Draw bell curve in jetpack compose - android-canvas

I need help to create the following composable
All I know is that the shape is a bell curve but I dont know how to achive this using canvas.
Thanks in advance

When I first answered this 2 months ago, I had no idea I would eventually need to do this exact thing. My suggestion at that time was to use the normal equation to plot points. This is what that looks like. I'm hardcoding floats and dp because it would be easier for people to tailor low-level logic than it would to rewrite high-level logic to their use case.
First off, the probability density function for a normal distribution is $\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-.5(frac{x-\mu}{sigma})^{2}}$.
Because we only want a graphic and don't need actual probabilities, I'm just going to throw away the $\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}$. The reason for this is that changing sigma is the easiest way to adjust the width of the central peak of the bell curve (66% of cases fall between -sigma and sigma). So by throwing away the $\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}$, we can freely play with the width of the curve while retaining a fixed height.
To my taste, 4 standard deviations to the left and to the right is a good range for a bell curve, since it captures like 99.99% of cases and doesn't waste too much screen width. If that's what you want, set sigma=width/4. For 5 standard deviations, use sigma=width/5, and so forth.
So altogether, a minimal demo of the concept looks like this:
fun BellCurveDemo(){
fun normalValueY(mu:Float,sigma:Float,x:Float):Float{
return (Math.pow(2.718,-.5*Math.pow(((x-mu).toDouble()/sigma.toDouble()),2.0))).toFloat()
val height=200f
val width=400f
val heightdp= with(LocalDensity.current){height.toDp()}
val widthdp=with(LocalDensity.current){width.toDp()}
val path= Path()
for (i in 1 .. 20){
drawPath(path,color=Color.Blue,style= Stroke(3f,pathEffect= PathEffect.cornerPathEffect(1f)))


How to do polynomial transformations programmatically?

Suppose i have bunches of the below n=36 polynomials/data:
They are all quite similar but with sightly different roof and amplitude, what is the best approach for me to code a sequence of coefficients/changes so that i can use this sequence to transform one polynomial to another one, say: the blue one + a change sequence -> the green one?
I had tried to use gaussian curve to fit the data, but unfortunately the results were very poor, so i have to use polynomials;
Currently the data are fitted by numpy.polyfit(x, y, 35)
The intention is to find a way to generically describe the transformation between two polys, so i can use it to transform the future polys, say: in future i get a totally new poly like above, i can use this transformation code to transform it in a specific manner: increase/decrease the roof/amplitude, by specific manner i mean, note in the graph, the y changes around the roof x is always bigger, along +x / -x the changes are descending in a way, quite like gaussian curve, but unfortunately cannot use gaussian curve to express the data

Multiple axis scale in Lets plot Kotlin

I'm learning some data science related topics and oh boy, this is a jungle of different libraries for everything 😅
Because of things, I went with Lets-plot, which has a nice Kotlin API that I'm using combined with Kotlin kernel for Jupyter notebooks
Overall, things are going pretty good. Most tutorials & docs I see online use different libraries for plotting (e.g. Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotly) so most of the time I have to do some reading of the Lets-Plot-Kotlin reference and try/error until I find the equivalent code for my graphs
Currently, I'm trying to graph the distribution of differences between two values. Overall, this looks pretty good. I can just do something like
+ geomHistogram { x = "some-column" }
which gives a nice graph
It would be interesting to see the density estimator as well, geomDensity to the rescue!
+ geomDensity(color = "red") { x = "some-column" }
Nice! Now let's watch them both together
+ geomDensity(color = "red") { x = "some-column" }
+ geomHistogram() { x = "some-column" }
As you can see, there's a small red line in the bottom (the geomDensity!). Problem here (I would say) is that both layers are using the same Y scale. Histogram is working with 0-20 values and density with 0-0.02 so when plotted together it's just a line at the bottom
Is there any way to add several layers in the same plot that use their own scale? I've read some blogposts that claim that you should not go for it (seems to be pretty much accepted by the community.
My target is to achieve something similar to what you can do with Seaborn by doing
(yes I know I took the lets plot screenshot without the bins configured. Not relevant, I'd say ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )
Maybe I'm just approaching the problem with a mindset I should not? As mentioned, I'm still learning so every alternative will be highly welcomed 😃
Just, please, don't go with the "Switch to Python". I'm exploring and I'd prefer to go one topic at a time
In order for histogram and density layers to share the same y-scale you need to map variable "..density.." to aesthetic "y" in the histogram layer (by default histogram maps "..count.." to "y").
You will find an example of it in cell [4] in this notebook: https://nbviewer.org/github/JetBrains/lets-plot-kotlin/blob/master/docs/examples/jupyter-notebooks/distributions.ipynb
BWT, many of the pages in Lets-Plot Kotlin API Reference are equipped with links on demo-notebooks, in "Examples" section: geomHistogram().
And of course you can find a lot of info online on the R ggplot2 package which is largely applicable to Lets-Plot as well. For example: Histogram with kernel density estimation.
Finally :) , calling show() is not necessary - Jupyter Kotlin kernel will render plot automatically if plot expression is the last one in the cell which is often the case.

