msaccess form property 'min max buttons' not working - ms-access-2007

All my forms are displaying full screen with only a close form button. I have set form properties:
Min Max Buttons = Both Enabled
Control Box = Yes
Border Style = Sizeable
I've tried a DoCmd.Restore to no effect.
This seems to be a perennial problem with Access but how to solve it?

look under Access Options/Current Database. The Document Windows Option should be set to Overlapping Windows not the default value of Tabbed Documents.


Checkbox with image and autosize

In Word 2012 I have seen the following checkbox:
I am wondering if this checkbox is a .NET control with an image assigned to it (with property "imagealign" being middle right) or if this is a custom solution by MS for their Office GUIs.
I can reproduce the appearance, but I am unable to easily check if the user clicks the checkbox (and wants to change its state) or the info button and wants to show the tooltip.
Also, I have to add some spaces at the end of the checkbox text, else the image is under the text if the checkbox autosize property is set to True.
I would tend to think that the checkbox is a custom solution by MS or perhaps the image is a separate control.
Does anybody know more about this?
I think you are looking for
Checkbox.AutoSize = False
CheckBox.Image = "Your Image"
CheckBox.ImageAlign = MiddleRight
But this way you won't be able to distinguish if the user clicks the checkbox or the info button to show the tooltip.
As far as I know, there is no control available at .NET which allows this behavior, so I suppose they are using separate controls.
I think you'll need to use a PictureBox near the CheckBox and then use CheckBox_CheckedChanged and PictureBox_Click events to do whatever you want on each case.

How to restore the values of Radio Btn or Combo Box for Windows Store apps in Settings Charm.?

I finished the App and need to add Settings in settings charm page. On that One option is to select the difficult mode (Easy, Medium, Hard).
So, I decided to use Combo Box or RadioBtn But. I don't know how to restore the values of that.(When i closed & reopened Again).
In Hands on Lab. will have explanation for Toggle btn oly. Anyone help to give solution for this. . and also comment the link for Learning XAML top to bottom.
Thanks in Advance.. ..
You can use local app data store (local settings) to save the value. When combo box value is selected save the selected item in local settings container.
Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["Difficulty"] = SELECTED_COMBO_BOX_VALUE;
After user has set the value and next time when user opens the setting menu read that value and display in combo box or radio button.
var ComboboxValue = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["Difficulty"]; textbox that won't let me highlight text

I'm working on an upgrade of a VB6 winforms project to VB.Net 2.0. On one form (and only this one form, out of about 25), my text boxes are acting odd.
When a user clicks into (focuses on) a textbox with a value in it, the cursor automatically goes to the beginning (left side) of the textbox and can only be moved with the keyboard arrow keys. I can't re-position the cursor with the mouse, and I can't highlight a section of text with the mouse.
The text box is not readonly and is both visible and enabled. In fact all settings are default as I've dragged out a new textbox and added it to the form and I get the same behavior.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
OK, here is answer:
The startup form was set as an MdiContainer. This form had a split panel container that held another form for Application controls in panel 1 and the working forms in panel 2. When the working forms were loaded into panel 2, they weren't allowed to be top level as there was a .Parent attribute set to the split container panel 2. For some reason, the highlighting of text in a text box is disallowed unless the textbox is on a top level form, and since we couldn't get the working form to top level, we couldn't highlight the text. For reference, check this out.

VB.Net UI is missing

I'm using Visual Studio 2012 to make a Vb.Net application.
In short, I added DotNetBar RibbonControl with some RibbonItems on it as my menu.
What happened is one of my tab is suddenly missing along with all the buttons in it.
I have searched for it on my Document Outline still no luck.
But what even more odd is, when I tried to recreate it with the same name, it shows an Alert "Property value is not valid" with message "The name AppPOButton is already in use by another component".
When I checked it on the form's Designer I do found this lines:
Me.AppPOButton = New DevComponents.DotNetBar.ButtonItem()
Me.AppPOButton.ButtonStyle = DevComponents.DotNetBar.eButtonStyle.ImageAndText
Me.AppPOButton.Image = Global.ProjectBMT.My.Resources.Resources.approval
Me.AppPOButton.ImageFixedSize = New System.Drawing.Size(40, 40)
Me.AppPOButton.ImagePosition = DevComponents.DotNetBar.eImagePosition.Top
Me.AppPOButton.Name = "AppPOButton"
Me.AppPOButton.SubItemsExpandWidth = 14
Me.AppPOButton.Text = "Approve"
Me.AppPOButton.Visible = False
Friend WithEvents AppPOButton As DevComponents.DotNetBar.ButtonItem
Is there anyone can explain why this is happening?
Thank you
This behavior is weird itself, but it's not a problem actually, All the Ribbon style works on "Containers", if you check your ribbon control and click the left-upper button will see these little arrows that move four containers, these objects hold the buttons, images and other controls. Within your design window in the right panel (Properties) you can still see the names of the controls you "lost" when you deleted your tab, wich is also a container.
Add a container within your design view and Dock it into the Ribbon control Form.
Click on the uppper right boton (Right Arrow) and select "Layout Ribbon", this will adjust the lenght and hight of the controls conatained.
Add the tab that will contain all the controls you have.
The fact that they are still in the designer form is the prove that they still exist, This behavior is just a glitch in the position and order of the controls set above your form ;-)

Access Report Size Uncontrollable!

I have a report in Access 2007 that is opened by pressing a button on a form. This button triggers an OpenReport macro, where the report is told to open in Print Preview view, and Dialog window mode.
How can I manually set the size of this window, along with the opening zoom level?
In the properties of the report, both AutoResize and FitToPage have been set to No. However, I have tried other combinations and had no luck.
Any help is much appreciated.
You could always set the windows position and size in the OnOpen event. Use the SetWindowPos function to do this. You can find out how to use it here.
I don't think there is a way to set the zoom level.
This is a two part solution.
First, in order to resize your window you must set the Document Window Options to "Overlapping Windows" located under Access Options then CUrrent Database.
Now you will be able to resize your dialog window.
Once you are done, save the form and verify it's the size you want by opening it.
If you prefer to have a tabbed document rather than overlapping window you can switch back now and it will retain the correct dialog size.
It's a little convoluted but it works.