Syntax for class filter patterns - intellij-idea

I don't understand the syntax of the patterns used in IntelliJ IDEA's menu Run | View Breakpoints... | Catch class filter | Include | Add pattern... and probably many other places in the IDE.
Why does the pattern com.myname.*Tests not match com.myname.mypackage.Tests?
Include pattern
Is com.mypackage.Tests included?
Note that I also unsuccessfully tried:

Unfortunately this is not clear from the UI or documentation:
* in the middle is not supported. Regular expressions here are limited to exact matches and patterns that begin with * or end with *, for example, *.Foo or java.*.


searching in postgres tsvector for something with `-` in does not work

I have a postgres tsvector label field which contains
'hello-world' 'hungry'
now we let the user search for these terms and brings them back for example they can search for explict labels..
Everytime a user tries to search with a - it does not return
does not work:
FROM tbt
WHERE labels ## to_tsquery('hello-world | jobs')
FROM tbt
WHERE labels ## to_tsquery('hungry | jobs')
How can i make - work in the tsquery search as well?
I would like to achieve this in the query and not have to change any data in the tables.
thanks in advance!
explained all in the above
Since you seem to have bypassed the to_tsvector in constructing your tsvector, you should also bypass to_tsquery and generate the tsquery directly. For example, this yields true:
select 'hello-world'::tsvector ## 'hello-world | foo'::tsquery;

group by part of url using regex splunk

I have multiple url's all start with /api/net, I want to group by next couple of strings that are separated by / like
I have below regular expression which parses all url's but I explicitly have to specify required in regular expression .
| rex field=requestPath "(?<volga>.+?(\/abc\/def)|(\/c\/d)|(\/j\/h).+?)"
volga is a named capturing group, I want to do a group by on volga without adding /abc/def, /c/d,/j/h in regular expression so that I would know number of expressions in there instead of hard coding.
There are other expressions I would not know to add, So I want to group by on next 2 words split by / after "net" and do a group by , also ignore rest of the url. Let me know if you did not understand, I could explain more.
If I understand the question correctly, this regex will parse the URL and return the two domains as 'dom1' and 'dom2', respectively. Then you can group/sort on them.
... | rex field=requestPath "\/api\/net\/(?<dom1>[^\/]+)\/(?<dom2>[^\/\?]+)"
| stats values(*) as * by dom1,dom2

Log Analtyics - How to use "inverted commas" within search query

I am trying to create a search query for when a Public IP is assigned to a NIC, and then create an alert off that. I can find the part which identifies the assignment, but I need to use "inverted commas" within my search, but I can't...
My query:
| where OperationName == "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/write" and ActivityStatus == "Started"
| where Properties contains "<>"
Within that "contains", I need to use the following JSON pulled from the properties JSON (which I found doing a search without Properties Contains):
However, I know I can't use "inverted commas" within an already inverted comma area. Is there a way to allow me to put that inside, perhaps with some sort of cancelling or bracketing?
You can use # for escaping - see here:
or, possibly better yet, you can use extractjson (or parsejson) functions
I have found my solution, thanks to the links submitted by #Oleg Ananiev.
| sort by TimeGenerated desc nulls last
| where OperationName == "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/write" and ActivityStatus == "Started"
| where Properties contains '\\"provisioningState\\":\\"Succeeded\\"'
A better way to read to the nested property in JSON format using parse_json. For example if you would like to read to provisioningState property's value, simple do the following query
| where parse_json(Properties).provisioningState == 'Succeeded'
Please let me know if that helps!