Moving player on Y axis in Godot 2D

I'm new to Godot.
I'm trying to make my player move vertically just like when it's moving horizontally.
I've tried a couple of thoughts, but unfortunately, I couldn't move him the I want him to move.
I want to code my vertical movement in a similar way to my following horizontal movement code if possible:
var direction: = Vector2(
Input.get_action_strength("move_right") - Input.get_action_strength("move_left"), 0.0
velocity = speed * direction
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
And if it's not possible, how can I code it?
Once upon a time there were vectors. I'm not in the mood to make yet another Introduction to Vector Algebra or to explain How to Work With Arbitrarily Oriented Vectors. Perhaps you might be interested in Math for Game Devs.
In this case, what you need to know is that 2D Vectors have an horizontal an a vertical component (usually called x and y respectively). And you are leaving your vertical component at zero, here:
var direction: = Vector2(
Input.get_action_strength("move_right") - Input.get_action_strength("move_left"), 0.0
So… Er… Don't do that. You say you want it to be like the horizontal, so something like this:
var direction: = Vector2(
Input.get_action_strength("move_right") - Input.get_action_strength("move_left"),
Input.get_action_strength("move_down") - Input.get_action_strength("move_up")
In computer graphics the vertical component in 2D often goes downwards, due to historical reasons. There are different conventions for 3D, but that is not the issue at hand, pun intended.
The other lines you have already work with arbitrary vectors. You don't need to change them, nor repeat them.

Simplest way to transform a CGAL::Surface_mesh

I have a CGAL::Surface_mesh myMesh, I want to:
Translate myMesh, such that the centroid is its new origin
Rotate myMesh, such that the principal axis is X-axis
then Scale myMesh
I know, that I can use Surface_mesh_deformation, but that seems to be in-efficient when I want to do rigid transformation.
We have recently merge this PR that is doing exactly what you want. It will be part of CGAL 4.13. In the mean time you can call CGAL::Aff_transformation_3 on each point in the mesh like:
CGAL::Aff_transformation_3<K> aff(XXXXX);
for(Surface_mesh::Vertex_index v : myMesh.vertices())

Optimized containing of same-size squares in rectangles

Suppose that we have several squares of the same size. We want to draw n rectangles (red and yellow rectangles here) to contain these squares.
The goal is to have the least wasted space possible.
In the example below, n = 2 and the solution on the right is preferred because it results in only one wasted space.
Are there any known algorithms already in place to solve these kind of problems?
The arrangement of the squares is arbitrary and they are always above the X axis!
To make the question easier, let's assume that the so called container rectangles are on top of each other! (Red and yellow rectangles here)
A little more complicated case:
let's assume two rectangles are used for this one too. As it can be seen, the 3rd solution results in the least wasted space.
This question is almost identical to a hiring puzzle that ITA Software posed, called "Strawberry Fields" (scroll down for Strawberry Fields; change the greenhouse cost from 10 to 0). I can confirm that integer programming, specifically branch and price where the high-level decisions are whether to put two squares in the same rectangle, works very, very well for this problem. Here's my custom solver, written in C. You'll need to change the greenhouse cost in strawberry_fields.h from 10 to 0.
This type of rectangle cover is hard (NP-hard actually, you can use it to solve the Rectangle Cover Problem), but you can solve this with integer linear programming, as follows:
minimize sum[i] take[i] * area[i]
sum[i] take[i] == n
for every filled cell x,y:
sum[rectangle i covers x,y] take[i] == 1
take[i] in { 0, 1 }
Where the lists of rectangles contains only "reasonable" rectangles that you might need. ie only rectangles that cannot be made smaller without uncovering some filled cell, and you can skip certain "interior rectangles" that you can tell can never be part of a solution because they would leave a shape that's harder to cover. Generating those rectangles is a fun exercise in its own right, but generating too many isn't a big problem, just slower. In the solution, any take[i] that is 1 corresponds to a rectangle that you take.
You can throw this into any available solver, such as GLPK (free) or Gurobi (commercial and academic licenses available).
This should generally be faster than brute force, because the linear relaxation (same model as above, but the last constraint converted to 0 <= take[i] <= 1) can be used to guide the search, and various plane cutting tricks can be applied.
More advanced tricks can be found in this paper, such as tricks that use the fractional solution from the linear relaxation.