding an item to the system context menu

How do you add an item to the system context menu? I would like to let my users be able to right click anywhere and launch this program. I cannot seem to find it documented anywhere either.
Thanks for your help!
I am coding in
What you're looking for is creating a Shell Extension Handler for Windows Explorer.
Unfortunately doing this in a .Net application is a bit of a problem due to the way in which the CLR is loaded for COM plug-in style extensions. Raymond did a great job of exploring this problem here

Create custom chrome for a windows form in using Visual Basic 2008 express

How do you create custom chrome for a windows form in using Visual Basic 2008 express? I want to basically scrap what they give and start fresh, is there any way to do so easily?
I figured it out eventually. In the properties window with the form itself chosen, FormBorderStyle from "Sizable" to "None" will remove all built in chrome, therefore leaving me to go make my own. Resizability and moving may be a bit tough as I will have to code that myself, but this is an easy way to strip the chrome.