Cannot create ActiveX component in inventor api -

I using Inventor api programming using is my code for opening a inventor application.
inventorApp = CreateObject("Inventor.Application")
inventorApp.Visible = True
Dim oDoc As Document
oDoc = inventorApp.Documents.Open("F:\inventor\Cube.ipt")
the code is working fine and open the document while debugging in visual studio and working fine .but I trying to host this web app in local IIS and try then the following error is showing.
anybody know what is the problem.

That's most likely a security issue.
If you want to create an ActiveX component, you have to add the permissions using dcomcnfg.exe
Take a look at George's answer:
By the way, I would recommend using the Inventor Apprentice Library. It does most of the things Inventor does but it is much quicker.


Opening URL inside visual basic form

I would like to open webpage in VB form, however in ToolBox, there is missing WebBrowser. Could someone help me, where is the problem? I am creating project
In list of tools there is nothing with
Are you sure you are using the correct windows forms?
This is what I use
WebBrowser control is not available in .NET5 or later versions. As an alternative, you should use Webview2 control. See : How to use new WebBrowserControl in .Net 5
If your project only target windows, you can use WebBrowser control by creating a .NET Framework project.
Since you cannot use webview in win forms anymore. Please try this code :)
Dim webAddress As String = "" \

Why I'm unable to click using webBrowser control (VB .Net)

I'm building a small browser using VB.Net webBrowser control,
I'm testing my apps using any web-sites, when I try to use this web-site and trying to click on any category (Fashion, Pets, Events,...), I realize that nothing happens. I can't figure it out !!!
so, it's not working.
Please can you help?

How to create a XAML Basic Page item in Visual Studio 2015 Ultimate?

In multiple Windows Store App tutorials i have come across, where Visual Studio 2012 is used, the user is told to delete MainPage.xaml and replace it with a new item called Basic Page.
Since Windows Store Apps is not available in the version I'm using (Visual Studio 2015 Ultimate), when creating a new project, I went with Windows Universal Blank App. The problem is I can't find the Basic Page item in the version I'm using.
Is there an equivalent item I can use instead?
Edit: YouTube tutorial link
I know absolutely nothing about Windows Store Apps and Universal Apps, but was told by my CS teacher that I should use Windows Universal App, when creating the project. The tutorial was his recommendation, and he expects that I finish it during the weekend, so I can't ask him about it. I'm guessing there must be some difference between WSA and WUA. I can't see any item that looks like Basic Page, and I don't really know why the guy is replacing the MainPage.xaml with a Basic Page, so i'm clueless about what to do now.
You should use Blank Page option instead.
Difference between Basic Page and Blank Page
Basic Page- This on addition also adds some boilerplate code related to navigation inside your app along with back button and Appname header in XAML code.
Blank Page- Only adds a default page with basic navigation.
Make sure you have installed app development SDK's, since under C# you are supposed to get Universal option which I am not seeing in your current screenshot.
If you install Windows 8.1 SDK then you might get Basic Page template option. But for windows 10 SDK you can use Template10 add it as nuget package which already contains these navigation related boilerplate codes.

UI Designer not in Solution Explorer and unable to get the tool

First of all, I am developing an application in VB.NET, till yesterday it was all good. I saved the project and closed it, now when i started working on that application, i found that there was no way to open the UI area for the application. I am able to see the code behind it i.e. on dashboard.Designer.vb but not the UI. I am able to see the the application after running it using F5. What would be the possible reason for it, and how i can solve it.
Secondly, i tried to find search a lot for this tool but unable to get any, if somebody can tell me what tool is this or any similar tool, it would be of great help.
I was searching for long and found the answer:-
What we need to do is just add the following code in the blank dashboard.vb file
Public Class dashboard
End Class
And this will get the form back.
The second question was answered by #Code Gray
1. Outlook like sidebar and display in Outlook
2. Outlook navigation bar control for .NET application

How can I include Flash in VB.NET?

I would like to create a .exe wrapper for a Flash Player using VB.NET. I am having a few problems.
1.I seem to remember being able to import Flash Player as a control into Visual Studio (2008 Pro). For some reason, I can't seem to VS to import it anymore. (I tried using the OCX from Visual Studio) Perhaps I'm looking for the wrong file. What file am I looking for?
2.Is including Flash inside of a VB program legal?
3.When a control is included in a VB.NET program (such as Flash) does the control need to be distributed in a separate file, or will the compiled application contain it in the ".exe"?
I was able to import the control as the Flash10b.ocx from c:\Windows\System32\Macromed directory as a COM component. Question 2 and 3 still remain.
Edit 2:
Is there documentation on the ActiveX control? I am trying top figure out the API for ExternalInterface. Any tips on that?
Using flash inside a VB program is perfectly legal, it is just an activeX control.
You will need to distribute the interop library with your application (it will be in your output directory) and the ActiveX object (flash10b.ocx) will need to be installed on the system, it wont package it all up for you.