BigQuery clustering : hit clustering with multiple keys - google-bigquery

We have a table which is partitioned on time (512Mbyte / partition) and it has also a cluster key on customer_id and time.
Up to now we had these queries, which are working well:
SELECT column FROM TABLE WHERE customer_id = 'key' and time > '2021-11-10'
SELECT column FROM TABLE WHERE customer_id IN ('key1', 'key2') and time > '2021-11-10'
Today we are trying these queries:
SELECT column FROM TABLE WHERE customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM customers) AND time > '2021-11-10'
We see that this query not uses the clustering, resulting in getting a lot more data out of BigQuery. Then i found this article, explaining that complex filtering does not work with clustering
Is there a solution to define a list of id's outside the query and inject it into the query? (because now we need to generate the list of id into code).
Thx in Advance,

Concluding the discussion from the comments:
Partitioning and Clustering are used to improve query performance and control costs of querying heavy data.
Partition helps segment the data into partitions and clustering organises the data based on specified columns ie. clustered columns.
As mentioned in this documentation, in order for clustering to work efficiently, your table/partition should be greater than or approximately 1GB.
In your case if you're trying clustering on 512MB of data, there won't be any significant difference in query performance. You should prefer clustering over partitioning if partitioning results in a small amount of data per partition(approximately less than 1GB).
Refer to this documentation for more information.


BigQuery: cost of querying tables partitioned by ingestion time vs date/timestamp partitioned

We are trying to build (or better say rebuild) our DWH in the cloud based on BigQuery. We decided to use 'partitioned by date field' tables (like a 'created_date' field) for our raw data instead of ingestion time partitions because with this feature we can load data easely and then query it with "group by" partition date column, build datamarts bla bla bla. We supposed that this partition method will increase queries speed and reduce it cost (versus non-partitioned tables - yes), BUT we've discovered than when you querying table with WHERE by partition field (like 'select count(*) from table where created_date=current_date'), it will cost money.
Our old-style ingestion time partitioned table queries with WHERE _PARTITIONTIME ='' were FREE! (like 'select count(*) from table where _PARTITIONTIME=current_date')
For example:
1) select value1 from table1 where _PARTITIONTIME = current_date
2) select value1 from table1 where created_date = current_date
3) select count(*) from table1 where _PARTITIONTIME = current_date
The second query costs more, because it will scan 2 columns. Its logical. But not fair((( The 3rd query is absolutely free btw!
This is very sad situation, because there is NO ANY WARNING about this 'side effect' in the documentation. This feature designed to make DB developers life easier (i guess), and it positioned as best practice feature and highly recommended by Google. But nobody said that it will cost you additional money also!
So the question is can we somehow query date-field partitioned tables using partition key for free? Is there any other pseudocolumn or method of filtering by partition key available if you use date/timestamp field based partitioning?
(ps: you guys from google must add some pseudocolumn for the date/timestamp partition method if it does not exist).
So the question is can we somehow query date-field partitioned tables
using partition key for free?
The answer is No, querying the partition will not be free.
Is there any other pseudocolumn or method of filtering by partition
key available if you use date/timestamp field based partitioning?
If you want partitioning by date, this can only be achieved using ingestion-time partitioning with the _PARTITIONTIME pseudocolumn or using dates value in a selected date/timestamp value columns. Currently there is no alternative option available. Keep in mind that one of the main goals of partitioning is reducing the amount of data being scanned mainly by reducing the number of rows that are scanned.
You guys from google must add some pseudocolumn for the date/timestamp partition method if it does not exist
I understand that you would like to have some pseudocolumn for the data column partitioned method, but could you please elaborate a bit more what values you would like to see in this partition in your original post?
Edit: A feature request has been opened on your behalf. You can follow it here

Need suggestion on splitting table in bigquery based on non-date column along with date partition

We are having a date partitioned table with 5 yrs(with daily incremental load) data running into millions & millions of records. To improve the performance, thinking of splitting the table based on a non-date field(id) as all the queries will include a where clause on that column(id). And also partition each of split tables with date partition so that we can query on a smaller dataset with a date range. we will not be using wildcarded table as we will know the id and planning to append that to the table and run a query against that specific table. Need to know whether that would be good option to pursue to improve performance and reduce the query cost.
[Update]: We went ahead and split the tables based on id column(tablename_id) and made the table date partitioned and clustered with 4 other columns(max supported) which are commonly used in queries. With that we were able to get a better performance and also reduced the data accessed for each query. Based on the testing looks like it is a good option to puruse as long as wildcarded querying of tables is avoided and till Bigquery supports partitioning based on non-date/non-datetime columns.
We split the tables based on the id columns creating multiple tables. Each of the split tables are partition on date column. Apart from that we had it as clustered table on 4 other columns as needed. Find below the performance on a sample dataset. Old Table(UserInfo) has more than 500,000 rows. The stats we captured is for a given date range and id, the performance of old table(non split/combined table) and split table(split based on the ID) in terms of amount of data processed and the time taken for the same query.
This is not possible. BigQuery doesn't support partitioned on non-date columns.
There's a feature request for it. I suggest subscribing to it to keep receiving information regarding its availability.

