Can you launch the camera app for both photo and video recording? - react-native

I'm currently working on an application. I have a button that says "Take Photo or Video", and when the user presses it, I'd like the default camera on either iOS or Android to open. After which, the user would be able to take a single photo or take a single video before confirming they'd like to send it.
I've been looking and testing through packages like react-native-image-picker and react-native-image-crop-picker but they all seem to have a similar problem. I can choose to open the camera so that it will only take a photo, or open the camera to only take a video. Upon closer inspection of the documentation, these packages do not support both. Does anyone know of any packages/methods that will allow the user to choose between the two. E.G when I open the camera on my Samsung phone, I can tap the capture button to take a photo, or I can hold it down to record a video. I would like that functionality for the user if possible so that I do not need separate "take a photo" and "take a video" buttons in my application.


How to fully disable screen casting, screen mirror, smart view, etc

We are developing a unique streaming app for special content. Due to the content rights and the release window, we can't allow users to screen cast from their phone or tablet to a TV. So, we would appreciate your guidance and support on how we can fully disable casting, mirroring, etc. in Android.
We've tried a few things and are able to disable screenshots and digital recording e.g. loom. When we screen record, the sounds is recorded but the image is black. So, we've been able to successfully disable screenshots and screen recordings. However, we're unable to stop screen mirror, smart view, airplay and casting.

Is it possible to programmatically force an ios ap in split view to go full screen in ios9?

I am developing this app for ipad and ios9 and at some point the user will click on a button to watch a video. But I wouldn't want the user to just see it in the split view size he's currently on (like 1/3rd or 14th) instead I would like the app to close the other open app and for it to take over the entire screen.
Does anyone know if that's possible? Thanks.
By-default, the video always get played in full-screen mode. When video playing is finished, the player gets dismissed and you will see your screen (from where you played the video). In your case, in split view controller.
Do let me know if you need further details.

Is it possible to take a photo using Google Glass without "tap to accept"?

I'm following the code here to capture an image with the Google Glass camera.
Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
Everything is working fine, except that the camera activity requires the user to "tap to accept". Is it possible to just take the photo after a second or so?
This is how the built-in camera app works, I just say "ok glass, take a picture" and it takes a picture without requiring any additional confirmation. The camera in my app is already being activated by the user with other voice/taps in the interface so this second confirmation tap is undesirable.
Instead of opening the Google Glass camera app, you could take the picture yourself:
This is even mentioned in the GDK reference:
Building your own logic with the Android Camera API. Follow these guidelines if you are using this method:
Take a picture on a camera button click and a video on a long click, just like Glass does.
Indicate to the user whether a picture was taken or a video was recorded.
Keep the screen on during capture.
You can use Cuxtom Cam library to perform that task that you want.

Open the iPhone camera?

We need to open the iPhone camera, to take images that will be saved to the camera roll.
I have read many examples here that all of them opens the UIImagePickerView.
Besides the fact that i cant understand why i have to open the picker view in order to open the camera , i just can't do that- i dont want the picker view, because i have my costumed photo album that we build, and we just need to have a little button in it, that opens the camera to take an image . without opening any other views above it .
Is that possible to use the camera without this pickerview that will cover my scene ?
or can i lead the user to the camera app and than take him back to my app ?
Instead of high level (i.e. Apple supplies the UI element) classes, you have to go to a more foundational (lower) level of API's, which would be AVCaptureDevice and AVCaptureDeviceInput.
And Apple has some nice source code available in their AVCam project.
If you want to display camera stream in you app without UIImagePickerController than you should you AVFoundation framework.
Here some some examples and tutorials:
take-photos-with AVFoundation
Custom camera
Displaying camera

Turning Google Earth plugin animation into a video

I've created an animation which runs inside of the Google Earth plugin (browser) and I'd like to somehow encode this animation into a video format that I can upload to YouTube or a related video site. Are there any tools out there to help me do this?
**EDIT: more detail
This animation changes depending on user input. So it needs to be scalable. The user would click a button: download video after which a server would convert the animation.
You can use FRAPS to record a video of the animation running on your machine.