antd.customize.less trouble with font-family (help please) - less

Hi I have a trouble with changing font-family. I have local font I need to use it. But is doesn't work, what I missing?

It seems you added an additional : after #font-face. You should use it like this:
#font-face {
font-family: 'font-name';
src: url('url');


How to Change background colors on only one page on Squarespace Henson template?

I try everything on this and other forum to do it and not ask people..
But nothing happened! haha
I would like to know if someone here know how to change the background colors on Henson template on Squarespace ? (So also all the texte of the page).
I try this in the CSS section but it didn't worked.
And i try this in the injection code :
#collection-5e827250f835166c09c3dcbe {
Thank you in advance,
hope someone can help me!
The Henson template has a "title-card-overlay" that, if enabled, makes it non-obvious to change the initial background color of a the page.
To change the background color of a specific page, add the following CSS via the CSS Editor/Custom CSS:
#collection-57ae1156e3df28c4ce90ea48 .main-content {
background-color: #000000;
#collection-57ae1156e3df28c4ce90ea48 .title-card-overlay {
background-color: #000000;
Of course, in the above code, change the collection ID 57ae1156e3df28c4ce90ea48 to the ID of the page in question.

My Quill editor Bold Not work?

Other tool working except the bold, When I click bold my text still not get bold? I work on materialize. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.
I fixed the issue with css, the css must be placed after the materializecss
.ql-editor strong{
I needed an ::ng-deep (or /deep/ ) in front of my style to get it working:
::ng-deep .ql-editor strong{
font-weight: bold;
I was facing the same issue.
Use strong { font-weight: bold !important; } in styles.scss and it will solve the problem.

Chartist.js grid color

I would like to change grid color on Chartist.js from default grey. I tried to override ct-grid-color setting, but probably did something incorrectly. Can anyone please suggest how to do it?
Just insert in your CSS.
.ct-grid{ stroke: red;}
grid lines:
.ct-grids line {
color: steelblue;
.. and don't forget the labels! ..
grid labels:
.ct-labels span {
color: steelblue;
The reason why targeting only ".ct-grid" won't work is due to css specificity. Basically the more specific the css, the more important it becomes so ..
.ct-grids line { } > .ct-grids { }
If it's a little confusing, a nifty little tool is Keegan Street's css specificity calculator.

injecting php variables into lessphp 0.3.8

I am trying to inject some php variables into my less css using the method described in the lessphp docs. I can do:
$lc = new lessc;
$lc->setVariables(array("stylesheetURI" => "foo/bar"));
Which ultimately allows me to do:
background-image: url("#{stylesheetURI}/img/logo.jpg");
Which results in:
background-image: url("foo/bar/img/logo.jpg");
Thats all perfect & works like a charm ...
However I'd prefer to add a full URL to my image paths. So I am doing:
$lc = new lessc;
$lc->setVariables(array("stylesheetURI" => ""));
But that results in:
background-image: url("http/img/logo.jpg");
Which is clearly wrong. Has anyone else seen this issue? I've had a dig around in the class but it's a bit of a beast and I haven't managed to locate the problem. I presume its related to the colon - do anyone know how to escape this? I've tried a backslash but that doesn't work.
Thanks all
I try
$less = new lessc;
'rdir'=> '"/resources/default"'
echo $less->compileFile($lessFileName);
im less file I have
background-image: url(#{rdir}/img.jpg);
in output I have:
img {
background-image: url(/resources/default/img.jpg);
when I try
'rdir'=> '""'
I get
img {
background-image: url(;
lessphp v0.3.9
you can try add string variable with quotes '""'

Titles truncated automatically

I am having a strange issue. The titles that I specify in toolbar or in Ext.Msg.alert is automatically truncated and a '...' is appended.
How to get rid of this? I want full titles in Toolbar, message boxes and everywhere else.
It's a bug in Webkit which are reported in sencha's forum that you can refer it here or here:
Use this in your css or .sass file as a solution:
.x-title{padding:0 .3em;}
.x-title .x-innerhtml{padding: 0;}
.x-title .x-innerhtml:after {
display: inline-block;
content: '';
width: 0.3em;
The problem is because of ellipsis property assigned to .x-title by default. You need to change that to to clip property.
Give a cls property to your config.
For example :
cls : 'textFormat',
Then in a css file :
.textFormat .x-title .x-innerhtml{
text-overflow : clip !important;
This code will override the existing code for the particular toolbar.