BigQuery Cluster field usage/value not clear

I created a table with a cluster filed but I don't see any saving or any performance improvement, this is what I have done:
I created a destination table with 3 columns: projectId, tableId and schema
using this SQL:
SELECT projectId, tableId, schema
FROM `project.dataset.tables`
WHERE _partitionTime >= '2018-12-27 00:00:00'
Partition Field: Default partitionTime
Cluster Field: projectId, tableId
The original cost of this sql is: $2.82
Now When selecting from the new table I expect
To get lower cost
To get better performance
I'm using this SQL
SELECT * FROM `project.table.testCluster`
WHERE projectId = 'xxx' and tableId = 'yyy'
From my benchmark and from BigQuery console execution report I see neither
Any ideas why?
BigQuery sorts the data in a clustered table based on the values in the clustering columns and organizes them into blocks. When you submit a query that contains a filter on a clustered column, BigQuery uses the clustering information to efficiently determine whether a block contains any data relevant to the query.
This allows BigQuery to only scan the relevant blocks — a process referred to as block pruning.
One small catch here. BigQuery provides an estimate for how much data each query will query before running the query. Without clustering, said estimate is exact. With clustering the estimate is an upper bound, and the query might end up querying less or may remain the same. It depends on the structure of the clustered column. The higher the unique values in the clustered column, lower the optimization.

Google BigQuery clustered table not reducing query size when running query with WHERE clause on clustered field

I have a Google BigQuery table of 500,000 rows that I have setup to be partitioned by a TIMESTAMP field called Date and clustered by a STRING field called EventCategory (this is just a sample of a table that is over 500 million rows).
I have a duplicate of the table that is not partitioned and not clustered.
I run the following query on both tables:
EventCategory = "email"
There are only 2400 rows where EventCategory is "email". When I run the query on the non clustered table I get the following:
When I run the query on the clustered table I get the following:
Here is the schema of both the non clustered and the clustered table:
There is basically no difference between the two queries and how much data they look through and I can't seem to figure out why? I have confirmed that the clustered table is partitioned and clustered because in the BigQuery UI in table details it actually says so and running a query by filtering by Date greatly reduces the size of the data searched and shows the estimated query size to be much smaller.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
If I change the query to:
EventCategory = "ad"
I get the following result:
There are 53640 rows with EventCategory is "ad" and it looks like clustering did result in less table data being scanned, albeit not much less (529.2MB compared to 586MB).
So it looks like clustering is working but the data is not clustered properly in the table? How would I fix that? I have tried re-creating the table multiple times using DDL and even saving the table data to a JSON in GCS and then importing it into a new partitioned and clustered table but it hasn't changed anything.
Does the date partitioning sit on top of the clustering? Meaning that BigQuery first groups by date and then groups by cluster within those date groups? If so, I think that would probably explain it but it would render clustering not very useful.
If you have less than 100MB of data per day, clustering won't do much for you - you'll probably get one <=100MB cluster of data for each day.
You haven't mentioned how many days of data you have (# of partitions, as Mikhail asked), but since the total data scanned is 500MB, I'll guess that you have at least 5 days of data, and less than 100MB per day.
Hence the results you are getting seem to be the expected results.
See an example of this at work here:
How can I improve the amount of data queried with a partitioned+clustered table?
The reason clustering wasn't helping very much was specific to the table data. The table was event based data that was partitioned by day and then clustered by EventCategory (data is clustered on each day's partition). Since every day would have a large amount of rows for each EventCategory type, querying the entire table for a specific EventCategory would still have to search every single partition, which would then almost definitely have some data with that EventCategory meaning almost every cluster would have to be searched too.
The data are partitioned by day and inside that they are clustered,
the clustering works best when you load whole partitions (days) at once or export the partition (day) to Google Storage (which should be free) and import it again to another table, when we tried loading something like 4GB JSONS the difference was something like 60/10.

Ad hoc queries against high cardinality columns

How to improve the performance of ad hoc queries against tables having hundreds of high cardinality columns and millions of records?
In my case, I have a table with one indexed DATE column SDATE, one VARCHAR2 column NE and 750 numeric columns most of them high cardinality columns with values in the range of 0 to 100. The table is updated with almost 20000 new records every hour. The queries against this table look like:
So far, I have always advised users not to enter big interval dates so as to put a limit on the number of records resulted from the date index access path; however, from time to time it becomes necessary to specify bigger intervals.
If V1, V2, ..., V750 were all low cardinality columns, I would have been able to utilize bitmap indexes. Unfortunately they are not.
What's the advice on this? How should I tackle this problem?
I assume you're stuck with the design, so a few thoughts that I'd probably look at -
1) use partitions - if you have partitioning option
2) use some triggers to denormalise (or normalise in this case) a query table which is more optimised for the query usage
3) make some snapshots
4) look at having a current table or set of tables which has the days records (or some suitable subset), and roll them over to a big table to store hsitory.
It depends on usage patterns and all the other constraints the system has - this may get you started, if you have more details a better solution is probably out there.
I think the big problem would be the inserts. You have an index on sdate wich slow the inserts and speed up the selects. But, returning to your problems:
If users specify an interval wich is large (let's say >5%) it is beter to have the table partitioned by sdate in a daily or weekly or monthly manner.
Oracle partitioning docs
(If you partition the table, don't forget to partition also the index. And if you want to do it live, use exchange partition ).
Also, as workaround, if you have a powerfull machine, you may use parallel queries.
Oracle Parallel docs