Parse SQL with REGEX to find Physical Update

I've spent a bit of time trying to bend regex to my will but its beaten me.
Here's the problem, for the following text...
--to be matched
UPDATE dbo.table
--do not match
UPDATE #temp
I'd like to match the first two updates statements and not match the last two update statements. So far I have the regex...
I've been trying to get the regex to ignore the TOP 10 PERCENT part as its just gets in the way. But I haven't been successful.
Thanks in advance.
I'm using .net 3.5
I assume you're trying to parse real SQL syntax (looks like SQL Server) so I've tried something that is more suitable for that (rather than just detecting the presence of #).
You can try regex like:
It checks for UPDATE followed by optional TOP.*?PERCENT and then by something that is not TOP.*?PERCENT and doesn't start with #. It doesn't check just for the presence of # as this may legitimately appear in other position and not mean a temp table.
As I understand it, you want a regex to interact with SQL code, not actually querying a database?
You can use a negative look ahead to check if the line has #temp:
(?!...) will fail the whole match if what's inside it matches, ^ matches the beginning of the line when combined with the m modifier. (?m) is the inline version of this modifier, as I don't know how/where you plan on using the regex.
See demo here.
#Robin's solution is much better but in case you needed regex with some simplier mechanisms employed I give you this:
sqlconsumer, here's a fully functioning C# .NET program. Does it do what you're looking for?
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Program {
static void Main() {
string s1 = "UPDATE dbo.table";
string s2 = "UPDATE TOP 10 PERCENT dbo.table";
string s3 = "UPDATE #temp";
string s4 = "UPDATE TOP 10 PERCENT #temp";
string pattern = #"UPDATE\s+(?:TOP 10 PERCENT\s+)?dbo\.\w+";
Console.WriteLine(Regex.IsMatch(s1, pattern) );
Console.WriteLine(Regex.IsMatch(s2, pattern));
Console.WriteLine(Regex.IsMatch(s3, pattern));
Console.WriteLine(Regex.IsMatch(s4, pattern));
Console.WriteLine("\nPress Any Key to Exit.");
} // END Main
} // END Program
The Output:

How to turn on REGEXP in SQLite3 and Rails 3.1?

I have the following statement in Rails 3 using an SQLite3 database:
word = 'Hello'
word_entry = Word.where("name REGEXP :word", {:word => "[[:<:]]#{word}[[:>:]]"})
However, when running this under SQLite3, I keep getting:
SQLite3::SQLException: no such function: REGEXP
I read in the SQLite3 documentation that it does indeed support the REGEXP function.
In my gemfile, I have the line
gem 'sqlite3'
And my database config file looks like this:
adapter: sqlite3
database: db/development.sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
Any ideas what's going on?
I ended up finding this solution. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for Rails 3.
So to use regular expressions I ended up switching to MYSQL instead of SQLite3.
I ran into the same issue. I took the code used in the resolution, ported it to work with Rails 3+ and made a gem for easier use. I hope this helps.
From the fine manual:
The REGEXP operator is a special syntax for the regexp() user function. No regexp() user function is defined by default and so use of the REGEXP operator will normally result in an error message. If a application-defined SQL function named "regexp" is added at run-time, that function will be called in order to implement the REGEXP operator.
So the grammar supports REGEXP but the default SQLite library does not provide an implementation for it. You'll have to hook up your own implementation through some C wrangling if you want or need such a thing.
Presumably the rationale is that the SQLite people want to keep SQLite as small and tight as possible but including a whole regular expression library would add weight that most people don't want. Also, they would have to choose a regular expression library and include it with the SQLite source or they'd have to put up with the vagaries of everyone's regular expression support in libc. I'm not one of the SQLite developers so this is pure speculation.
I'm guessing that you'll probably have to make do with LIKE and GLOB. Using LIKE will provide a more portable solution.
You may be intested in the sqlite3-pcre package, which implements REGEXP for SQLite.
See this comment on a similar issue.
I had a similar question, and found a Gem named wherex that is well documented and worked out of the box.
Your expression from above
Word.where("name REGEXP :word", {:word => "[[:<:]]#{word}[[:>:]]"})
would there be
Word.where(:name =>"[[:<:]]#{word}[[:>:]]"))
Works like a charm for me :-)
From source of sqlite3_ar_regexp project, I extract this:
db = database_name )
db.create_function('regexp', 2) do |func, pattern, expression|
func.result = expression.to_s.match(, Regexp::IGNORECASE)) ? 1 : 0
From source of sqlite3_ar_regexp project, I extract this:
db = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection
db.create_function('regexp', 2) do |func, pattern, expression|
func.result = expression.to_s.match(, Regexp::IGNORECASE)) ? 1 : 0
Improved upon a previous answer with ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection so that db name isn't needed